08 Mai 2024, 15:25:55 *

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Educatie de către SIlviu Olexsiuc
...  nu toate subiectele mele se potrivesc cu obictul initial.Ma duc totusi in sus cu  ...
... ,Un subiect arzator.A fost la zi inbtrecut,este in prezent,va fi si in viitor.Vom  ...
...  cite ceva.Macar de-am invata ce trebuie.Cu cit vom urca mai sus ,cu atit va trebui  ...
... ,ADNul nostru poate mult.Asa e facut.Cineva a stiut.
Vatrebui sa ne educam  ...
...  sa mearga mai bine?Ce vrem sa facem cu tara asta?Sa aram pamintul.Sa  ...
... ,piscina masina ,tot ce ar vrea un tinar cu bun simt.GRATUIT.
Am scoate mai mult  ...
...  nu se vinde la kilogram.E rar.
Ne-ar recunoaste lumea intreaga.
Ne-ar stima  ...
...  ce stabilim,actionam.Marim numarul de locuri colo micsoram dincoace.Asta numesc  ...
... .
Pai la noi marim numaru'de locuri fara noima,doar ,doar om lua taxe mai  ...
...  treaba mai copii
Da'nu ne mai potolim cu justitia,avem,'spe avocati pe metru  ...
... ,si tot pierdem procese cu toptanul,ba la CEDO,ba prin alte parti.
... ,pe noi ne intereseaza mai mult treaba cu normele,cu catedrele,cum sa facem sa  ...
...  in treaba si pe nepotu',si pe fiul lui cutarica,de la dracu de la lacu.Nu mai zic. ...
...  sa-mi potolesc dracii.
Ce-oi avea eu cu dascalii nostrii?Ei vor binele copiilor. ...
...  sa nu-ivacuzam de tot.Obrazul subtire cu cheltuiala  ...
...  tine.Apai daca nu putem sa-i platim mai bine, ...
... ,sus,trebuie sa stie mai bine ce e de facut
Sa faca.De vorbe sintem satui.
Ei  ...
... ,pe scurt cam asta ar fi.
Ne-om mai gindi si  ...
54.2% SIlviu Olexsiuc 31 Decembrie 2014, 19:34:02
"Sotietate v'a sa zica"
"Sotietate v'a sa zica" de către SIlviu Olexsiuc
...  interesati de "razboaiele stelelor",de scutul de la Deveselu,de cai verzi pe  ...
... .
N-am nimic cu rusii.Nu le mai port ranchiuna.Ce-a  ...
...  a fost.Le vom indrepta.Cu greu dar sigur.Ar trebui sa ne stringem  ...
... ,sa aram inpreuna.Si cucei si cu chinezii,si cu americanii,
cu  ...
... ,daca nu nu.
Ei da,dar capra riioasa tine si coada ridicata.
Avem personalitate. ...
... .Moda noua e sa ne insuram si barbat cu barbat.Ptiu drace!.
La altii sint  ...
...  ciinii da'si copii.
Ei,cum va spuneam.Carageale.Un om ca asta n-o  ...
...  monumente in toate orasele.L-as face cunoscut in lume.Pri el ne-am face si noi  ...
... .Pe noi ne-au facut cunoscuti "romii",ba si de-ai nostrii.
...  incoace.As face monumente dar nu asa cum vad pe la Giurgiu si prin tara.Tepes  ...
...  picioare,socluri vai mama lor,facute in graba din "fonduri europene"
...  bata vintul,sa-l prafuiasca,s-avem ce scutura.Of.
Ciinii.Ciinii strazii.
...  Caragiale,s-o termin si p'asta cu ciinii.
Pe un' te uiti,pe sosele pe  ...
...  si mizerie de ciini.Las'ca si noi scuipam pe jos,care mai de care.Bavunde pui  ...
...  de ciine?A.Am uitat.Voi va duceti si la cumetrii cu elicopterul.Daca ati invatat  ...
...  sint considerate vectorul cel mai periculis in inmultirea si transmiterea  ...
...  sixa parazitilor cu consecinte grave.
Dar poate voi nu  ...
54.2% SIlviu Olexsiuc 31 Decembrie 2014, 15:40:01
Casa Regala
Casa Regala de către SIlviu Olexsiuc
...  stiu cum se face ca marile case regale ale  ...
