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The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy 2011
...  International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy 2011
“Hard  ...
... . Soft Power in Local and Global Politics: Redefining Concepts of  ...
...  and Influence in an Age of Interdependence,  ...
...  Revolution, and Social Media”
(Berlin, 11th-15th May  ...
... )
http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/academy/index.php? ...
... -international-symposium-on-cultural-diplomacy-2011

The  ...
...  over the past two decades from an international system  ...
...  on independent nation states to an  ...
...  world facing global challenges has been  ...
...  explored and analyzed. At the level of  ...
...  relations the change is accompanied by a growing understanding of the  ...
...  of global public goods. Activity to tackle climate change,  ...
...  example, can no longer be pursued by  ...
...  states acting alone. Similarly, issues that have traditionally  ...
...  considered of domestic concern have been given  ...
...  international dimension: national policies on  ...
... , healthcare, education, and economics must increasingly  ...
...  coordinated with international partners.

In  ...
...  to the changes outlined above, a further development can be  ...
...  in national and international politics: Digital  ...
...  technologies and social media are revolutionizing the  ...
...  between politicians and citizens. For politicians, new  ...
...  are providing an easier, cheaper way of informing  ...
...  broad range of people about new policies,  ...
... , and initiatives. For citizens, the diverse  ...
...  of media that have emerged as a result of  ...
...  advancements means that they can keep up- ...
... -date with developments around the world,  ...
...  real time. Combined, these developments mean  ...
...  interaction between politicians and citizens is intensified. Moreover, the  ...
...  is flowing in two directions: Campaigns and initiatives  ...
...  from the blogosphere can be seen to  ...
...  the presentation of policy decisions, but also the policies  ...
... . In countries where traditional media are state controlled,  ...
...  media have become a valuable mechanism to  ...
...  and execute protests, and express the “mood  ...
...  the nation”.

The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy 2011 is  ...
...  hosted to analyze these two developments: The  ...
...  of power and responsibility horizontally, across  ...
...  barriers, and vertically, between politicians and  ...
... .

Symposium Participants
The Symposium is  ...
...  to applications from diplomatic and political  ...
... , journalists, young professionals, students and scholars, and other interested  ...
...  in international relations from across the world.

The online  ...
...  form can be found under:
http://www. ...
... .org/academy/index.php? ...
... -form

Symposium Speakers
Speakers during the  ...
...  will include leading figures and experts from  ...
...  politics, academia, the diplomatic community, civil  ...
...  and the private sector, from across the  ...
... . These speakers will include a number of individuals from the ICD  ...
...  Board (for further information about the  ...
...  Board please click here

Certificate of  ...
All participants will be awarded an official certificate of attendance  ...
...  completion of the program, which will  ...
...  details of the speakers who took part and  ...
...  topics discussed. Each certificate will be  ...
...  by two members of the ICD's Advisory Board.

...  Papers
The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy encourages research and  ...
...  thought into the fields of culture, globalization, and  ...
...  relations. In this regard, the ICD welcomes participants of the  ...
...  to submit papers on this subject. The papers  ...
...  cover any topic within these fields, according to your own particular  ...
...  and passions. Participants can submit work  ...
...  they have completed in the past for other purposes,  ...
...  for the conference. Groups of students are also allowed to submit  ...
...  pieces of work.

Sustainable Network
Symposium participants will become part of  ...
...  international network of people from across the world with different fields  ...
...  interest and levels of experience, who share a  ...
... . Participants will be able to remain in touch with each other through the  ...
...  Online Network.

For any additional information please address any  ...
...  to info@culturaldiplomacy.org

45% Brigitte27 14 Martie 2011, 17:10:25
Selectie participare workshop de teatru-labirint - Milano, 22-28.09.2008
...  Epsilon III din Bucuresti anunta deschiderea unei  ...
...  la un workshop international de teatru-labirint. Sesiunea de lucru va  ...
...  loc in Milano, Italia, in perioada 22-28  ...
... , sub conducerea unor experimentati formatori din  ...
...  Galilor, Bulgaria si Danemarca.

Conditii de participare

...  workshop se desfasoara in cadrul proiectului Ariadne' ...
...  Thread, co-finantat prin programul Tineret in  ...
...  Epsilon III este partenera alaturi de gazde, Arci Varieazione (Italia) si de  ...
...  (Tara Galilor), BIVEDA (Bulgaria), GAIAC (Portugalia), Adana  ...
...  Community Association (Turcia), Kooperative  ...
...  (Germania).

Organizatorii asigura  ...
...  * transport (avion) pe ruta Bucuresti - Milano si retur
* cazare si masa pe  ...
...  derularii workshop-ului - Ostell Olinda,  ...
...  participarii la workshop
* conditii si materiale de lucru.

Conditii  ...
...  selectie

Sunt invitati sa candideze studenti sau ne-studenti:
*  ...
...  plastici
* non-artisti – persoane din mediul socio-educational cu o minima  ...
...  prealabila intr-un domeniu artistic

Cerinte specifice:
*  ...
...  - maximum 30 de ani
* buna cunoastere a  ...
...  engleze
* (minima) experienta prealabila in lucrul  ...
...  persoane in dificultate, preferabil intr-un context  ...
* disponibilitate de a participa, dupa  ...
...  in Romania, alaturi de Asociatia Epsilon III,  ...
...  o prezentare demonstrativa vizand teatrul-labirint si  ...
...  workshop-ului - in Bucuresti, la o data inca neprecizata, dar cel mai  ...
...  in luna noiembrie 2008

Data limita pentru trimiterea  ...
...  de candidatura: 24 august 2008

...  vor fi trimise prin e-mail la adresa epsilon3@gmail. ...
45% Lucian Velea 10 August 2008, 12:41:55
Memoriu de noblete
... Memoriu de noblete.
In apus de zii,  ...
...  ganduri ma fac sa realizez ca dincolo de  ...
...  sunt crezuri purtate pe buzele oamenilor inconstienti de prezenta lor..  ...
...  pamantul nu s-ar mai roti, am muri  ...
...  sau nu, mi-ar place sa mor noaptea, sa ma omoare  ...
...  , sa ma doara ochii , sa rebufnesc dandu-mi  ...
...  ca dincolo va fii lumina si ca nu e totul  ...
... . Oare ce inseamna sfarsitul?
Exista? Oare capatul va  ...
...  o rezolvare a tot ceea ce ma framanta?
Oare voi vedea din nou firul  ...
... ? Sa ma judec sau ma va judeca altcineva?
Daca  ...
... -as raspunde singura intrebarilor, as spune un  ...
...  lucru……… Nu stiu.!
Nu am puterea sa gasesc raspunsuri in mine ,  ...
...  stiu ce vreau, nu ma regasesc niciunde si simt ca nimic nu  ...
...  ajuta sa trec bariera fricii de adevar.
Cad minciuni arse si ele de  ...
... , de patrunse rautati si uitare,  ...
... -n jurul sufletului meu gol, pustiu dar cald. Care sunt  ...
...  unui joc cupris de frica , intains pe o masa , cand stii  ...
...  start ca ai pierdut.
Norocul nu il au cei ce-l asteapta,  ...
...  regasesc in fiecare zi aceeasi savoare de multumire, viata s-ar rotii in acelasi  ...
...  tulpina , in fiecare colt aspru si gol de nepasare. Daca moartea ar fii reala.  ...
...  si cum era?
De fapt nu e atat de  ...
... , de fapt totul curge intr-un sens lipsit  ...
...  cantitatea de siguranta posibila si adjudecata de  ...
...  nostru cap. E senazatia de bine, ca izbanda in fata propriilor  ...
...  individuale. Concret nu reprezint nimic si  ...
...  cred asta si vad asta in fiece zi pasibila  ...
... . Chiar nu pot sa ma adun?
Char trbuie sa lacrim la fiecre  ...
... ?
Pot sa-mi doresc altceva?
Sau e doar o chestiune  ...
...  abordare. Cred in vis, in ardoarea dorintei  ...
...  din intuneric si umbre, pot sa cred, sa  ...
... , sa vad, sa sper, intreaga mea fiinta lucreza  ...
...  inceput, fara scapari, fara nostalgice amiezi si ganduri putrezite in sertare. Ar  ...
...  sa mor inainte sa ma sfarsesc si dincolo de  ...
... , dramul de impas ma va cuprinde si nu ma  ...
... , zbuciumul interior va razbi.
Ma mint? Asta e  ...
...  mea, natura fiecaruia ce incearca sa se  ...
...  si care crede ca se cunoaste. Fiecare dintre noi  ...
...  mai mult decat reprezentam sin nu ne dam  ...
...  din cauza nazuintelor impuse de societate, ...
...  de oamenii obisnuiti cu valori aferente  ...
...  atat. Mama spunea “nu esti mare pana nu esti  ...
... ”. Sunt prea multe cuvinte, as vrea sa stiu daca  ...
...  sta-n puterea mea sau a Dumnezeului meu.

