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Elizabeth Gilbert: Un nou mod de a gândi despre creativitate
...  savuroasă prezentare de la TED (titrare  ...
...  în limba engleză)

http://www.youtube.com/v/86x- ...
... -tz0MA&rel= ...
45% Lucian Velea 14 Februarie 2009, 13:03:21
Cum au aparut elefantii
...  au aparut elefantii

Era odata un  ...
...  foarte rau.Facea numai prostii ca nu le mai  ...
...  numarul.Toata ziua vorbea fonfait si isi  ...
...  degetele in nas. Cand se plictisea sa faca acest lucru  ...
...  tragea de el, desi acesta nu-i facea nimic  ...
...  statea cuminte acolo sus intre cei doi  ...
...  ai lui. Tatal sau il tragea de urechi ca  ...
...  se corecteze, dar singurul efect pe care l-a obtinut a  ...
...  ca urechile devenisera atat de mari incat  ...
...  putea apara fara maini de muste. Tot tragandu- ...
...  de nas, acesta incepuse si el sa se lungeasca...
...  Dupa o vreme nasul devenise mai lung decat  ...
...  lui Pinochio si ii atingea genunchii.Dumnezeu s-a suparat  ...
...  tare pe baietel. El il facuse perfect pe  ...
...  si copilul acesta se straduia din rasputeri sa ii  ...
...  creatia. Intr-un moment de manie-mai tarziu  ...
... -a parut foarte rau- Dumnezeu a spus:
-Sa  ...
...  asa cum ai dorit tu, cu nasul lung si din  ...
...  aceasta sa te numesti elefant.
Si asa s-a  ...
... . Baiatul s-a acoperit cu o piele groasa ca  ...
...  purcel urechile i-au ramas asa de mari cum il tragea taica...
...  de ele si nasul s-a transformat in trompa. Ca sa nu  ...
...  mai traga de nas in continuare, picioarele  ...
...  mainile au devenit foarte groase si  ...
...  s-au scurtat intr-atat ca nu mai putea sa  ...
...  foloseasca sa le bage in trompa sau sa se traga  ...
...  ea.Nu mai putea sa se foloseasca de  ...
...  lui decat pentru mers. De atunci au aparut pe  ...
...  elefantii.
45% vanghelis007 30 Mai 2012, 06:16:50
Profetul lui Gibran - o care de exceptie
... -ne despre iubire:

"Cand iubirea va face semn, urmati- ...
...  indemnul,
Chiar daca drumurile-i sunt grele si  ...
... ,
Si cand aripile-i va cuprind, supuneti-va ei,
...  daca sabia ascunsa-n penaju-i v-ar putea  ...
... ,
Iar cand va vorbeste dati-i crezare,
Ciar  ...
...  vocea-i ar putea sa va sfarme visurile,  ...
...  vantului din miazanoapte care va pustieste  ...
... .
Fiindca, precum iubirea va incununa, ea trebuie  ...
...  va si crucifice. Precum va face sa  ...
... , ea trebuie sa va si reteze uscaciunile.
...  ea se ridica pana la inaltimea voastra,  ...
... -va ramurile cele mai fragile care freamata  ...
...  lumina soarelui,
Tot la fel va razbate pana in  ...
...  radacinilor voastre, zdruncinand  ...
...  lor cu pamantul.
Asemeni snopilor de grau, ea va  ...
... .
Va treiera pentru a va descoji.
Va vantura  ...
...  a va curata de pleava.
Va macina pana la  ...
...  fainii.
Va framanta pana ajungeti foarte  ...
... .
Ca apoi sa va harazeasca focului sau, si  ...
...  puteti deveni painea sfanta la ospatul divin.
Toate  ...
...  vi le va da iubirea, pentru ca, astfel, sa va  ...
...  cunoaste tainele inimii, si astfel sa  ...
...  o parte din inima Vietii.
Dar daca,  ...
...  de teama, veti cauta doar tihna si placerea  ...
... ,
Atunci e mai bine sa va acoperiti  ...
...  si sa iesiti din treierisul iubirii,
Spre a  ...
...  intoarce in lumea fara de anotimpuri, unde  ...
...  rade dar nu cu intreaga voastra bucurie si  ...
...  veti plande dar nu in toate lacrimile voastre.
...  nu se daruie decat pe sine si nu ia decat de la  ...
... .
Iubirea nu stapaneste si nu vrea sa fie  ...
... ;
Fiindca iubirii ii e de-ajuns iubirea.
Cand  ...
... , nu trebuie sa spuneti <<Creatorul este in inima mea>> ...
... , ci mai degraba <<eu sunt in inima Creatorului> ...
... >.
Si sa nu credeti ca puteti croi singuri  ...
...  iubirii, fiindca iubirea, daca o meriti, va  ...
...  arata drumul spre ea insasi.
Iubirea nu  ...
...  nici o alta dorinta decat aceea de a se implini.
...  daca iubesti si trebuie sa ai dorinte, fie  ...
...  ele acestea sa fie:
Sa te topesti si sa devii  ...
...  ce susurul in noapte-si canta;
Sa cunosti durerea prea  ...
...  duiosii;
Sa fii ranit de intelegerea iubirii
Sa  ...
...  de bunavoie si bucurandu-te
Sa te trezesti in  ...
...  cu inima intraripata si sa inalti multumire  ...
...  inca o zi de iubire;
Sa te odihnesti la  ...
...  amiezii si sa cugeti la extazul iubirii;
...  te intorci impacat acasa la ora amurgului;
Si, apoi, sa  ...
...  inaltand in inima o ruga pentru cel iubit,  ...
...  pe buze un cantec de lauda." ...
45% S 23 Decembrie 2008, 19:51:18
The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies (CCDS)
...  Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies (of the ICD Academy  ...
...  Cultural Diplomacy) is the world’s leading  ...
...  for the study of cultural diplomacy, offering educational  ...
...  ranging from week-long seminars for  ...
...  students and interested professionals, to Master&amp;# ...
... ;s and Doctoral programs for graduates  ...
...  careers in academia, diplomacy, government, ...
...  and/or the private sector, dedicated  ...
...  wholly or in part to the field of cultural diplomacy.