...  in statele puternice,asezate,respectate,cu forta economica,cu traditii incurajate, ...
...  toata lumea,sa le sporeasca PIB'ul.
Nu cunosc un exemplu de casa regala care sa  ...
... ,sarac,controversat.
O fi,dar eu nu cunosc.
S-ar parea ca aceste entitati stiu  ...
...  tina friurile unui stat prosper,cu importanta,cu greutate.
La noi,un  ...
...  vechi ,cu traditii bogate,cu oameni calzi,cu  ...
... ,cu talent,traitor intr-un stat relativ nou, ...
...  la paspa' incoace.
Regele a abdicat.
Acum putem sa ne facem de cap.A venit  ...
...  ani,in trei ani jumate...ehei,lucru dracului.
Asa ne-am furat singuri caciula.Am  ...
... .Vegheau cavpopoarele lor sa traiasca in curatenie,in dreptate,in respect,si sa  ...
...  in credinta,cu profesionalism,motivati pa deplin de  ...
... ,presedinte de sindicat,comitet executiv,CPEx,etc.Prin anii 60-65,treburile  ...
...  a inceput criza puternica.Tin minte cum bunica mea la care eram dat in grija, ...
...  un bonulet mic dintr-o cartela verde,cu care ma trimitea "in bariera "la piine. ...
...  primeam o jumatate de piine taiata cu cutitul ,rotunda,negricioasa,nu prea  ...
... .Ne ajungea.Nu stiu cum.Dar vad si acum coji de piine ramase  ...
...  ,sa nu se strice.Mai tirziu am mai crscut.Ma trimitea mama la lapte Eram baiat  ...
...  plecam acasa pe la sapte,opt,dimineata cu mina goala,inghetat si trist.
Bine ca  ...
... ,dragii mosului,nu mai era nimeni ca tine,cu masina noua.Untul il luam tot pe  ...
...  salariu mai mare nu prea avea cecsa cumpere.Rafturile erau mai mereu goale. ...
...  rost pe sub mina (asa se zicea) daca cunosteai ceva vinzatori ,responsabili de  ...
...  nu au apucat timpurile alea.S-au nascut mai tirziu.
De la "Revolutie",din 89. ...
...  conceptii Alt capital.Nu mai mergem cu dacia cea veche.Acum avem marci  ...
...  de mama noastra.Mai avem de tras
Poate cu Regele ar fi fost altfel.Cine mai stie?
...  Regle Mihai l-am cunoscut mai tirziu,cind i s-a permis  ...
...  sa-l "iertam".
L-am vazut om serios, cu vorbe drepte,masurate,fara limba de  ...
...  de prost gust,un om respectabil.I-am cunoscut si fica cea mare inoreuna cu  ...
... .Jos palaria.Oameni cu caracter.
Sus,la conducerea tarii,o  ...
... ,prin te miri unde.
Ci'ca se cupleaza la valorile mondiale.Ne cupleaza  ...
54.1% SIlviu Olexsiuc 31 Decembrie 2014, 12:17:07
Ceea ce considerăm a fi <citate personale>
... , dacă nu am căutat corect, îmi cer scuze. Aș dori să știu ceea ce se poate sau  ...
... , cât și ce e de făcut, dacă se poate. Mulțumesc anticipat! ?? ...
54% Nephilim 23 Octombrie 2019, 23:54:51
Publicare poezie pe Google
52.8% Aurel Petre 24 Decembrie 2018, 15:33:52
dictionar de rime online
52.5% rimarima 11 August 2018, 23:32:40
O carte inedită în literatura română
...  sub diferite pseudonime. S-au făcut ample invetigaţii pentru depistarea  ...
...  nicio normă gramaticală utilizează cuvinte şi termeni nepermişi public. Este  ...
...  zilele următoare pe site. Aşa cum arată acum lucrarea are 367 de pagini  ...
46.4% Vedetot Ion 14 Martie 2024, 15:31:44
versuri putin filosofice
...  cu speranta si muncim degeaba
ne intrebam  ...
...  in graba
de ce ne pierdem noi,anii tineretii