45% bettyanna 12 Noiembrie 2009, 00:08:54
The United States Meets Europe: A Forum for Young Leaders (USAME) (Berlin, Decem
...  United States Meets Europe: A Forum for Young  ...
...  (USAME) (Berlin, December 10th-16th, 2012)

...  Agenda
The United States Meets Europe: A  ...
...  for Young Leaders (USAME) is a network of individuals  ...
...  both sides of the Atlantic, who have an interest  ...
...  exploring and strengthening relations between the  ...
...  States and Europe. The program is based on the  ...
...  that the increasing cultural, economic and political relations must be  ...
...  by sustained activity to ensure that public opinion  ...
...  relations between individual member states, and between  ...
... -states, remain positive and constructive at the  ...
...  roots level.

Individuals can join the USAME Forum by  ...
...  part in one of the USAME Weeklong Seminars, which are held  ...
...  times throughout the year. Each USAME  ...
...  Seminar will be focused on a specific theme  ...
...  to the European- American relations and the goals of the  ...
... . The Seminars consist of lectures, seminars,  ...
...  and panel discussions that will feature  ...
...  figures from the media, international politics &  ...
... , academia, civil society, and the private  ...
... . In addition to the academic components,  ...
...  take part in a range of social and cultural activities.

The next USAME  ...
...  Seminar will be conducted in Berlin from  ...
...  10th-16th. In addition to looking in greater detail at  ...
...  history and development of cultural diplomacy, the  ...
...  will focus on the economic, political, cultural, and societal  ...
...  of the relationship, and the wider context within which this  ...
...  exists and will provide perspectives on current  ...
...  conceptual issues in the development of cultural policy and arts  ...
...  within the European- American context, and the current and  ...
...  of strengthening the European- American relations.
Alongside the USAME,  ...
...  will attend the event: The ICD Annual Conference  ...
...  Cultural Diplomacy 2012 "Culture as an Emotion:  ...
...  Magnetic Power of Arts & Music to Promote  ...
...  & Global Peace" (Berlin, December 13th - 16th).

Seminar  ...
The speakers during the conference will include  ...
...  figures and experts from international politics,  ...
... , the diplomatic community, civil society and  ...
...  private sector, from across the world. These speakers will  ...
...  a number of individuals from the ICD Advisory  ...
... .

The United States Meets Europe: A Forum for Young  ...
...  (USAME) is open to all relevant stakeholders  ...
...  individuals with an interest in exploring  ...
...  between Europe, the European states and the USA.

Participants will include  ...
...  professionals, students and academics, representatives from  ...
... , diplomats, practitioners from the civil  ...
...  and the private sector, Media  ...
...  and other stakeholders with an active  ...
...  in the Program’s themes.

Participation Cost
The  ...
...  cost for the program is 195 Euros. If offered a place in the  ...
... , applicants are then required to transfer the participation cost to  ...
...  apply please visit:
http://www.culturaldiplomacy.de/index.php?en_application- ...
... -seminars

For more information please  ...
... :
http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/ ...
... /index.php?en_usame_about
45% Brigitte27 04 Octombrie 2012, 12:37:26
cursuri de teatru pictura sculptura handmade design pentru copii si adulti
...  D'arte va propune sa participati la o  ...
...  de cursuri de arte pentru copii si adulti  ...
... : arta actorului si dictie, pictura, handmade, design  ...
... , sculptura/modelaj in lut. Cursurile se desfasoara  ...
...  Timisoara. Termenul de inscriere este  ...
... , fiecare curs va incepe in momentul constituirii unei grupe de lucru. ...
...  initial gratuit inaintea inscrierii definitive la curs.
Cursurile se  ...
...  tuturor oamenilor cu varsta cuprinsa intre 7 - 90  ...
... , indiferent de personalitatea fiecaruia,  ...
... , experienta in domeniu si scopul participarii la curs.  ...
...  poate fi urmat atat de catre acei care doresc sa  ...
...  un hobby, sau sa se relaxeze petrecandu-si timpul intr-un mod artistic si  ...
... , cat si de catre cei care doresc sa urmeze o  ...
...  profesionala in domeniu.
Cursurile vor fi  ...
...  de catre artisti profesionisti, tineri  ...
...  cu experienta pedagogica si profesionala de profil.
...  sau lucrarile artistice realizate in timpul cursului apartin fiecarui cursant.  ...
...  necesare desfasurarii cursurilor de arte plastice  ...
...  fi asigurate de catre organizatori, fiind incluse in  ...
...  o expozitie cu lucrarile realizate de cursanti in timpul atelierelor de arta  ...
...  respectiv un spectacol de teatru in cazul atelierului de teatru.  ...
...  asemenea, cursantii vor primi o diploma de  ...
... , un dvd cu poze din timpul cursului,  ...
...  video realizate in timpul cursului si al  ...
...  finale a muncii desfasurate in cadrul cursului  ...
... .
Pentru cursantii care vor dori sa continue cursurile , sa  ...
...  in continuare cursuri pentru avansati, adaptate nivelului de cunostinte asimilate  ...
...  care se vor afla la finalizarea modulului initial.
Programul si  ...
...  de lucru a fiecarui atelier artistic va  ...
...  adaptat in functie de cerintele si  ...
...  fiecarei grupe de participanti. Programul pe care vi-l  ...
...  prezent este orientativ, cursurile putandu-se desfasura in urmatorul interval  ...
... :
Marti; miercuri; joi; vineri : 10:00 – 20: ...
...  ; Sambata – 10:00 – 16:00
Pentru  ...
...  suplimentare si inscrieri accesati:
http:// ...
... .companiadearte.com
http://cursuridearte. ...
... .com/
sau contactat-ne:
e-mail:  ...
... @gmail.com tel: 0723297456 //  ...
companiadarte@yahoo.com  ...
45% compart 29 Octombrie 2009, 20:43:08
MA International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy
... MA in International Relations and  ...
...  Diplomacy
(Berlin and Dubrovnik, from  ...
...  2011)


Dear Sir or Madam,

On behalf of the  ...
...  for Cultural Diplomacy, I am writing to bring to your  ...
...  Masters Program in Cultural Diplomacy and  ...
...  accepting our new applications for this MA program, and would be grateful if you  ...
...  share this announcement by forwarding the information below  ...
...  anyone you think may be interested in applying.

On  ...
...  of the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy I would like to thank you in  ...
...  for your help in this matter. If you have any further questions  ...
...  the MA program or our institution,please do  ...
...  hesitate to contact us at: info@culturaldiplomacy.org

MA in International  ...
...  and Cultural Diplomacy
The Institute for  ...
...  Diplomacy in Cooperation with Dubrovnik  ...
...  University
(Berlin and Dubrovnik, from October 2011)
... .org) Application Form>

The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy  ...
...  Dubrovnik International University (DIU)  ...
...  pleased to announce the launch of a graduate  ...
...  of Arts program in International Relations and Cultural  ...
... . Offered by DIU in partnership with the ICD, the  ...
...  will combine the traditional academic components  ...
...  a new focus on the role of soft power and cultural diplomacy in contemporary  ...
...  affairs. Students will have access to an expert  ...
...  experience in international politics and diplomacy, and will acquire the  ...
...  and skills needed to work in a complex  ...
...  order.