...  following opportunities:

• PHD Program in Cultural Diplomacy &amp; the Global  ...
...  (Berlin, June 18th, 2012) &amp;nbsp;
• MA in International Relations &amp; Cultural  ...
...  (Berlin, June 18th, 2012) &amp;nbsp;
• MBA in Cultural Diplomacy &amp; the Global  ...
...  (Berlin, June 18th, 2012) &amp;nbsp;

Distance Learning Programs:

• e-Learning  ...
...  in Cultural Diplomacy &amp; International Relations ( ...
...  4th – 30th, 2012)
• e-Learning Courses in Cultural Diplomacy in  ...
...  (June 4th – 30th, 2012)
• e-Learning Courses in Cultural Diplomacy in  ...
...  Global Economy (June 4th – 30th, 2012)
• e- ...
...  Courses in Cultural Diplomacy &amp; the Media (June 4th – 30th, ...
...  2012)

To find more information and apply to the above programs,  ...
45% Mark Donfried 02 Aprilie 2012, 12:56:48
MA Program in International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy
...  of Arts Program in International Relations  ...
...  Cultural Diplomacy
The Institute for Cultural  ...
...  in Cooperation with Dubrovnik International  ...
(Berlin, from March 26th, 2012)
www.icd-masterprogram. ...
... ; Application Form>

Dear Sir/Madam,

...  Institute for Cultural Diplomacy and Dubrovnik International  ...
...  (DIU) are pleased to announce the graduate  ...
...  of Arts program in International Relations  ...
...  Cultural Diplomacy. Offered by DIU in  ...
...  with the ICD, the program will combine the traditional academic  ...
...  of international relations with a new focus on the  ...
...  of soft power and cultural diplomacy in contemporary  ...
...  affairs.

The Degree
While the study of  ...
...  science has been a cherished tradition of academia...
...  the developments outlined above demand the identification of  ...
...  new theories and models. An understanding of the  ...
...  faced by the contemporary world requires  ...
...  interdisciplinary approach; International Relations and  ...
...  should not be understood only as disciplines of Political Science or  ...
...  Theory, but also be interpreted from the perspective  ...
...  art and culture, economics, law, and  ...
...  social sciences.

Further information about  ...
...  program curriculum is found under:
http://www. ...
... .org/academy/content/articles/maincd/ ...
... .pdf

DIU and the ICD do not  ...
...  any one element of an application  ...
... . Rather, our admissions panel considers  ...
...  achievement as well as personal qualities  ...
...  as strength of character, motivation and  ...
...  ability and willingness to take on new  ...
...  challenges. Additional factors, such as  ...
... , letters of recommendation, and interviews are also a vital  ...
...  of the admissions process. Our aim is to attract  ...
...  from a variety of backgrounds and countries  ...
...  will foster a unique and diverse learning environment. ...

Further information is found under:

http://www. ...
... .org/academy/index.php?en_ma_admissions

***** ...
... *
The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy

...  Institute for Cultural Diplomacy is an international, not-for- ...
... , non-governmental organization with headquarters in  ...
... , Germany. The goal of the ICD is to promote  ...
...  peace and stability by strengthening and  ...
...  intercultural relations at all levels. Over the past  ...
...  the ICD has grown to become one of Europe’s  ...
...  independent cultural exchange organizations, hosting  ...
...  that facilitate interaction among  ...
...  of all cultural, academic, and professional  ...
... , from across the world.