sufletele noastre,nu se hranesc  ...
46.1% ardeiu nic 16 Noiembrie 2013, 01:09:09
Geniu de Stiinta Roman - Realizarea Imposibilului
...  prezint "Realizarea Imposibilului", o scurta poveste care poate sa inspire pe  ...
...  despre
cum se poate ca fara studii de  ...
... , fara a vorbi cu nimeni, fara a obtine nici un ajutor
...  importante.

Ma numesc Ovidiu si am facut trei descoperiri importante:
1. am  ...
...  o problema complexa de biologie moleculara in neurostiinta
2. am gasit un  ...
... . am gasit o noua sursa de energie

Am facut de asemenea cea mai mare simulare de  ...
... .com/ovidiu/index1.php


Cu stima,
Ovidiu Anghelidi

Email:  ...
45.8% OvidiuAnghelidi 22 Octombrie 2013, 20:42:51
Youth Education & Development Advancement
... .org
To apply, please visit: http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/academy/index.php? ...
... , supporting, and sustaining intercultural relations. Over the past decade,  ...
...  one of Europe’s largest independent cultural exchange organizations, hosting  ...
...  among young individuals of all cultural, academic, and professional  ...
...  from across the world.

We are currently accepting applications for the  ...
...  conferences:

Cultural Diplomacy in Africa: A Forum for  ...
...  Forum for Young Leaders (AME)
"Engaging Cultural Tradition into Dual Strategies of  ...
...  for Young Leaders (AMC)
"Fostering Intercultural Exchange between today’s Economic  ...
...  (NMC)
"Expanding Sino-Nigerian Intercultural Relations for better Political,  ...
... (AMUSA)
“Launching a New Era of enhanced Cultural Engagement between Two Regional  ...
...  (NMUSA)
“Cementing Nigeria-US Intercultural Relations: Economic Stability &  ...
...  information please contact us at: info@culturaldiplomacy.org

================== ...
...  for 2013-2014, please visit: http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/index.php? ...
45.8% Brigitte27 22 Octombrie 2013, 16:48:17
The Seychelles African Economics Congress 2014
...  of significant acceleration, the current 'Rise of Africa' has  ...
...  thus paving the way towards the continent's sustainable development. The  ...
...  manner, so that the wealth accumulated trickles down to ordinary  ...
...  and firmly secures the prosperity of generations to  ...
...  of society. Thus, the conference will focus on ways in which to increase the  ...
...  human capital boasted by the African continent and unlocking the full potential of  ...
...  take into account the application of Cultural Diplomacy activities in aiding  ...
...  our site or write us an e-mail at: info@culturaldiplomacy.org
45.8% Brigitte27 22 Octombrie 2013, 16:51:46
Trans Continental Cooperation in Africa
...  from January-February 2014:

Trans Continental Cooperation in Africa
"The Future  ...
...  Parallel to African Union Summit)
www.culturaldiplomacy.org/experienceafrica/ ...
To apply, please visit: http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/academy/index.php? ...
...  Millennium Development Goals and to discuss the potential the continent has for  ...
...  to create a new agenda for Africa, focused on reinvigorating the existing  ...
...  the developmental future of the continent.

Conference Participants
...  online application form:
http://www.culturaldiplomacy.de/index.php?en_tcca- ...

Participants papers

The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy encourages academic  ...
...  as being included in the proposal document that will be issued following the  ...
...  who took part and the topics discussed. Each certificate will be signed by  ...
...  information please contact us at: info@culturaldiplomacy.org

To view the  ...
...  for 2013-2014, please visit: http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/index.php? ...
45.8% Brigitte27 22 Octombrie 2013, 16:50:43
The Washington, D.C. Summit on Cross-Continental Cooperation 2013
...  Washington, D.C. Summit on Cross-Continental Cooperation 2013
"Future Prospects  ...
...  Enhancing Continental Cooperation to Secure Political,  ...
...  November 4th - 7th, 2013)

The  ...
...  to take action to enhance cross-continental cooperation.

This current  ...
...  inter-connectivity remains secured and sustainable.

The Summit will  ...
... ´s representatives to publicly discuss and promote common goals, thus  ...
...  global environment by promoting intercultural dialogue between nations,  ...
...  the international community closer to secure more prosperous future.