If you would like any further  ...
...  about the ICD Academy contact us under academy@ ...
... .org

The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy

The  ...
...  for Cultural Diplomacy is an international, not-for- ...
... , non-governmental organization with headquarters in  ...
... , Germany. The goal of the ICD is to promote  ...
...  peace and stability by strengthening and  ...
...  relations at all levels. Over the past decade the ICD has grown to become one of  ...
... ’s largest independent cultural exchange organizations, ...
...  hosting programs that facilitate interaction among  ...
...  of all cultural, academic, and professional backgrounds, from  ...
...  the world...
45% Brigitte27 04 August 2011, 14:47:56
"Biblioteca morţilor" - Glenn Cooper
...  Recent, am dat peste această carte la un prieten.  ...
...  fost drăguţ să mi-o împrumute, deşi descrierea  ...
...  care mi-a făcut-o ar fi trebuit să mă  ...
... .
Ei bine, după ce am citit câteva capitole, am fost  ...
...  atât de idee, cât şi de acţiune în sine, de  ...
...  în care autorul pune problema.
Romanul este plin de mister,  ...
...  cu crime şi aventuri cotidiene ale unor agenţi  ...
... , dar are şi un parfum arhaic. Ideea  ...
...  special - al şaptelea fiu al celui de-al şaptelea fiu - care scrijeleşte  ...
...  şi date fără a şti să scrie sau să citească,  ...
...  generaţii întregi de astfel de copii, care pornesc de la el
...  - ascunde destinul pecetluit al fiecărui om,  ...
...  la data de 9 februarie 2027 - Sfârşitul  ...
... .

Descrierea de pe copertă sună aşa :
"  ...
...  roman începe în mai 2009, la New York, când  ...
...  David Swisher primeşte o carte poştală pe  ...
...  figurează doar un sicriu şi o dată. Data morţii  ...
... .
Acest roman începe în februarie 1947, la Londra,  ...
...  Churchill ia o hotărâre care îi va împovăra conştiinţa până la sfârşitul  ...
...  sale. O hotărâre cumplită, dar necesară.
Acest roman  ...
...  în iulie 1947, la Washington, când Harry Truman, preşedintele care a  ...
...  folosirea bombei atomice, afllă un secret care ar  ...
...  arunca lumea în haos. Un secret străvechi, însă  ...
...  actual.
Acest roman începe în decembrie 782, pe insula  ...
... , când un copil analfabet scrie pe zăpadă nume  ...
...  numere. Har divin, sau blestem ?
Acest  ...
... , dacă este roman, a început şi nu s-a  ...
... . S-ar putea ca noi toţi să fim în el, fără să ştim.
Pentru că nimic  ...
...  este întâmplător.
Pentru că destinul fiecărui  ...
...  este deja scris."

În speranţa că v-am făcut  ...
45% scofieldutza 22 Februarie 2010, 23:44:53
Hans Baldung
Hans Baldung de către S
...  Baldung, supranumit Grien, s-a născut în  ...
...  1484 sau 1485, la Schwăbisch-Gmiind, într-o familie de savanţi, dar a  ...
...  Fribourg-en-Brisgau şi la Strasbourg, unde a murit în anul 1540. A fost cel mai  ...
...  şi cel mai independent dintre elevii lui Durer,  ...
...  tablourile sale sunt mai fantastice decât cele ale maestrului  ...
... . Pictor, gravor, desenator, Baldung a pictat subiecte  ...
...  şi portrete, însă tema morţii şi a decăderii trupului feminin, ...
...  revine cel mai frecvent de-a lungul întregii sale  ...
45% S 21 Noiembrie 2009, 23:48:51
Conferinta Internationala "A World Without Walls" (Berlin)
...  6 si 10 noiembrie 2010 Institute for Cultural  ...
...  din Berlin va organiza Conferinta  ...
...  "A World Without Walls", pe teme precum  ...
... , globalizare si reconciliere. Pentru mai multe detalii va rugam sa accesati  ...
... .culturaldiplomacy.org, www.world-without-walls. ...
...  sau sa parcurgeti urmatoarele informatii in limba engleza:

...  Conference: A World Without Walls 2010 (Berlin, 6th - 10th  ...
...  2010)

The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy is currently accepting  ...
...  to its international conference “A World without Walls 2010”. The conference  ...
...  explore the potential for cultural diplomacy and soft power in building  ...
...  and supporting reconciliation in different  ...
...  of the world and will consist of lectures and  ...
...  held by leading figures from international  ...
... , academia, international development, and  ...
...  society, as well as debates and panel discussions. The event  ...
...  scheduled parallel to the historic  ...
...  celebrations taking place in Berlin during the month of November, and on the  ...
...  of Tuesday, 9th November, participants will have  ...
...  the streets of Berlin.

The speakers during the Seminar will include leading  ...
...  and experts from international politics,  ...
... , the diplomatic community, civil society and  ...
...  private sector, from across the world. These speakers will  ...
... :

*Anatoliy Zlenko; Former Foreign Minister of Ukraine
...  Dr. Emil Constantinescu; ICD Board Member, ...
...  Former President of Romania
*Prof. Dr.  ...
...  A. Gerges; Professor of Middle Eastern Politics and International  ...
...  at the London School of Economics and Political  ...
*Jack McConnell; ICD Advisory Board Member,  ...
...  First Minister of Scotland
*HE Lt. Jerry John  ...
... ; Former President of Ghana
*Prof. Dr. Joris  ...
... ; Former Defense Minister of Holland and  ...
...  of International Security Studies at Nederlandse Defensie Academie
... . Miomir Zuzul; Former Foreign Minister of  ...
... , Former Croatian Ambassador to the United  ...

Further details about the program can be found  ...
... : www.world-without-walls.org. For enquiries  ...
...  info@culturaldiplomacy.org. ...
45% Brigitte27 08 Octombrie 2010, 12:36:35
The ICD Annual Conference on Cultural Diplomacy 2012
...  ICD Annual Conference on Cultural Diplomacy  ...
"Culture as an Emotion: the Magnetic Power of Arts &  ...
...  to Promote Democracy & Global Peace"
(Berlin,  ...
...  13th-16th, 2012)

The ICD Annual Conference on Cultural Diplomacy  ...
...  is the final concluding event of the Institutes Cultural  ...
...  year. Taking place in Berlin, the aim of the conference is to review in  ...
... , debate and evaluate the most significant  ...
...  in 2012 in the field of Cultural Diplomacy.

In today’s  ...
...  globalizing world, the exploration of cultural diplomacy  ...
...  is vital. With the transition from the traditional bi-polar international  ...
...  towards a more multi-polar world understanding  ...
...  perspectives, different cultures and different  ...
...  is important if the international system is  ...
...  remain stable. The Institute for Cultural  ...
...  all areas of the international system must be addressed and the Annual  ...
...  Conference will provide the opportunity to discuss the past  ...
... , present initiatives and the future of Cultural Diplomacy and  ...
...  Relations.

This end of the year conference will bring  ...
...  artists, scholars, politicians, diplomats, activists, senior experts and  ...
...  professionals to discuss Cultural Diplomacy in our  ...
...  world. Ranging from broad topics of  ...
...  to specific areas within the field of Cultural Diplomacy, the annual  ...
...  will provide a wide and detailed analysis of  ...
...  Diplomacy for 2012, during which Cultural  ...
...  initiatives; key political, economic and social shifts and the changes in  ...
...  International System are discussed. The aim of the  ...
...  role of new actors, new initiatives and new targets in terms of key  ...
...  issues and on how Cultural Diplomacy takes place.
Seminar Speakers
The speakers during the  ...
...  will include celebrated artists and leading figures  ...
...  experts from international politics, the diplomatic  ...
...  and civil society from across the world.
...  in the conference is open to governmental & diplomatic officials, academics,  ...
...  representatives, young professionals and students as well as other interested  ...
...  from across the world.

Participation Cost
...  participation cost for the program is 195 Euros. If offered a place in the  ...
... , applicants are then required to transfer the participation cost to  ...
...  please visit:
... -form

For more information please visit:
... ://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/academy/index.php?en_accd...
45% Brigitte27 04 Octombrie 2012, 12:35:00
The International Conference on Cultural Diplomacy in the EU
...  International Conference on Cultural Diplomacy in the EU
"Crisis, Conflict,  ...
...  Culture: The Role of Cultural Diplomacy in the European Project"
... , December 6th - 9th, 2011)


Dear  ...
... , Friends and Colleagues,

On behalf of the  ...
...  for Cultural Diplomacy, I am writing to bring to your  ...
...  the following major program hosted by us in partnership  ...
...  other leading organizations. The program will  ...
...  together governmental and diplomatic officials, civil  ...
... , journalists, young professionals, students and scholars and other interested  ...
...  from across the world for a program of  ...
... , workshops, group discussions and cultural excursions  ...
...  leading figures from the fields of politics,  ...
...  society, academia, and the media.