Please address any  ...
...  queries to academy@culturaldiplomacy.org

With  ...
...  regards and gratitude.

Respectfully yours,
Mark Donfried
Director &amp; Founder

...  for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD)
Ku´damm Karree (3rd  ...
... /Hochhaus)
Kurfürstendamm 207-8 Berlin, Germany- ...
Phone: 00.49.(0)30.2360-7680
Fax: 00.49.(0)30.2360-76811
www. ...
... .org
info@culturaldiplomacy.org  ...
45% Brigitte27 31 Ianuarie 2012, 13:09:55
The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in the EU
The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy  ...
...  the EU
“Sustainable Economic Growth, Further  ...
...  and Common Identity: Moving towards a  ...
... ; July 3rd - 5th, 2013)

Since its foundation the EU has undergone multiple  ...
...  in the socio-cultural, political, and economic spheres.  ...
... , the European Union consists of 27 member states,  ...
...  together to develop policies to facilitate common interests such as the  ...
...  movement of people, goods, services, and capital across borders.

Although the  ...
...  has made great strides in the past six  ...
... - both politically and economically- the region still  ...
...  challenges in terms of delivering  ...
... , bridging the gap between institutions and citizens, and  ...
...  a common and collective “European  ...
... .” Over four years of economic, social and political  ...
...  have presented the EU, its leaders, and  ...
...  people with a number of crucial challenges, which  ...
...  be thoroughly and instantly tackled in order for Europe  ...
...  be successful and to maintain its leading position in  ...
...  global arena.

The International Symposium on  ...
...  Diplomacy in the EU will therefore offer  ...
...  a platform to discuss the present and  ...
...  challenges of the European Union, and will  ...
...  on the role of Cultural Diplomacy in improving European  ...
... , enhancing cross-cultural collaboration,  ...
...  democratic governance, and sustaining peace and  ...
...  in the region.

Conference Location
Based in Brussels, the Conference  ...
...  be hosted at a number of important political,  ...
... , and cultural locations across the city,  ...
...  to the country's top institutions and landmarks. Featured locations during  ...
...  Conference will include: European Parliament, in addition to various  ...
...  embassies and governmental institutions.

...  Speakers
Speakers during the Conference  ...
...  include head of state and ministers, leading  ...
...  and experts from international politics,  ...
... , academia, diplomacy, civil society, and  ...
...  private sector. The speakers will also  ...
...  a number of individuals from the ICD  ...
...  Board.

Conference Participants
...  in the conference is open to governmental &amp; diplomatic officials, academics &amp;  ...
... , economists, journalists, artists, civil society  ...
... , private sector representatives, young  ...
... , and students, as well as other interested  ...
...  from across the world.

To apply please visit:
... ://www.culturaldiplomacy.de/index.php?en_iscd-2013

...  more information please visit:
http://www. ...
... .org/academy/index.php?en_2013-iscd-eu
45% Brigitte27 12 Iunie 2013, 11:29:33
The ICD Annual Academic Conference on Cultural Diplomacy 2011
... “Call for Applications”
(ICD Conferences,  ...
...  2011 – January 2012)


Dear Professors,  ...
...  and Colleagues,

On behalf of the  ...
...  for Cultural Diplomacy, I am writing to bring to  ...
...  attention the following major program ( ...
...  below) hosted by us in partnership with other leading  ...
... . The Program will bring together governmental and  ...
...  officials, civil society practitioners, private  ...
...  representatives, journalists, young professionals,  ...
...  and scholars, and other interested  ...
...  from across the world for a program of  ...
... , workshops, panel and group discussions and social and  ...
...  activities featuring leading figures from  ...
...  fields of politics, academia, civil society, media, and  ...
... .

We are currently accepting applications for  ...
...  event and I would be grateful if you could  ...
...  this announcement by forwarding the  ...
...  below to anyone you think may be interested in  ...
... .

The ICD Annual Academic Conference on Cultural  ...
...  2011
“Cultural Diplomacy and International Relations:  ...
...  Actors, New Initiatives, New Targets”
... , December 15th - 18th, 2011)

The “ICD Annual Academic  ...
...  on Cultural Diplomacy 2011” is the concluding  ...
...  of the Institute’s Cultural Diplomacy year. Taking place in Berlin, ...
...  the aim of the conference is to review,  ...
...  and evaluate the year in terms of  ...
...  Diplomacy.