Summit  ...
...  "Washington, D.C. Summit on Cross-Continental Cooperation" will therefore explore  ...
...  ways in which intercultural dialogue and cultural exchange  ...
...  order to achieve a successful cross-continental coalition. The following issues  ...
...  Democracy and Human Rights
• The UN Security Council and International Law
•  ...
...  & Global Economic Prosperity
• Intercultural Relations as a Vehicle to  ...
...  of important political, historic, and cultural locations across the city.  ...
...  online application form:

...  Papers » http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/academy/index.php? ...
... -papers
The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy encourages academic  ...
...  chosen to be included in the proposal document that will be issued and sent to all  ...
... , and list the topics which were discussed. Each certificate will be signed by  ...
...  information please contact us info@culturaldiplomacy.org  ...
45.7% Brigitte27 18 Octombrie 2013, 10:53:56
The ICD Annual Conference on Cultural Diplomacy 2013
...  ICD Annual Conference on Cultural Diplomacy 2013
Cultural  ...
...  & Cross Continental Cooperation: Building Bridges  ...
...  17th – 21st, 2013)

The  ...
...  Conference on Cultural Diplomacy is the world's  ...
...  event in the field of cultural diplomacy and is the final  ...
...  event of the Institutes Cultural Diplomacy for the year.

The  ...
...  will bring together current and former heads of state and  ...
...  to Berlin from all over the world to discuss Cultural Diplomacy in our  ...
... -scale events dedicated to the fields of cultural diplomacy & international  ...
... , peace building, human rights, arts and culture. The 2013 Annual Conference on  ...
...  of the ICD event series on Cross Continental Co-operation; The Annual conference  ...
...  series. Ranging from broad topics of discussion to specific areas within the field  ...
...  Cultural Diplomacy, the annual conference  ...
...  provide a wide and detailed analysis of Cultural Diplomacy for 2013.

The Summit  ...
... ´s representatives to publicly discuss and promote common goals, thus  ...
...  global environment by promoting intercultural dialogue between nations,  ...
...  the international community closer to secure more prosperous future.

Conference  ...
...  of important political, historic, and cultural locations across the city.

...  participants
The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy encourages academic  ...
...  as being included in the proposal document that will be issued following the  ...
...  who took part and the topics discussed. Each certificate will be signed by  ...
...  online application form:

...  Papers » http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/academy/index.php? ...
... -papers
The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy encourages academic  ...
...  chosen to be included in the proposal document that will be issued and sent to all  ...
... , and list the topics which were discussed. Each certificate will be signed by  ...
...  information please contact us info@culturaldiplomacy.org  ...
45.7% Brigitte27 18 Octombrie 2013, 10:58:33
Viitor...sau "O absolut"...
45.4% acdc 19 Noiembrie 2015, 10:56:56
US meets Europe COnference, Washington DC, January 2011
...  interest in international affairs, cultural exchange, and the European- ...
...  from 3rd – 9th January 2011, and will focus on the following theme:

“Beyond Mars  ...
... , seminars, workshops and panel discussions by leading figures from the  ...
... . The program will be complemented by cultural and social activities that will  ...
...  the diversity of the respective cultures and provide networking  ...
...  form can be found under: http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/ ...
... .php?en_usame_application-form

In particular, the next USAME Weeklong Seminar  ...
...  focus on the following themes:

• The  ...
...  Governance: Reforming the UN Security Council and the Role of the G20 as  ...
...  NATO and the Future of International Security Organisations: Managing Threats  ...
...  State for Economic, Business, and Agricultural Affairs
Dr. Ali Ahmad Jalali -  ...
... . Alfredo Palacio - Former President of Ecuador
Amb. Christopher R. Hill - Former  ...
... . Dr. Cynthia Schneider - Professor of Cultural Diplomacy at Georgetown  ...
...  of Scotland
Dr. Jackson Janes - Executive Director of the American Institute  ...
...  States Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security; Former Commandant of the Coast  ...
...  - Co-Director, Foreign Policy in Focus - Institute for Policy Studies
Dr.  ...
...  Donfried - Executive Vice President, the German Marshall  ...
...  United States Secretary of Homeland Security
Michele Wucker - Author; President  ...
...  at Georgetown University for Security Studies
Phyllis E. Oakley - Former  ...

Participant Papers
The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy encourages research and  ...
...  thought into the fields of culture, globalization and international  ...
...  fields, according to your own particular interests and passions. Participants  ...
... .