We are currently  ...
...  applications for the event and I would be grateful if you could share  ...
...  announcement by forwarding the information below  ...
...  anyone you think may be interested in attending.

Thank  ...
...  for your attention and for your cooperation in sharing the  ...
...  of our upcoming events.

If you do not wish to  ...
...  emails from the ICD in future, please send  ...
...  an email to info@culturaldiplomacy.org  ...
...  this.

With warmest regards,

Mark Donfried
Director &  ...
Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD)
Ku´damm Karree (3rd Floor/ ...
... )
Kurfürstendamm 207-8 Berlin, Germany-10719
Phone:  ...
... .49(0)30.2360-7680
info@culturaldiplomacy.org  ...

------------ Please forward the announcement found below -------- ...
...  International Conference on Cultural Diplomacy in the EU
"Crisis, Conflict,  ...
...  Culture: The Role of Cultural Diplomacy in the European Project"
... , December 6th - 9th, 2011)
www.eu- ...
... -conference.org

Dear Sir/ Madam,

The Institute for  ...
...  Diplomacy is currently accepting  ...
...  for the event outlined above, which will take place in  ...
...  during December 2011. The program will  ...
...  together governmental and diplomatic officials, civil  ...
... , journalists, young professionals, students and scholars and other interested  ...
...  from across the world for a program of  ...
... , workshops, group discussions and cultural excursions  ...
...  leading figures from the fields of politics,  ...
...  society, academia, and the media.

The International  ...
...  on Cultural Diplomacy in the EU
"Crisis, Conflict,  ...
...  Culture: The Role of Cultural Diplomacy in the European Project"
... , December 6th - 9th, 2011)
www.eu- ...
... -conference.org
The EU & Cultural Diplomacy Conference is the first of a  ...
...  of three conferences dedicated to enhancing awareness and  ...
...  international governing institutions and their role in promoting cultural  ...
...  across the world. The conference, focused on the  ...
... , is an international conference organized by the ICD and other leading  ...
...  in the home base of the EU—Brussels, Belgium.

...  challenges currently facing Europe from the debt crisis, to crippling military  ...
...  to the debate over increased political and  ...
...  union—funneled through a thorough understanding of the  ...
...  and theoretical foundations of the “ ...
...  conference is open to applications from diplomatic and political  ...
...  practitioners, young professionals, students and scholars, private sector  ...
... , journalists, and other interested stakeholders in  ...
...  relations from across the world.

To apply please  ...
... :
http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/cde/index.php?en_ecdc-2011- ...
... -form


The Institute for Cultural  ...

The Institute for Cultural  ...
... , not-for-profit, non-governmental organization with headquarters in  ...
... , Germany. The goal of the ICD is to promote  ...
...  peace and stability by strengthening and  ...
...  relations at all levels. Over the past decade the ICD has grown to become one of  ...
... ’s largest independent cultural exchange organizations, ...
...  hosting programs that facilitate interaction among  ...
...  of all cultural, academic, and professional backgrounds, from  ...
...  the world.

Previous Events

Previous events  ...
...  by the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy include the International  ...
...  on Cultural Diplomacy (Berlin, May 11th-15th 2011 –  ...
... .icd-internationalsymposium.org), which  ...
...  The Hon. Lucinda Creighton - Minister of European  ...
...  of Ireland; The Hon. Michael Chertoff - Former  ...
...  States Secretary of Homeland Security; The Hon. Rexhep Meidani - ...
...  Former President of Albania; The Hon.  ...
...  Tim Hutchinson - Former United States  ...
...  from Arkansas; The Hon. Judge Theodor Meron - ...
...  Former President of the International  ...
...  Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia; The Hon. Yasar Yakis -  ...
...  Foreign Minister of Turkey

In March 2011 the  ...
...  hosted the Berlin International Economics  ...
...  2011 (Berlin, March 9th - 12th 2011 – www.biec.de ),  ...
...  hosted The Hon. Nahas Angula - Prime minister  ...
...  Namibia; The Hon. Jean-Paul Adam - Foreign  ...
...  The Hon. Alberto Jose Guevara Obregon - Minister of Finance of Nicaragua; The Hon. ...
...  Al Imam Al Sadig Al Mahdi - Former Prime  ...
...  of Sudan; The Hon. Akua Sena Dansua - Minister  ...
...  Tourism of Ghana; and The Hon. Edmund Bartlett - ...
...  Minister of Tourism of Jamaica.

Please  ...
...  any additional queries to info@ ...
... .org

We look forward to seeing you in Brussels.

Mark  ...
Director & Founder

Institute for  ...
...  Diplomacy (ICD)
Ku´damm Karree (3rd Floor/ ...
... )
Kurfürstendamm 207-8 Berlin, Germany-10719
Phone:  ...
Fax: 00.49.(0)30.2360-76811
info@culturaldiplomacy.org  ...

Join the ICD’s global network on Facebook – click  ...
Keep up-to-date with the latest developments in the  ...
...  by following the ICD on Twitter – click here
Become a  ...
...  of the ICD and help create a strong Cultural  ...
...  community – click here  ...
...  ___
This e-mail contains privileged and confidential  ...
...  intended only
for the use of the individual  ...
...  entity named above. If the reader of this
e-mail  ...
...  not the intended recipient or the employee or agent  ...
for routing it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified  ...
...  any
review, dissemination, copying or forwarding of  ...
...  e-mail is strictly
prohibited. If you have  ...
...  this e-mail in error, please reply to the
...  of such and delete the e-mail in its entirety.  ...
45% Brigitte27 06 Octombrie 2011, 12:40:32
Programul de vara Young Leaders Forum
...  perioada 17 iunie – 14 septembrie Institutul  ...
...  Diplomatia Culturala din Berlin va  ...
...  programul „Young Leaders Forumdestinat  ...
...  din toate colturile lumii. De-a lungul  ...
...  vor avea loc mai multe conferinte internationale,  ...
...  in Berlin, dar si la Londra, Bruxelles, Viena si  ...
... . Durata fiecarei conferinte va fi de 6-7  ...
... , unde un grup de aproximativ 30-40 de  ...
...  vor dezbate asupra evolutiilor recente in  ...
...  culturala, precum si impactul deciziilor economice si  ...
...  la nivel global.
Pe durata conferintelor, participantii vor  ...
...  posibilitatea de a participa intr-un program interactiv  ...
...  vor putea adresa intrebari directe conferentiarilor.  ...
...  din scena politica mondiala vor oferii  ...
...  conferinte, ceea ce va oferii sansa studentilor si tinerilor profesionali de a  ...
...  legaturi directe si de a extinde retelele  ...
... . De asemenea, vor fi organizate activitati  ...
...  si sociale prin intermediul carora participantii vor avea  ...
...  de a se bucura de o sedere cat mai  ...
...  este necesara inscrierea pe site-ul ICD: www.icd-ylf.org (Application form).  ...
...  de participare este de 195 euro, si nu  ...
...  cazarea, masa si transportul. Pentru mai multe  ...
... , vizitati site-ul ICD, sau trimiteti un mail la adresa info@ ...
... .org
Institutul pentru Diplomatie Culturala (ICD) este o  ...
...  internationala, non-guvernamentala cu sediul in Berlin. Fondata in  ...
...  de catre Mark Donfried, activitatile sale  ...
...  concentreaza pe promovarea si dezvoltarea in domeniul  ...
... , prin cercetare, initiative ?i programe, precum si prin organizarea de  ...
...  internationale si diferite serii de evenimente.
Persoana de  ...
... :
Kateryna Kononiuk – Director de proiect
Telefon: 00.49.(0)30. ...
... -7680
E-mail: info@culturaldiplomacy.org
Web: www. ...
45% Brigitte27 07 Iunie 2012, 16:17:02
Elizabeth Gilbert: Un nou mod de a gândi despre creativitate
...  savuroasă prezentare de la TED (titrare disponibilă în limba  ...
... )

http://www.youtube.com/v/86x-u-tz0MA&rel= ...
45% Lucian Velea 14 Februarie 2009, 13:03:21
The Annual Conference on Cultural Diplomacy in the USA 2012
...  Annual Conference on Cultural Diplomacy in the USA 2012
"Options on the  ...
... ": Soft Power, Intercultural Dialogue, and the Future of US Foreign  ...
(Washington D.C., January 9th - 11th, 2013)

Dear  ...
...  and Colleagues,

On behalf of the  ...
...  for Cultural Diplomacy, we are writing to inform you  ...
...  our forthcoming conference in the USA, to be hosted  ...
...  the ICD in partnership with other leading  ...
... .