This end of year academic  ...
...  will bring together scholars, politicians, diplomats, activists  ...
...  young leaders to discuss Cultural Diplomacy  ...
...  International Relations. Ranging from broad  ...
...  of discussion to specific areas of Cultural Diplomacy, the annual  ...
...  will provide a wide and detailed analysis of Cultural  ...
...  for 2011.

To apply please visit:
http://www. ...
... .org/academy/index.php?en_aaccd- ...
... -form

Thank you for your attention and for your  ...
...  in sharing the news of our upcoming events. If  ...
...  do not wish to receive emails from the ICD in future, please send  ...
...  an email to info@culturaldiplomacy.org  ...
...  this.

With warmest regards,

Mark Donfried
Director &amp; ...
...  Founder

Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD)
Ku´damm Karree (3rd  ...
... /Hochhaus)
Kurfürstendamm 207-8 Berlin, Germany- ...
Phone: 00.49(0)30.2360-7680
info@culturaldiplomacy. ...
45% Brigitte27 21 Octombrie 2011, 12:42:30
Cultural Diplomacy in Europe: A Forum for Young Leaders (CDE)
...  Diplomacy in Europe: A Forum for Young Leaders ( ...
... (Berlin, December 13th-18th, 2012)

Seminar Agenda
Cultural Diplomacy in Europe: A  ...
...  for Young Leaders (CDE) is a network of individuals,  ...
...  have an interest in exploring and  ...
...  relations between European States. The  ...
...  is based on the recognition that the  ...
...  economic and political integration of the European  ...
...  must be accompanied by sustained activity to  ...
...  that public opinion and relations between  ...
...  member states, and between member-states, remain  ...
...  and constructive at the grass roots level. ...

Individuals can join the CDE Forum by taking part  ...
...  one of the CDE Weeklong Seminars, which are held several times  ...
...  the year. Each CDE Weeklong Seminar will be  ...
...  on a specific theme related to Europe and  ...
...  goals of the Forum. The Seminars consist of  ...
... , seminars, debates and panel discussions that  ...
...  feature leading figures from the media,  ...
...  politics &amp; diplomacy, academia, civil society, and the  ...
...  sector. In addition to the academic components,  ...
...  take part in a range of social and  ...
...  activities.

The next CDE Weeklong  ...
...  in Berlin from December 13th-18th. In addition to looking in greater detail at  ...
...  history and development of cultural diplomacy,  ...
...  Seminar will provide perspectives on current  ...
...  conceptual issues in the development of cultural  ...
...  and arts administration within the  ...
...  context, and the current and future potential of  ...
... -building the European Identity and the Integration process.
...  the CDE, participants will attend the event: The  ...
...  Annual Conference on Cultural Diplomacy  ...
...  "Culture as an Emotion: the Magnetic Power of Arts  ...
... &amp; Music to Promote Democracy &amp; Global Peace" (Berlin, December  ...
...  - 16th).

Seminar Speakers
The speakers during the  ...
...  will include leading figures and experts from  ...
...  politics, academia, the diplomatic community, civil  ...
...  and the private sector, from across the  ...
... . These speakers will include a number of  ...
...  from the ICD Advisory Board.

...  Diplomacy in Europe (CDE) is open to all  ...
...  stakeholders and individuals with an  ...
...  in exploring the relation between European states

...  will include young professionals, students and academics,  ...
...  from politics, diplomats, practitioners from the civil society  ...
...  the private sector, Media representatives and  ...
...  stakeholders with an active interest in the  ...
... ’s themes.

Participation Cost
The participation cost  ...
...  the program is 195 Euros. If offered a place in  ...
...  program, applicants are then required to  ...
...  the participation cost to reserve their  ...
... .

To apply please visit:
http://www. ...
... .org/cde/index.php?en_cde_application-form

For more information  ...
...  visit:
http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/cde/index.php?en_about- ...
45% Brigitte27 04 Octombrie 2012, 12:38:31
The Cultural Diplomacy in Europe Conference: A Forum for Young Leaders (CDE)
... "“Analysing Youth Unemployment within the  ...
... : Global Dialogue for Tackling Youth  ...
... ; September 16th - 20th, 2013

Cultural Diplomacy in Europe: A Forum for Young  ...
...  (CDE) is a network of young individuals from  ...
...  the world, who have an interest in exploring and  ...
...  relations between European states. The  ...
...  is based on the recognition that the  ...
...  political and economic integration of the  ...
...  Union must be accompanied by sustained activity to  ...
...  that public opinion and relations between  ...
...  member states, remain positive and constructive at  ...
...  grass roots level.

As an independently  ...
...  and organized program, CDE offers a  ...
...  opportunity to come together and foster wider, deeper relations on an  ...
... , cultural and political level. This in turn will  ...
...  a wider understanding of intercultural  ...
... , promote personal growth, and contribute to the creation  ...
...  innovative policy-oriented solutions to issues  ...
...  all countries and cultures.