45% Brigitte27 02 Decembrie 2010, 18:03:33
The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy 2011
...  International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy 2011
“Hard Vs. Soft  ...
... (Berlin, 11th-15th May 2011)
http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/academy/index.php? ...
... -international-symposium-on-cultural-diplomacy-2011

The change over  ...
...  a valuable mechanism to organize and execute protests, and express the “mood of  ...
... ”.

The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy 2011 is being hosted to  ...
...  form can be found under:
http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/academy/index.php? ...
...  who took part and the topics discussed. Each certificate will be signed by  ...
... .

Participant Papers
The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy encourages research and  ...
...  thought into the fields of culture, globalization, and international  ...
...  fields, according to your own particular interests and passions. Participants  ...
... , who share a commitment to intercultural exchange. Participants will be  ...
...  please address any queries to info@culturaldiplomacy.org

45% Brigitte27 14 Martie 2011, 17:10:25
Predicţii din trecut
... Cum erau anticipate în 1967 calculatoarele  ...
... ://www.youtube.com/v/rpq5ZmANp0k&rel=0

Cum era anticipată în 1930 moda ce urma să  ...
45% Lucian Velea 02 Iulie 2009, 18:45:15
Life of Brian
în Filme

Other things just make you swear and curse.
When you're chewing on life' ...
...  the final word
You must always face the curtain with a bow.
Forget about your sin - ...
45% Lucian Velea 10 Septembrie 2008, 13:30:32
Următoarele 5000 de zile pe web
...  relativ apropiat, care va depăşi cu mult ce îşi imaginează majoritatea  ...
45% Lucian Velea 13 Septembrie 2008, 12:14:14
"Zece pentru România" - sau care ne sunt valorile
...  de-a dreptul trist. Ar fi declararea eşecului intelectuaităţii acelei naţiuni, nu  ...
... , radiourile, internetul ceva cu aceştia? Din contra! Numai că nu prea  ...
...  intervine adevărata problemă: PR-ul cultural în România este jalnic, cel puţin  ...
... , dar aţi prins ideea. Instituţiile de cultură trebuie să înţeleagă că nu este  ...
45% Lucian Velea 14 Septembrie 2008, 16:49:13
The ICD Academy Seminar for Cultural Diplomacy
...  for Applications

The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy is pleased to announce  ...
...  applications are currently being accepted for the The ICD  ...
...  for Cultural Diplomacy, our forthcoming  ...
...  seminar.

The ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy
"A Three Piece Puzzle: ...
...  The Relationship between Culture, International Relations and  ...
...  other leading organizations. We are currently accepting applications to attend  ...
...  the program and the subjects under discussions. I would also be grateful if you  ...
...  to Berlin.


The ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy
"A Three Piece Puzzle:  ...
...  Relationship between Culture, International Relations and  ...
...  programs that explore the role of cultural diplomacy in contemporary  ...
...  have the opportunity to take part in cultural and social activities and to  ...
...  Parliament, the Berlin City Hall, cultural institutions and Berlin-based  ...
...  to learn more about the subject of cultural diplomacy. In recognition of the  ...
...  affairs, the importance of cross-cultural exchange based on dialogue,  ...
... , and trust is under ever more focus. Each Academy Session will therefore  ...
...  explore the history and development of cultural diplomacy, with a particular  ...
...  on the state-sponsored cultural diplomacy of the cold war, and  ...
...  participants the opportunity to discuss salient issues with experts from the  ...
...  providing a framework for group discussions amongst each other. Further  ...
...  who took part and the topics discussed. Each certificate will be signed by  ...
... .

To apply please visit:

http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/academy/index.php? ...
The June Session of the ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy will take place in  ...
...  from June 10th - 16th 2011 and will focus on the following theme:

"A Three  ...
...  Puzzle: The Relationship between Culture, International Relations and  ...
...  at the history and development of cultural diplomacy, the next academy  ...
...  will explore the influence that culture has on domestic policies and  ...
...  will reflect on the extent to which culture influences a country's Daily  ...
...  to this part of the program is a focus on the concepts of "smart power" and " ...
...  who share a commitment to intercultural exchange. Participants will be  ...
...  please contact us under academy@culturaldiplomacy.org