You can learn more about the conference by reading the  ...
...  below. I would also be grateful if you could share  ...
...  announcement by forwarding the information below  ...
...  anyone you think might be interested in attending.

With  ...
...  regards from Berlin,
Mark C. Donfried & the  ...
...  Team


The Annual Conference on  ...
...  Diplomacy in the USA 2012
"Options on the  ...
... ": Soft Power, Intercultural Dialogue, and the Future of US Foreign  ...
(Washington D.C., January 9th - 11th, 2013)

In the wake of the recent U.S. Presidential Election, the strategy of America’ ...
...  Foreign Policy has become an increasingly crucial issue, with  ...
...  international community waiting expectantly to see how  ...
... 's Foreign Policy approach will adapt to the new challenges confronting  ...
...  the past years, the international community has come to see soft power and  ...
...  Diplomacy play a more significant role  ...
...  US Foreign Policy and International Relations in general, as  ...
...  has been recognized and become apparent that these  ...
...  can assist in creating a multi-lateral consensus, as opposed to  ...
...  challenges facing the international community within the context of  ...
...  continue to deepen due to a fragmented international  ...
...  filled with mistrust, competition, and  ...
...  and political fragility.

The foreign  ...
...  goals and priorities of individual nation states  ...
...  increasingly be required to take into account an interdependent,  ...
... -polar, international environment, and balance the pursuit of national  ...
...  with the pursuit of global public goods. The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy  ...
...  therefore dedicated its bi-annual conference on the  ...
...  Foreign Policy to debate and explore the continuing  ...
...  of soft power, intercultural dialogue, and Cultural Diplomacy,  ...
...  as they relate to American Foreign Policy, and assess the  ...
...  in the conference is open to governmental & diplomatic officials, academics & ...
...  scholars, economists, journalists, artists, civil  ...
...  representatives, young professionals, and students, as well as other interested  ...
...  from across the world.

Participant Papers >  ...
The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy encourages academic research  ...
...  analysis of issues related to the goals of the conference. The ICD  ...
...  therefore like to welcome the participants of our conference to  ...
...  a paper they would like to be considered for presentation  ...
...  the conference, as well as to be included in the proposal document that will be  ...
...  which will be sent to all governments and leaders of the international  ...
... .

Conference Speakers >
The speakers during the conference will include  ...
...  figures and experts from international politics ( ...
...  head of states and ministers), academia, the  ...
...  community, civil society, and the private  ...
... . These speakers will include a number of individuals from the ICD  ...
...  Board. To learn more about the ICD Advisory  ...
...  HERE.

Speakers for the conference include:

• The Hon. Dr. Alfredo Palacio -  ...
...  of the ICD Advisory Board; Former President of  ...
• The Hon. Dr. Ali Ahmad Jalali - President of the  ...
...  Advisory Board; Former Interior Minister  ...
• Sir Anthony Russell Brenton - ICD Advisory Board Member; Former British  ...
...  to Russia
David Soul - Celebrated American Actor;  ...
...  known for his Role as Detective Kenneth "Hutch” in the  ...
...  program "Starsky and Hutch" (Video Lecture)
•  ...
...  Hon. Dr. Emil Constantinescu - President of  ...
...  ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy; Former  ...
...  of Romania
• The Hon. Erna Hennicot  ...
...  - Vice President of the ICD Advisory Board; Former  ...
...  Minister of Culture and Religious Affairs
... • Frank Ucciardo - UN Correspondent, CBS News "Up To  ...
...  Minute"
• Ian Gillan - Lead Singer  ...
...  Lyricist for Deep Purple (Video Lecture)
• The Hon.  ...
...  James R. Mancham - ICD Advisory Board  ...
... ; Founding President of the Republic of  ...
• The Hon. Dr. Nazar Al Baharna - ICD Advisory Board  ...
... ; Former Foreign Minister of Bahrain
• The  ...
... . Nouzha Skalli - ICD Advisory Board Member; Former Moroccan  ...
...  of Social Development, Family, and Solidarity
•  ...
...  Hon. Paula Dobrianski - ICD Advisory Board Member;  ...
...  US Under Secretary of State for Democracy and  ...
...  Affairs
• Ribal Al-Assad - Chairman, Iman Foundation
• The Hon. ...
...  Dr. Solomon Isaac Passy - ICD Advisory  ...
...  Member; Former Foreign Minister of  ...
• Governor Steve Merrill - 77th Governor of New Hampshire;  ...
... , Bingham Consulting (Video Lecture)
• The Hon.  ...
...  Day - Former Canadian Minister of  ...
...  Trade (Video Lecture)
• The Hon. Yasar  ...
...  - President of the ICD Young Leaders' Forums; ...
...  Former Foreign Minister of Turkey

If you  ...
...  like to reserve a position and participate in the conference, please  ...


Thank you for your attention and cooperation in sharing the news of our  ...
...  programs.

With warm regards,

Mark Donfried
...  & Founder
Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD...
Ku´damm Karree (3rd Floor/Hochhaus)
...  207-8 Berlin, Germany-10719
Phone: 00.49(0)30.2360-7680
... .culturaldiplomacy.org
45% Brigitte27 03 Decembrie 2012, 12:51:19
Master of Arts Program in International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy
... Dear Sir/Madam,

On behalf of the  ...
...  for Cultural Diplomacy, I am writing to bring to your  ...
...  our new Masters Program in Cultural Diplomacy and  ...
...  accepting applications for enrollments to the Fall Semester 2011 in Berlin, ...
...  and would be grateful if you could share  ...
...  announcement by forwarding the information below  ...
...  anyone you think may be interested in applying.

Master of  ...
...  Program in International Relations and Cultural  ...
The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy, in Cooperation with Dubrovnik  ...
...  University
Berlin, from October 17th, 2011
... .org; Application Form>
On behalf of the Institute for  ...
...  Diplomacy I would like to thank you in  ...
...  in sharing the news of our program. If you have any further questions  ...
...  the MA program or our institution, please do  ...
...  hesitate to contact us at: academy@culturaldiplomacy.org

With warm  ...
...  and gratitude.

Respectfully yours,

Mark  ...
Director & Founder
Institute for Cultural  ...
...  (ICD)
Ku´damm Karree (3rd Floor/Hochhaus)
...  207-8 Berlin, Germany-10719
Phone: 00.49.(0)30.2360-7680
... : 00.49.(0)30.2360-76811

------------ Please forward the announcement found below -------- ...
...  you --------------

Master of Arts Program in International  ...
...  and Cultural Diplomacy
The Institute for  ...
...  Diplomacy in Cooperation with Dubrovnik  ...
...  University
Berlin, from October 17th, 2011
... .org; Application Form>

Dear Sir/Madam,

The Institute for  ...
...  Diplomacy and Dubrovnik International  ...
...  (DIU) are pleased to announce the graduate  ...
...  of Arts program in International Relations and Cultural  ...
... . Offered by DIU in partnership with the ICD, the  ...
...  will combine the traditional academic components  ...
...  a new focus on the role of soft power and cultural diplomacy in contemporary  ...
...  affairs.

The Degree
While the study of political  ...
...  has been a cherished tradition of academia, the developments  ...
...  above demand the identification of entirely new  ...
...  and models. An understanding of the  ...
...  faced by the contemporary world requires an  ...
...  approach; International Relations and Diplomacy should not be understood only  ...
...  disciplines of Political Science or  ...
...  Theory, but also be interpreted from the perspective of art and culture, ...
...  economics, law, and other social sciences.

...  information about the program curriculum is  ...
...  under:
http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/ ...
... /content/articles/maincd/MA_Cultural_Diplomacy_Curriculum...

DIU and the ICD do not  ...
...  any one element of an application exclusively.  ...
... , our admissions panel considers academic  ...
...  such as strength of character, motivation and the ability and  ...
...  to take on new academic challenges. Additional factors,  ...
...  as essays, letters of recommendation, and interviews are also a  ...
...  part of the admissions process. Our aim is to attract  ...
...  from a variety of backgrounds and countries  ...
...  will foster a unique and diverse learning environment.