Conference  ...
Based in Berlin, the conference will be  ...
...  at a number of important political,  ...
... , and cultural locations across the city.

...  Speakers
Speakers during the Conference  ...
...  include head of state and ministers, leading  ...
...  and experts from international politics,  ...
... , academia, diplomacy, civil society, and  ...
...  private sector. The speakers will also  ...
...  a number of individuals from the ICD  ...
...  Board.

Conference Participants
...  in the Conference is open to governmental &amp; diplomatic officials, academics,  ...
... , journalists, civil society practitioners,  ...
...  sector representatives, young professionals and students  ...
...  well as other interested individuals from  ...
...  the world.

To apply please visit:
http://www. ...
... .de/index.php?en_application-form_weeklong-seminars

For  ...
...  information please visit:
http://www. ...
... .org/youngleadersforums/index.php?en_cde_about-forum
45% Brigitte27 05 Iulie 2013, 10:51:50
The Berlin International Economics Congress 2013
...  Berlin International Economics Congress 2013
“ ...
...  Nation Branding in the 21st Century:  ...
...  Intercultural Relations, Sustainable Development,  ...
...  Tourism, &amp; Socially Responsible Investment”
(Berlin,  ...
... , 2013)

The Berlin International Economics Congress is the world’s  ...
...  event in the field of nation branding held parallel to ITB  ...
...  (Internationale Tourismus-Börse Berlin), which  ...
...  the world's largest tourism trade fair.

The 2013  ...
...  will focus on innovative Nation Branding techniques and  ...
... , allowing countries to achieve political  ...
...  and financial stability through the uses  ...
...  socially sustainable development, ecological  ...
... , and socially responsible investment.

The  ...
...  will create a blueprint for the opportunities for  ...
...  to apply new approaches of Nation Branding,  ...
...  well as to explore the potential for creative  ...
...  strategies to improve a nation's image,  ...
...  presenting interdisciplinary perspectives from the fields of  ...
... , politics, arts &amp; culture, tourism, civil society,  ...
...  the private sector.

Conference Agenda
The  ...
...  will consist of lectures, seminars, workshops, debates, and panel  ...
...  that will feature leading figures and  ...
...  in the fields of International Economics &amp; Politics, Academia,  ...
... , Tourism, Conflict Resolution, Finance, Marketing &amp; Advertising, and Civil  ...
... .

The program will focus in particular on the  ...
...  issues:
• Building a Successful National Brand through the  ...
...  of Sustainability, Environmental Concern, and  ...
• The Role of Corporations and Corporate Cultural Diplomacy  ...
...  Nation Branding
• The Importance of Free  ...
...  Fair Trade in Global Development
• The  ...
...  of Corporate Social Responsibility in Building  ...
...  Bridges

Conference Participants
Participation in the  ...
...  is open to governmental &amp; diplomatic officials, academics,  ...
... , journalists, civil society practitioners,  ...
...  sector representatives, young professionals and students  ...
...  well as other interested individuals from  ...
...  the world.

Conference Speakers
The speakers during the Conference  ...
...  include dignitaries and current and former heads of  ...
...  and ministers, as well leading figures  ...
...  experts from international economics &amp; politics and law,  ...
... , the private sector, the diplomatic community and  ...
...  society from across the world.

Speaker for the  ...
...  include:

The Hon. Dr. Vasile Puşcaş, Jean Monnet Chair Professor, ...
...  Babes –Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca;  ...
...  Romanian Minister for European Affairs
Dr.  ...
...  Kaul, Professor, Hertie School of  ...
... ’s Office of Development Studies
Dr. Gerhard Prätorius, Head of Coordination CSR  ...
...  Sustainability, Volkswagen AG
The Hon. Dr.  ...
...  Busek, Former Vice-Chancellor of Austria; Former Minister for  ...
...  and Research of Austria
The Hon. Anna  ...
...  EU Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs &amp; Equal Opportunities; Former  ...
...  Minister for Development
Jan Philipp Goertz, Director, Governmental  ...
... , Lufthansa AG

Certificate of attendance
All  ...
...  will be awarded an official certificate of  ...
...  upon completion of the program, which will provide details of the  ...
...  who took part and the topics discussed. Each  ...
...  will be authorized by members of the ICD's  ...
...  Board.

To apply please visit: http://www. ...
... .org/academy/index.php?en_biec2013_application- ...

