13 Mai 2024, 04:33:19 *

Autentifică-te cu numele de utilizator, parola şi precizează durata sesiunii.
  Pagina principală Ajutor   Caută   Calendar Membri Autentificare Creează un cont  
Pagini: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 9
Titlul Relevanţa Creat de Data mesajului
Ajutooor de către Maria Pirlogea
45.9% Maria Pirlogea 12 Noiembrie 2017, 20:50:43
Youth Education & Development Advancement
45.8% Brigitte27 22 Octombrie 2013, 16:48:17
Trans Continental Cooperation in Africa
...  years away from the deadline set by the United Nations Millennium Declaration, the  ...
...  politics, the diplomatic community and civil society from across the  ...
...  and leaders of the international community worldwide.

Certificate of Attendance
45.8% Brigitte27 22 Octombrie 2013, 16:50:43
The Seychelles African Economics Congress 2014
45.8% Brigitte27 22 Octombrie 2013, 16:51:46
Geniu de Stiinta Roman - Realizarea Imposibilului
45.8% OvidiuAnghelidi 22 Octombrie 2013, 20:42:51
The Washington, D.C. Summit on Cross-Continental Cooperation 2013
...  urgent need for the International Community to take action to enhance cross- ...
...  bringing the international community closer to secure more prosperous  ...
...  and leaders of the international community following the summit.

Certificate of  ...
45.7% Brigitte27 18 Octombrie 2013, 10:53:56
The ICD Annual Conference on Cultural Diplomacy 2013
...  bringing the international community closer to secure more prosperous  ...
...  politics, the diplomatic community and civil society from across the  ...
...  and leaders of the international community worldwide.

Certificate of Attendance
...  of the conference will have the opportunity to visit the famous Berlin Christmas  ...
...  and leaders of the international community following the summit.

Certificate of  ...
45.7% Brigitte27 18 Octombrie 2013, 10:58:33
45.2% CatalinaM 20 August 2013, 15:55:19
The Cultural Diplomacy in Europe Conference: A Forum for Young Leaders (CDE)
...  program, CDE offers a unique opportunity to come together and foster wider,  ...
45% Brigitte27 05 Iulie 2013, 10:51:50
Bancuri de la vechii greci
în Umor

45% Lucian Velea 26 Iulie 2008, 18:39:40
Poetul Friedrich Schiller, somat să-şi plătească abonamentul Tv
45% Lucian Velea 03 Octombrie 2008, 10:47:27
MA Program in International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy
45% Brigitte27 31 Ianuarie 2012, 13:09:55
The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in the EU
45% Brigitte27 12 Iunie 2013, 11:29:33
MA International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy
45% Brigitte27 04 August 2011, 14:47:56
The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy 2011
...  politics, academia, the diplomatic community, civil society and the private sector,  ...
45% Brigitte27 14 Martie 2011, 17:10:25
Timp de basm la Cărtureşti
45% Lucian Velea 09 Octombrie 2008, 18:49:35
Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in Latin America
45% Brigitte27 12 Iunie 2013, 11:32:56
The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in the UK
45% Brigitte27 12 Iunie 2013, 11:32:01
Cum au aparut elefantii
45% vanghelis007 30 Mai 2012, 06:16:50
Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in Latin America
45% Brigitte27 05 Iulie 2013, 10:43:15
Interviu cu Woody Allen
în Vedete

45% Lucian Velea 24 Ianuarie 2009, 12:48:09
The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies (CCDS)
...  diplomacy, offering educational opportunities ranging from week-long seminars for  ...
... .

CCDS offers the following opportunities:

• PHD Program in Cultural  ...
45% Mark Donfried 02 Aprilie 2012, 12:56:48
Trenul vietii
Trenul vietii de către S
45% S 28 Decembrie 2008, 01:03:11
Uniunea mistica: Iubire, extaz si experiente mistice
45% S 26 Decembrie 2008, 13:51:27
Concurs de literatura pentru tineret
45% Poe-tu 02 Octombrie 2008, 17:44:29
Antrenamente pentru actorii profesionişti
...  Pavel.

TFF oferă actorilor oportunitatea unui antrenament în echipă,  ...
45% Lucian Velea 30 Septembrie 2008, 19:24:28
Următoarele 5000 de zile pe web
45% Lucian Velea 13 Septembrie 2008, 12:14:14
Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in Italy
... , National Committee for the National Unity Celebrations
45% Brigitte27 14 Mai 2013, 14:11:35
The Art as Cultural Diplomacy Conference: A Forum for Young Leaders (ACD)
...  program, ACD offers a unique opportunity to come together and foster wider,  ...
...  affairs, the diplomatic community, and civil society from across the  ...
45% Brigitte27 12 Iunie 2013, 11:31:22
The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies
...  diplomacy, offering educational opportunities ranging from week-long seminars for  ...
... .

CCDS offers the following opportunities:

• PHD Program in Cultural  ...
45% Brigitte27 09 Mai 2012, 14:20:59
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