Further  ...
...  is found under:  

http://www. ...
... .org/academy/index.php?en_ma_admissions

Online  ...
In order to provide access to this MA degree  ...
...  who are not able to travel to Berlin and Dubrovnik for the MA degree (such as  ...
...  or diplomats with full time jobs) we have  ...
...   an online version of the MA in International Relations and  ...
...  Diplomacy. This degree would follow the  ...
...  structure and curriculum of the on-site Masters  ...
...  offered through the two institutions; however  ...
...  be completely administered online and offered  ...
...  those who could not physically come to Berlin or  ...
... . This program, like the on-site program, will be  ...
...  in English. For more information about this online degree, ...
...  please contact us at: academy@culturaldiplomacy.org

The  ...
...  for Cultural Diplomacy

The  ...
...  for Cultural Diplomacy is an international, not-for- ...
... , non-governmental organization with headquarters in  ...
... , Germany. The goal of the ICD is to promote  ...
...  peace and stability by strengthening and  ...
...  relations at all levels. Over the past decade the ICD has grown to become one of  ...
... ’s largest independent cultural exchange organizations, ...
...  hosting programs that facilitate interaction among  ...
...  of all cultural, academic, and professional backgrounds, from  ...
...  the world.

Please address any additional  ...
...  to academy@culturaldiplomacy.org

With warm  ...
...  and gratitude.

Respectfully yours,

Mark  ...
Director & Founder

Institute for  ...
...  Diplomacy (ICD)
Ku´damm Karree (3rd Floor/ ...
... )
Kurfürstendamm 207-8 Berlin, Germany-10719
Phone:  ...
Fax: 00.49.(0)30.2360-76811
Join the ICD’s global network on Facebook – click  ...
Keep up-to-date with the latest developments in the  ...
...  by following the ICD on Twitter – click here
Become a  ...
...  of the ICD and help create a strong Cultural  ...
...  community – click here
This e-mail contains  ...
...  and confidential information intended only
...  the use of the individual or entity named above. If the  ...
...  of this
e-mail is not the intended recipient or the  ...
for routing it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified  ...
...  any
review, dissemination, copying or forwarding of  ...
...  e-mail is strictly
prohibited. If you have  ...
...  this e-mail in error, please reply to the
sender  ...
...  such and delete the e-mail in its entirety.  ...
45% ICD Berlin 04 Octombrie 2011, 12:20:25
Diadoh al Foticeii este Sfânt?
...  sunt lămurit dacă Episcopul Diadoh al Foticeii  ...
...  ca Sfânt. În unele scrieri este numit "Fericitul", adică un grad mai mic.

...  ne poate lămuri cineva cu mai multe cunoştinţe  ...
45% Lucian Velea 20 Iunie 2011, 10:27:25
The Berlin International Economics Congress 2013
...  Berlin International Economics Congress 2013
“Innovative Nation  ...
...  in the 21st Century: Combining Intercultural Relations,  ...
...  Development, Ecological Tourism, &  ...
...  Responsible Investment”
(Berlin, March 6th – 10th, 2013)
... .biec.de

The Berlin International Economics  ...
...  is the world’s leading event in the field of nation  ...
...  held parallel to ITB Berlin (Internationale  ...
... -Börse Berlin), which is the world's largest tourism trade fair.

The  ...
...  will focus on innovative Nation Branding techniques and strategies, allowing  ...
...  to achieve political gains and financial stability through the uses of  ...
...  sustainable development, ecological tourism, and  ...
...  responsible investment.

The Congress will create a  ...
...  to apply new approaches of Nation Branding, as well as to explore the potential  ...
...  creative promotion strategies to improve a nation' ...
...  image, consequently presenting  ...
...  perspectives from the fields of economics, politics, arts  ...
... & culture, tourism, civil society, and the private sector.

Conference Agenda
The program will consist of lectures,  ...
... , workshops, debates, and panel discussions that will  ...
...  leading figures and experts in the fields of  ...
...  Economics & Politics, Academia, Investment,  ...
... , Tourism, Conflict Resolution, Finance,  ...
...  & Advertising, and Civil Society.

The  ...
...  on the following issues:
• Building a Successful National Brand through  ...
...  Promotion of Sustainability, Environmental  ...
... , and CSR
• The Role of Corporations and  ...
...  Cultural Diplomacy in Nation Branding
• The  ...
...  of Free and Fair Trade in Global Development
•  ...
...  Corporate Social Responsibility in Building Economic Bridges

Conference  ...
...  in the conference is open to governmental & diplomatic officials, academics,  ...
...  representatives, young professionals and students as well as other interested  ...
...  from across the world.

Conference Speakers
...  speakers during the Conference will include  ...
...  and current and former heads of state and  ...
... , as well leading figures and experts from  ...
...  economics & politics and law, academy, the  ...
...  sector, the diplomatic community and civil society  ...
...  across the world.

Speaker for the Conference include:

...  Hon. Dr. Vasile Puşcaş, Jean Monnet Chair  ...
...  –Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca; Former Romanian Minister for European  ...
Dr. Inge Kaul, Professor, Hertie School  ...
...  Governance; Former Director of UNDP’s Office of  ...
...  Studies
Dr. Gerhard Prätorius, Head of  ...
...  CSR and Sustainability, Volkswagen AG
The Hon.  ...
... . Erhard Busek, Former Vice-Chancellor of  ...
... ; Former Minister for Science and Research of  ...
The Hon. Anna Diamantopoulou (MP), Former EU  ...
...  for Employment, Social Affairs & Equal  ...
... ; Former Greek Minister for Development
Jan  ...
...  Goertz, Director, Governmental Relations,  ...
...  AG

Certificate of attendance
All participants will be awarded an  ...
...  certificate of attendance upon completion of the program,  ...
...  will provide details of the speakers who took part  ...
...  the topics discussed. Each certificate will be  ...
...  by members of the ICD's Advisory Board.

...  apply please visit: http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/academy/index.php? ...
... -form

For more information please visit: www. ...
... .de
45% Brigitte27 10 Ianuarie 2013, 16:43:41
The Europe Meets China Conference: A Forum for Young Leaders (EMC)
...  a Sino-European Culture Economy-Based Relationship to tackle Economic  ...
...  Political Crises”
Berlin, September 9th - 13th, 2013

Europe Meets China: ...
...  A Forum for Young Leaders (EMC) is a network of  ...
...  and young professionals who have an  ...
...  in exploring and strengthening the relations between  ...
...  and China. Participants join the forum by  ...
...  part in a EMC Weeklong Seminar, following which they  ...
...  encouraged to conduct their own research and  ...
...  their own activity in the field. ICD Weeklong Seminars are targeted at  ...
...  and young professionals with an interest in  ...
...  European-Chinese relationship.

As an independently developed and organized  ...
... , EMC offers a unique opportunity to come  ...
...  and foster wider, deeper relations on an  ...
... , cultural and political level. This in turn will  ...
...  a wider understanding of intercultural issues, ...
...  promote personal growth, and contribute to  ...
...  creation of innovative policy-oriented solutions to issues affecting all  ...
...  and cultures.

Conference Location
Based  ...
...  Berlin, the conference will be hosted at a number of important political,  ...
... , and cultural locations across the city.

...  Speakers
Speakers during the Conference will include head  ...
...  state and ministers, leading figures and experts  ...
...  international politics, economics, academia, diplomacy, civil society,  ...
...  sector. The speakers will also include a number of individuals from the ICD  ...
...  Board.

Conference Participants
...  in the Conference is open to governmental & diplomatic officials, academics,  ...
...  representatives, young professionals and students as well as other interested  ...
...  from across the world.