For more information please visit: www.biec.de
45% Brigitte27 10 Ianuarie 2013, 16:43:41
Timp de basm la Cărtureşti
...  Lungu ne informează despre o iniţiativă interesantă,  ...
...  copii:

Poveştile nu vor fi niciodată îndeajuns de multe pentru o lume de  ...
...  atât de diversă şi nici în criză de „ ...
... ”. Indiferent ce rău/balaur vor înfrunta, rămân neschimbate în  ...
...  lor, până la adânci bătrâneţi. Cărtureştiul clujean  ...
...  să pună umărul la sprijinirea unei frumoase tradiţii, de  ...
...  şi ascultat poveşti, iar pentru asta  ...
...  o campanie pentru redescoperirea plăcerilor  ...
...  ce însoţesc copilării fericite. Totul ar putea fi văzut ca un mers contra  ...
... , câtă vreme computerul seduce mai abitir decât o carte. Dar ar putea fi  ...
... , în egală măsură, şi ca un pariu pe copilăria  ...
... , firească, memorabilă, în care Habarnam sau  ...
...  umpleau o lume de copil fericit. Oricine  ...
...  poveşti e aşteptat să vină la Cărtureşti (în Iulius  ...
... ), pentru deschiderea de sâmbătă, 11 octombrie 2008, de la  ...
...  11:00, când se va servi un meniu complet de copilărie  ...
... , urmând ca întâlnirile viitoare să aibă loc în  ...
...  zilele de vineri, de la ora 18.

Librarii din Cărtureşti le vor  ...
...  copiilor tolăniţi în perne colorate şi pufoase, la gura unor căni de ceai, ...
...  cu eroi buni şi răi. Serile de basm din Cărtureşti nu se vor rezuma la  ...
...  şi joc. Micuţii vor fi încurajaţi să creeze acasă propriile poveşti,  ...
...  care mai apoi, la întâlnirile următoare,  ...
...  le citească colegilor de perne. ...
45% Lucian Velea 09 Octombrie 2008, 18:49:35
The Sino-Global discourse conference in Berlin/ Applications
...  for Applications


The Sino-Global  ...
"The Growing Prominence of China on the World Stage: Exploring the  ...
... , Economic, and Cultural Relations of China and  ...
...  Stakeholders"
(Berlin, Held Parallel to  ...
...  “Berlin Asia-Pacific Weeks” September 08th – 11th, ...
...  2011)
http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/cdea/index.php? ...

Europe Meets China: A Forum for Young Leaders
(Berlin,  ...
...  Parallel to the “Berlin Asia-Pacific Weeks” ...
...  05th – 11th, 2011)
http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/cdea/index.php?en_about- ...


The Sino-Global Discourse
"The Growing Prominence of  ...
...  on the World Stage: Exploring the Political, Economic,  ...
...  Cultural Relations of China and Global  ...
... "
(Berlin, Held Parallel to the “Berlin Asia-Pacific Weeks” ...
...  08th – 11th, 2011)
http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/cdea/index.php? ...

The “Sino-Global Discourse" is an international  ...
...  held by the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy in cooperation with other  ...
...  organizations. The objective of the  ...
...  is to examine the growing prominence of China on  ...
...  world stage, the opportunities for global  ...
...  that this presents, and how China can  ...
...  its robust economic growth and social evolution to benefit the  ...
...  will bring together renowned speakers from across the world for varied  ...
... , proceeding from the premise that China's future has the potential  ...
...  result in a seismic shift in global politics.

The  ...
...  raised during the conference will be  ...
...  from a range of interdisciplinary perspectives  ...
...  academic backgrounds, examining the  ...
...  that are currently defining the internal  ...
...  external development of China. Key historical  ...
...  will be analyzed, new strategic partnerships  ...
... , and experts will offer their views on  ...
...  path China should follow on the  ...
...  stage, highlighting areas of global  ...
...  and areas where greater cooperation is  ...
... . With the continued expansion of the Confucius institutes, China  ...
...  embraced the fundamentals of cultural  ...
... , and is in fact setting a global example  ...
...  the power of cultural dissemination. In practical terms, the  ...
...  of cultural diplomacy and soft power as tools in  ...
...  relations will be considered in detail.

...  Speakers
Speakers during the conference  ...
...  include leading figures and experts from  ...
...  politics, academia, diplomacy, the private sector,  ...
...  civil society from across the world. These speakers will  ...
...  a number of individuals from the ICD  ...
...  Board.