For more  ...
...  ICD events, please visit
http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/index.php?A- ...
...  ICD events, please visit
http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/index.php? ...
...  please address any queries to info@culturaldiplomacy.org
45% ICD 15 Aprilie 2011, 13:44:25
- Call for Applications - The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies (CCDS)
...  opportunities available in the field of Cultural Diplomacy and also wish to bring  ...
...  Donfried & the ICD Team
Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD)
Kurfürstendamm  ...
... -10719
Phone: 00.49(0)30.2360-7680
info@ ...
... .org

What is Cultural Diplomacy? Click Here

========== ...
... =======================

The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies
Forthcoming  ...
... )

The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies (of the ICD  ...
...  for Cultural Diplomacy) offers educational  ...
...  who are not able to leave their current positions), and Postgraduate  ...
...  wholly or in part to the field of Cultural Diplomacy).

The CCDS is  ...
...  following programs:

ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy: May Session
(Berlin,  ...
... , 2013)

Distance Learning Programs in Cultural Diplomacy
(Start: June 3rd - 28th, ...
MA Program in International Relations & Cultural Diplomacy
(Start: Fall Semester - ...
MA Program in International Economics & Cultural Diplomacy
(Start: Fall Semester -  ...
...  Programs in International Relations & Cultural Diplomacy
(Start: Summer  ...
...  Programs in International Relations & Cultural Diplomacy
(Start: Summer Program  ...
... , please click HERE


What is Cultural Diplomacy? Click Here
45% Brigitte27 14 Mai 2013, 14:12:58
...  veridigitatea postărilor, postaţi cu un nume real şi-o indentitate reală.

45% Viorel Muha 10 Iulie 2011, 10:54:34
The September Session of the ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy
...  Session of the ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy: “Assessing the  ...
...  and Economic Benefits of Arts & Culture” (Berlin, 7th – 12th September  ...
...  history and development of the field of cultural diplomacy and will provide a  ...
...  for discussions on a diverse range of related  ...
...  society in building bridges between cultural communities.
In addition to  ...
...  history and development of the field of cultural diplomacy and its contemporary  ...
... , the forthcoming Academy Session will focus on the societal, economic, and  ...
...  benefits of arts and culture. In particular, it will consider  ...
...  artistic and other cultural initiatives can support foreign  ...
...  objectives, strengthen cross-cultural understanding, and improve  ...
...  Session of the ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy will take part in the  ...
...  highlights the power of art to cross cultural and national borders (more)

The  ...
...  an interest in international relations, cultural studies, and global politics. The  ...
...  the program, please visit:

Europe  ...
...  12th – 17th September 2010)

The strong cultural and historical links between  ...
...  at this history and development of cultural diplomacy and its application in  ...
...  in European Latin American relations, cultural studies, and global politics.

...  the program, please visit: http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/youngleadersforums/ ...
...  then consider the key issue shaping discussions on the international level today.  ...
... , seminars, debates and panel discussions that will feature leading figures  ...
...  Congress include:

• Dr. Emil Constantinescu; ICD Board Member - Former President  ...
... . Donfried; Director - the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy
• Dr. Miomir Zuzul;  ...
...  the program, please visit:

http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/academy/index.php? ...


The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy

The Institute for  ...
...  strengthening and supporting intercultural relations at all levels. Over the  ...
...  one of Europe’s largest independent cultural exchange organizations, whose  ...
...  interaction between individuals of all cultural, academic, and professional  ...
...  events held by the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy include “A World  ...
...  International Congress on “Soft Power”, Cultural Diplomacy and Interdependence”,  ...
...  hosted The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy 2010 (www.icd- ...
...  Prime minister of Ireland; Emil Constantinescu - ICD Advisory Board Member - Former  ...
45% Brigitte27 19 August 2010, 15:39:03
The International Symposia on Cultural Diplomacy 2013
... "The Potential for Cultural Diplomacy in Supporting National  ...
... -c-d.org

The International Symposia on Cultural Diplomacy 2013 is the world's  ...
...  and largest event in the field of Cultural Diplomacy. The Symposia 2013 will  ...
...  events exploring the Potential for Cultural Diplomacy in Supporting National  ...
...  May - July 2013:

• Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in Germany
“How did  ...
...  become a Multicultural Example? Berlin as a Case Study  ...
...  Embracing German Cultural Plurality”
(Berlin; May 19th -  ...
... )

• Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in the Levant
"Levant,  ...
...  of Cultural Diplomacy: Rediscovering the  ...
... )

• Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy & Human Rights
...  a Global Human Rights Culture: The Need for a Collective  ...
... , 2013)

• Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in the Asia Pacific
“ ...
...  Application of Cultural Diplomacy in Fostering Relations  ...
... -conference.org

• Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in Italy
"Italian  ...
... ; June 12th – 14th, 2013)

•  ...
...  on Cultural Diplomacy in Afghanistan &  ...
... )

• Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in the African Union
(Berlin; June 26th - 28th, 2013)

•  ...
...  on Cultural Diplomacy in the USA
“The Use of  ...
... -symposium-usa.org

• Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in the European Union
“ ...
... (Brussels; July 3rd - 5th, 2013)

•  ...
...  on Cultural Diplomacy in the UK
Cultural  ...
...  International Cooperation across Six Continents”
(London; July 10th – 12th, 2013)
... .uk-culturaldiplomacy-conference.org
45% Brigitte27 14 Mai 2013, 14:08:33
Bancuri de la vechii greci
în Umor

... " ("Iubitorul râsului") este o culegere de peste 250 de glume. Data  ...
...  nu se cunoaşte; unii cred că ar fi din sec. IV-V, ...
45% Lucian Velea 26 Iulie 2008, 18:39:40
The ICD Annual Academic Conference on Cultural Diplomacy 2011
... ,

On behalf of the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy, I am writing to bring  ...
...  lectures, workshops, panel and group discussions and social and cultural  ...
... , media, and business.

We are currently accepting applications for this  ...

The ICD Annual Academic Conference on Cultural Diplomacy 2011
Cultural  ...

The “ICD Annual Academic Conference on Cultural Diplomacy 2011” is the concluding  ...
...  of the Institute’s Cultural Diplomacy year. Taking place in  ...
...  and evaluate the year in terms of Cultural Diplomacy.

This end of year  ...
... , activists and young leaders to discuss Cultural Diplomacy within  ...
... . Ranging from broad topics of discussion to specific areas of Cultural  ...
...  provide a wide and detailed analysis of Cultural Diplomacy for 2011.

To apply  ...
...  visit:
http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/academy/index.php? ...
...  future, please send us an email to info@culturaldiplomacy.org indicating this.

Director & Founder

Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD)
Ku´damm Karree ( ...
... -10719
Phone: 00.49(0)30.2360-7680
info@ ...
45% Brigitte27 21 Octombrie 2011, 12:42:30
Trenul vietii
Trenul vietii de către S
45% S 28 Decembrie 2008, 01:03:11
Workshop-auditie adresat liceenilor de clasele IX-XI din Municipiul Bucuresti
...  de clasele IX-XI din Municipiul Bucuresti in vederea montarii unui spectacol  ...
...  si implineste continuu si constant cu cea creatoare. Participarea sa inca de  ...
...  clasele IX-XI de pe raza Municipiului Bucuresti intr-o incercare inedita de a re- ...
...  in scena un text care vibreaza cu tematica varstei adolescentine: „Santaj” ...
... . Un spectacol despre adolescenti, cu adolescenti si pentru adolescenti,  ...
...  de o echipa de tineri profesionisti, masteranzi şi  ...
...  ai U.N.A.T.C. „I.L. Caragiale” Bucureşti, care beneficiază de sprijinul  ...
... , rectorul U.N.A.T.C. „I.L.Caragiale” Bucureşti, Dan Mircea Cipariu, preşedintele  ...
...  de Poezie Bucureşti a Uniunii Scriitorilor si Paul  ...
...  inovativ care propune un model socio-cultural de educaţie şi reintegrare  ...
...  defavorizate de pe raza Municipiului Bucureşti. Proiectul a fost implementat în  ...
...  de Asistenţă Socială a Municipiului Bucureşti împreună cu Teatrul de Comedie şi  ...
...  UNESCO „Adolescenţii”, în parteneriat cu U.N.A.T.C. „I.L.Caragiale” Bucureşti şi  ...
...  va desfăşura până la finalul anului în curs. ...
45% Lucian Velea 31 Mai 2010, 15:57:31
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