To apply please  ...
... :
http://www.culturaldiplomacy.de/index.php?en_application- ...
... -seminars

For more information please visit: ...
http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/youngleadersforums/index. ...
... ?en_emc
45% Brigitte27 05 Iulie 2013, 10:49:56
în Umor

Definitii de către Musat Cristina Carmen
... : Castelul groazei.
Dirigintele şi elevii: Ali Baba şi cei 40  ...
...  hoţi.
Şedinţa cu părinţii: Mult zgomot pentru  ...
... .
Anul şcolar: Calvarul în serii.
Perioada tezelor: Curg ape tulburi.
Ora de teză: ...
...  Contraspionaj.
Corigenţa: Soarta unui om.
Extemporalul: Alarmă în munţi.
Elevul  ...
...  tablă: Cadavru viu.
Elevul care vine de la tablă:  ...
...  care a văzut moartea.
Elevii care nu suflă:  ...
... .
Suflatul: Vânt de libertate.
Fiţuica: Reţeta fericirii.
... : Procesul maimuţelor.
45% Musat Cristina Carmen 22 Decembrie 2008, 16:49:09
Uniunea mistica: Iubire, extaz si experiente mistice
...  oameni singuri, care nu au un cerc de  ...
...  cu care sa-si impartaseasca profund trairile si  ...
...  spirituale, metafizce, esoterice. Acest fel de oameni, ...
... -si gasesc locul in societate, ei sunt diferiti de oamenii normali; ei abordeaza  ...
...  amoros pentru placerea pura, care ofera o  ...
...  sublima, care conduce la stari de constiinta  ...
... , adica la "experiente mistice".
Dar pentru  ...
... , muzica este cea care ne leaga pentru ca  ...
...  de multe ori canalele de comunicare intre  ...
... .

45% S 26 Decembrie 2008, 13:51:27
Barry Schwartz: Adevărata criză? Am încetat să fim înţelepţi
...  excelentă prezentare de la TED - februarie 2009 (cu subtitrare  ...
...  limba engleză)

http://www.youtube.com/v/lA- ...
45% Lucian Velea 21 Februarie 2009, 18:01:45
Inima atat de alba - Javier Marias
...  carte despre indoieli si certitudini, despre  ...
...  si motivele ei sau mai bine zis despre  ...
...  ei....ceea ce se intampla cand aceasta dispare...de cate ori  ...
... -o viata?
....incipit: " o fata, care nu mai era o copila, se intoarce din  ...
...  de nunta, ia masa cu familia, se ridica,  ...
...  in baie, isi cauta inima cu pistolul si trage..." De Ce?
Oare  ...
...  iubi pe cineva atat de mult incat sa ucizi pentru el pe  ...
...  pe care se presupune, de asemenea, ca l-ai iubit la fel de mult  ...
...  in vedere ca ai ajuns sa te casatoresti cu el?
...  personaj al cartii sustinea ca nimeni nu iubeste de buna-voie, toti suntem  ...
...  obligati, mai devreme sau mai tarziu obligati intr- ...
... ...toti cei care iubesc sunt obligati mai mult sau mai putin lucruri pe care in  ...
... -ar face, sau cel putin nici ei nu stiu daca le-ar face...
Cartea prezinta  ...
...  unui EL si a unei EA, dupa casatorie, cand apare intrebarea  ...
... : “ei bine, si acum?” Te-ai casatorit, esti cu persona pe  ...
...  sau cel putin asa se presupune…, impartiti aceeasi casa, acelasi pat….ce  ...
... ? Atatea amanunte care te-au facut sa te  ...
... , micile bucurii cotidiene vor disparea….nu  ...
...  te intalnesti cu el in parc, s ate conduca acasa, sa va despartiti pentru a va  ...
...  a doua zi, sa ti se faca dor de el, sa-l  ...
...  cu nerabdare intrebandu-te ce veti mai face de  ...
...  data….Acum totul e previzibil: deschizi  ...
...  si-l vezi alaturi de tine, nu-I mai poti scrie “noapte buna” ...
...  la ce ora vine, la ce ora pleaca, nu-l mai poti intalni intamplator….totul e  ...
...  cu care poate pana atunci nu aveati nimic in comun devine brusc “Casa VOASTRA”…. ...
...  treaba!!!! Nu mai pot exista mici secrete intre voi,  ...
...  trebuie sa fie clar….nu mai poti pleca cand vrei, sunteti legati  ...
...  totdeauna…..trebuie sa ai tot timpul grija  ...
...  pentru a nu-l rani in nici un fel….Compromisuri peste compromisuri!
O tema  ...
...  a romanului, legata de titlul acestuia  ...
... , este cea a cuvintelor, forta si totodata lipsa lor de putere; in acest sens  ...
...  interesant de analizat citatul din Shakespeare (  ...
...  ):
My hands are of your color
But I shame to  ...
...  a heart so white…”
(instigat de sotia sa, Macbethil ucide pe……Sotia,  ...
...  este autorul moral al crimei,[my hands are of your  ...
... ], si totodata si complice, sfatuindu-si sotul sa  ...
...  vina pe slujitori, manjuindu-I cu sange pe fata, inima ei  ...
...  alba, nu ea l-a ucis, oricum si oricat ar incerca ea nu-l mai poate  ...
...  inca odata…”I have done the deed”…
Asemenea lui  ...
... , tatal eroului principal al operei comite fapta…isi ucide sotia pentru a se  ...
...  cu cea pe care o iubea….cuprins de frenezia indragostitului, acesta ii  ...
...  noii sale sotii ceea ce a facut. Neputand suporta idea ( in trecut ea ii  ...
...  ca singura cale prin care ei pot fi impreuna este ca cealalta sa moara ),  ...
... -se vinovata, se sinucide….( de aici si indemnul tatalui catre  ...
...  sau: “daca ai secrete, nu I le spune ei…”
E  ...
...  care o au uneori cuvintele, fara sa bagam de seama se cuibaresc in mintea noastra  ...
...  nu ne mai dau pace…Dar ce inseamna acestea fara  ...
... ? Caci rareori cei care se gandesc sa se omoare o fac prin fapte, se  ...
...  in sinea lor prin ganduri….Cuvintele nu omoara, oamenii o fac…
...  si aici idea importantei fiecarui amanunt care ne  ...
...  viata si ne conduce spre ceea ce suntem azi, lucrurile  ...
...  care le-am facut ca si cele pe care nu le-am  ...
... , cuvintele ce le-am spus ca si pe cele pe care nu le-am  ...
... …ajungem din nou la “dar daca?”….daca as fi spus  ...
...  in loc de nu, sau nu in loc de da, daca m-as fi  ...
...  in loc sa fug mereu, daca as fi recunoscut ca plang in  ...
...  sa pretend ca raddaca, daca, daca….viata noastra  ...
...  cladita pe un sir nesfarsit de “daca”…din  ...
...  lumi posibile doar una e reala de fapt….In  ...
...  din urma, ceea ce este se confunda cu  ...
45% maria_dobos 25 Februarie 2009, 22:39:34
Adâncurile oceanelor
... David Gallo şi Bill Lange vorbesc despre  ...
...  folosită pentru a studia adâncurile oceanelor şi despre  ...
...  extraordinare făcute. Trebuie să vedeţi  ...
...  prezentate, e fantastic ce există la adâncimi de ordinul kiometrilor!

http:// ...
... .youtube.com/v/eIs5CKzckq0&rel= ...
45% Lucian Velea 18 Septembrie 2008, 19:18:29
Lecţia de limba franceză
în Umor

...  profesoară de franceză le explică elevilor săi că în  ...
...  franceză, spre deosebire de cea engleză, substantivele  ...
...  clasificate după gen: în masculine şi feminine.
...  este feminin - "la maison". Creionul este  ...
...  crayon".
Povestirea noastră începe în momentul în care un student a întrebat:  ...
...  gen este "computer" ?
În loc să le dea un răspuns,  ...
...  a împărţit clasa în două grupe - fete/  ...
...  - şi le-a cerut să decidă singuri dacă substantivul " ...
... " ar trebui să fie de genul masculin sau feminin.
Fiecărui  ...
...  i s-a cerut să aducă patru argumente pentru a-şi susţine  ...
...  "calculatoarele" sigur ar trebui să fie de genul feminin. Motivele sunt:

1.  ...
...  lor nu le înţelege logica;

2. limbajul comun pe care-l folosesc în  ...
...  cu alte calculatoare este de neînţeles de către oricine altcineva;
3. chiar şi cele mai mici greşeli sunt păstrate în memorie  ...
...  termen lung pentru posibile aduceri aminte;
4. cum îţi iei unul, te trezeşti cheltuind  ...
...  din salariu pentru accesorii.