Conference Participants Application  ...
The conference is open to applications from young professionals,  ...
...  and scholars, diplomatic and political  ...
... , civil society practitioners, private sector figures,  ...
... , and other interested stakeholders in  ...
...  relations from across the world

To apply  ...
...  visit:
http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/cdea/index.php?en_sino- ...
... -discourse_application-form

45% ICD Press 22 Iunie 2011, 16:48:22
Visez la un minut...
Visez la un minut... de către Musat Cristina Carmen
...  doua tragedii in viata. Una e sa nu obtii ce  ...
... , cealalta e sa obtii. (George Bernard Shaw).. ...
... .
Vis, dorinta, ambitie.... Nu avem multe... sau cel  ...
...  unii dintre noi nu... Trebuie sa recunoastem ca macar o data in viata  ...
...  egoisti (cu toate ca m-i se pare un termen dur... nu am  ...
...  altul) si vrem ceva doar pentru noi! Acel  ...
...  ne poate schimba sau chiar curma viata. Suntem  ...
...  de faptul ca o sa fim catalogati drept  ...
... , lasi, sau chiar nebuni! Dar asta nu  ...
... ! E un vis care trebuie sa devina realitate! Momentul  ...
...  acelui vis e momentul de glorie, de  ...
... , momentul in care nimic nu mai conteaza, momentul tau!
...  vise pot fi extreme si starea persoanei, care are acel vis, nu  ...
...  indeplini condiile! Dar e tot ce mai vrea de la viata si isi  ...
...  orice risc! E constient de faptul ca nu se va termina bine! Dar o  ...
...  in viata e egoist si merge pana la capat!
Acea  ...
...  nu trebuie judecata si nici catalogata drept "las,  ...
...  etc. etc."
Eu cred ca trebuie admirata pentru vointa pe care  ...
...  are si pentru faptul ca nu sta sa isi  ...
...  de mila zilnic asteptand ca totul sa se termine  ...
...  ca el sa fi facut ceva doar pentru el!  ...
...  mult? Are pretentii prea mari?
Gandeste-te  ...
...  o secunda la definitia cuvantului "libertate" si  ...
...  ai sa intelegi ce se intampla in sufletul  ...
...  persoane care isi va duce visul la capat cu  ...
...  pret si isi va asuma orice risc... Iar daca acea  ...
...  va sfarsi tragic e bine sa va amintiti de  ...
...  cu admiratie, si respect pentru puterea si  ...
...  lui. Respect pentru un minut de libertate...... ...
45% Musat Cristina Carmen 25 August 2009, 17:57:38
Helen Keller si Anne Sullivan
...  înregistrare document din 1930, în care Anne  ...
...  explică modul în care Helen Keller "aude" cu mâna şi cum a  ...
...  să vorbească

http://www.youtube.com/v/ ...
45% Lucian Velea 27 August 2009, 18:39:35
The International Conference on Cultural Diplomacy in the EU
...  for Applications

The International  ...
...  on Cultural Diplomacy in the EU
"Crisis, Conflict,  ...
...  Culture: The Role of Cultural Diplomacy in the European Project"
... , December 6th - 9th, 2011)


Dear Professors, Friends and Colleagues,

...  behalf of the Institute for Cultural  ...
... , I am writing to bring to your attention the  ...
...  major program hosted by us in partnership  ...
...  other leading organizations. The program will  ...
...  together governmental and diplomatic officials, civil  ...
...  practitioners, private sector  ...
... , journalists, young professionals, students and  ...
...  and other interested stakeholders from  ...
...  the world for a program of lectures, workshops, group  ...
...  and cultural excursions featuring leading  ...
...  the fields of politics, civil society, academia, and the media.

We are  ...
...  accepting applications for the event and  ...
...  would be grateful if you could share this  ...
...  by forwarding the information below to anyone  ...
...  think may be interested in attending.

Thank  ...
...  for your attention and for your cooperation in  ...
... .

If you do not wish to receive emails from the ICD in future, please send  ...
...  an email to info@culturaldiplomacy.org  ...
...  this.

With warmest regards,

Mark Donfried
Director &amp; ...
...  Founder
Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD)
Ku´damm Karree (3rd  ...
... /Hochhaus)
Kurfürstendamm 207-8 Berlin, Germany- ...
Phone: 00.49(0)30.2360-7680
info@culturaldiplomacy. ...

------------ Please forward the announcement found below - ...
... -------Thank you --------------

The International  ...
...  on Cultural Diplomacy in the EU
"Crisis, Conflict,  ...
...  Culture: The Role of Cultural Diplomacy in the European Project"
... , December 6th - 9th, 2011)

Dear Sir/  ...
... ,

The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy is currently accepting  ...
...  for the event outlined above, which will take place in Brussels  ...
...  December 2011. The program will bring together governmental and  ...
...  officials, civil society practitioners, private  ...
...  representatives, journalists, young professionals,  ...
...  and scholars and other interested  ...
...  from across the world for a program of  ...
... , workshops, group discussions and cultural excursions featuring leading  ...
...  the fields of politics, civil society, academia, and the media.