Grupul  ...
...  "calculator" ar trebui să fie de genul masculin deoarece:

1. ca să  ...
...  el trebui să-l "porneşti";

2. are o mulţime de informaţii dar nu poate gândi  ...
...  ar trebui să te ajute să rezolvi probleme dar, în marea majoritate a cazurilor,  ...
...  este problema;

4. cum îţi iei unul, realizezi că  ...
...  ai mai fi aşteptat puţin, ai fi putut avea  ...
...  tip mai bun.  ...
45% S 05 Ianuarie 2010, 22:59:21
Cultural Diplomacy in the Global Economy:
...  Diplomacy in the Global Economy:
A Forum  ...
...  Young Leaders (CDEC)
”Innovative Nation Branding  ...
...  the 21st Century: Combining Intercultural Relations,  ...
...  Development, Ecological Tourism, &  ...
...  Responsible Investment"
(Berlin, March 4th – 10th, 2013)

...  Seminar Agenda

Cultural Diplomacy in the  ...
...  Economy: A Forum for Young Leaders (CDEC) is  ...
...  with an interest in the global economy and its relationship to the public  ...
...  international politics, civil society and the environment. The program has been  ...
...  in recognition of the importance of combining perspectives from  ...
...  fields and levels of society in discussing  ...
...  challenges to the global economy, and on the understanding that " ...
...  bridges" play an important role in promoting  ...
...  peace and stability.

Members join the Forum by  ...
...  part in one of the CDEC Weeklong Seminars that are held every  ...
... -6 months. Each CDEC Weeklong Seminar will  ...
...  focused on a specific theme related to the  ...
...  Economy and the goals of the Forum. These  ...
...  Seminars include lectures, seminars, and  ...
...  led by experts from the fields of economics, ...
...  politics and diplomacy, nation branding and civil  ...
... . In addition to introducing the participants  ...
...  a range of different perspectives on the global  ...
...  and its influence on other fields, the week  ...
...  provides an opportunity to network and  ...
...  Berlin.

Once they have joined the CDEC Forum, members are supported  ...
...  the ICD in organizing leadership initiatives,  ...
...  academic research, and are invited to join  ...
...  ICD Online Forum - enabling them to share  ...
...  and communicate with likeminded individuals  ...
...  the world.

In addition to looking in greater  ...
...  at the history and development of cultural diplomacy, the  ...
...  CDEC Weeklong Seminar will focus on the  ...
...  theme:

”Innovative Nation Branding in the  ...
...  Century: Combining Intercultural Relations,  ...
...  Development, Ecological Tourism, &  ...
...  Responsible Investment"

Seminar Participants
Cultural  ...
...  in the Global Economy: A Forum for Young Leaders (CDE) is  ...
...  to young professionals and students with an interest in exploring  ...
... , in international affairs in general, and Europe in particular.

Seminar Speakers
...  speakers during the conference will include  ...
...  figures and experts from international politics,  ...
... , the diplomatic community, civil society and  ...
...  private sector, from across the world. These speakers will  ...
...  a number of individuals from the ICD Advisory  ...
... .

Certificate of attendance
All participants will be awarded an  ...
...  certificate of attendance upon completion of the program,  ...
...  will provide details of the speakers who took part  ...
...  the topics discussed. Each certificate will be  ...
...  by members of the ICD's Advisory Board.

...  apply please visit:
http://www.culturaldiplomacy.de/index.php?en_application- ...
... -seminars

For more information please visit: ...
http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/youngleadersforums/index. ...
... ?en_cdec_application-form

45% Brigitte27 10 Ianuarie 2013, 16:46:39
Concurs de literatura pentru tineret
...  este structurata in doua sectiuni principale, "Poezie" si " ...
... ", ambele adresandu-se tinerilor pana in 35  ...
...  ani.
Pentru mai multe informatii: http://www. ...
... .ro/Concurs-de-literatura-pentru-tineri+id-1076. ...
45% Poe-tu 02 Octombrie 2008, 17:44:29
Timp de basm la Cărtureşti
...  Lungu ne informează despre o iniţiativă interesantă,  ...
...  copii:

Poveştile nu vor fi niciodată îndeajuns de multe pentru o lume de  ...
...  atât de diversă şi nici în criză de „ ...
... ”. Indiferent ce rău/balaur vor înfrunta,  ...
...  neschimbate în farmecul lor, până la adânci  ...
... . Cărtureştiul clujean vrea să pună umărul la sprijinirea unei frumoase  ...
... , de povestit şi ascultat poveşti, iar  ...
...  asta lansează o campanie pentru redescoperirea plăcerilor  ...
...  fericite. Totul ar putea fi văzut ca un mers contra vântului, câtă vreme  ...
...  seduce mai abitir decât o carte. Dar ar  ...
...  fi privit, în egală măsură, şi ca un pariu pe copilăria  ...
... , firească, memorabilă, în care Habarnam sau Pinochio  ...
...  o lume de copil fericit. Oricine pofteşte  ...
...  să vină la Cărtureşti (în Iulius Mall), pentru deschiderea de sâmbătă, 11  ...
...  2008, de la ora 11:00, când se va servi un  ...
...  complet de copilărie savuroasă, urmând ca  ...
...  viitoare să aibă loc în toate zilele de vineri, de la ora 18.

Librarii din  ...
...  colorate şi pufoase, la gura unor căni de ceai, istorisiri cu eroi buni şi răi.  ...
...  de basm din Cărtureşti nu se vor rezuma  ...
...  ascultare şi joc. Micuţii vor fi încurajaţi să creeze acasă  ...
...  poveşti, pe care mai apoi, la întâlnirile următoare, să le  ...
...  colegilor de perne. ...
45% Lucian Velea 09 Octombrie 2008, 18:49:35
Negru Latent
Negru Latent de către dragosNL
...  Latent ( http://www.myspace.com/negrulatent ) este o trupa  ...
...  darkwave din familia goth, infiintata in  ...
...  si are o conduita scenica inconstanta trupa avand  ...
...  independent. De asemenea tinem politica  ...
...  exclusiv original.

Cele mai importante aparitii ale noastre au  ...
...  First Romanian Darkfest 2009 in Fabrica si un  ...
...  coordonat chiar de noi in The Silver Church.  ...
... -un simplu search cu numele trupei pe youtube  ...
...  gasi cateva materiale asociate cu aceste spectacole  ...
...  altele.

Noi cantam de obicei cu negativ. ...
45% dragosNL 20 Octombrie 2010, 10:38:32
Enigma - Seven Lives Many Faces
...  a ajuns la al şaptelea album de studiou, "Seven Lives Many Faces"  ...
...  un succes imens. Un fusion clasic/modern perfect  ...
...  în zona multiculturală a muzicii electronice de  ...
... .

http://www.youtube.com/v/iuOUhzcSUlM&rel= ...
45% S 02 Martie 2009, 00:26:59
John Grisham - Testamentul
John Grisham - Testamentul de către maria_dobos
...  romanului ( scrie pe coperta ): Troy  ...
... , unul dintre cei mai bogati oameni din Statele  ...
...  ale Americii, isi traieste ultimele clipe  ...
...  de mostenitori care ii asteapta cu  ...
...  moartea. Pana aici totul pare clar,  ...
...  apare cand miliardarul decide sa-si schimbe  ...
...  printr-un testament care rastoarna situatia ....

in  ...
...  cu "Juriul", de acelasi autor, nu as putea spune ca  ...
...  este extraordinara...totusi un punct tare il poate  ...
...  portretul constituit de narator personajelor, reuseste sa le  ...
...  in toata decaderea lor, planurile lor meschine,  ...
...  oricarei urme de compasiune sau intelegere intre  ...
...  aceleasi famillii. Actiunile acestora sunt pur si  ...
...  dictate de interesul personal, ar fi in  ...
...  de orice pentru a obtine ceva in plus...o  ...
...  condusa de bani si avocati ahtiati dupa  ...
... , fiecare doreste sa fie cu un pas inaintea  ...
... , inteligenta este masurata direct proportional cu  ...
...  reusite de unul sau se altul...
Ceea ce atrage  ...
...  este probabil ritmul alert al povestirii, goana fiecaruia  ...
...  ceea ce crede ca i se cuvine, fara a se tine seama  ...
...  ceea ce a dorit de fapt cel ce a intocmit  ...
... ....oricum, este o carte care alunga plictiseala ,  ...
...  ca abordare....deznodamantul (spre deosebire de  ...
...  romanului, destul de previzibil) poate fi  ...
...  intr-o oarecare masura neasteptat....

45% maria_dobos 26 Februarie 2009, 23:03:45
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