The  ...
...  Conference on Cultural Diplomacy in the EU
"Crisis, Conflict,  ...
...  Culture: The Role of Cultural Diplomacy in the European Project"
...  6th - 9th, 2011)
The EU &amp;  ...
...  Diplomacy Conference is the first of a series  ...
...  three conferences dedicated to enhancing awareness and  ...
...  of international governing institutions and their  ...
...  in promoting cultural diplomacy across the world. The  ...
... , focused on the European Union, is an international conference  ...
...  by the ICD and other leading organizations in the  ...
...  base of the EU—Brussels, Belgium.

The  ...
...  of this year’s conference is to facilitate  ...
...  of the unique challenges currently facing Europe from the  ...
...  crisis, to crippling military engagements to the debate over  ...
...  political and economic union—funneled through a  ...
...  understanding of the historical and theoretical  ...
...  of the “European Project.”

Conference Participants
The  ...
...  is open to applications from diplomatic and  ...
...  representatives, civil society practitioners,  ...
...  professionals, students and scholars, private  ...
...  figures, journalists, and other interested stakeholders  ...
...  international relations from across the world.

...  apply please visit:
http://www. ...
... .org/cde/index.php?en_ecdc-2011-application-form


The Institute  ...
...  Cultural Diplomacy

...  Institute for Cultural Diplomacy is an international, not-for- ...
... , non-governmental organization with headquarters in  ...
... , Germany. The goal of the ICD is to promote  ...
...  peace and stability by strengthening and  ...
...  intercultural relations at all levels. Over the past  ...
...  the ICD has grown to become one of Europe’s  ...
...  independent cultural exchange organizations, hosting  ...
...  that facilitate interaction among  ...
...  of all cultural, academic, and professional  ...
... , from across the world.

Previous Events

...  events held by the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy include the International  ...
...  on Cultural Diplomacy (Berlin, May 11th-15th 2011 – ...
...  www.icd-internationalsymposium.org), which hosted The  ...
... . Lucinda Creighton - Minister of European  ...
...  of Ireland; The Hon. Michael Chertoff - Former  ...
...  States Secretary of Homeland Security; The  ...
... . Rexhep Meidani - Former President of Albania; The  ...
... . Senator Tim Hutchinson - Former United  ...
...  Senator from Arkansas; The Hon. Judge  ...
...  Meron - Former President of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former  ...
... ; The Hon. Yasar Yakis - Former Foreign Minister of  ...

In March 2011 the ICD hosted the Berlin  ...
...  Economics Congress 2011 (Berlin, March 9th - 12th 2011 – www.biec.de ),  ...
...  hosted The Hon. Nahas Angula - Prime minister of Namibia;  ...
...  Hon. Jean-Paul Adam - Foreign Minister of the  ...
...  of Seychelles; The Hon. Alberto Jose Guevara Obregon - Minister  ...
...  Finance of Nicaragua; The Hon. Al Imam Al  ...
...  Al Mahdi - Former Prime minister of Sudan; ...
...  The Hon. Akua Sena Dansua - Minister for Tourism  ...
...  Ghana; and The Hon. Edmund Bartlett -  ...
...  of Tourism of Jamaica.

Please address any additional  ...
...  to info@culturaldiplomacy.org

We look forward to  ...
...  you in Brussels.

Mark Donfried
Director &amp; Founder

...  for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD)
Ku´damm Karree (3rd  ...
... /Hochhaus)
Kurfürstendamm 207-8 Berlin, Germany- ...
Phone: 00.49.(0)30.2360-7680
Fax: 00.49.(0)30.2360-76811
www. ...
... .org

Join the ICD’s global  ...
...  on Facebook – click here
Keep up-to-date  ...
...  the latest developments in the field by  ...
...  the ICD on Twitter – click here
Become a member of the ICD and help create a  ...
...  Cultural Diplomacy community – click here  ...
...  ___
This e-mail contains privileged and confidential  ...
...  only
for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader  ...
...  this
e-mail is not the intended recipient or the  ...
...  or agent responsible  ...
...  it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any
review,  ...
... , copying or forwarding of this e-mail is strictly
... . If you have received this e-mail in error, please  ...
...  to the
sender of such and delete the e-mail in its entirety.  ...
45% Brigitte27 06 Octombrie 2011, 12:40:32
Giuseppe Verdi
Giuseppe Verdi de către S
...  Irae, partea a doua, formată din alte cinci  ...
... , este de un puternic dramatism. Recviemul lui Giuseppe Verdi a  ...
...  considerat de unii "un monstru liturgic", mesa  ...
...  fiind o compoziţie sacră ce poate fi cântată în biserică.  ...
...  romanticului compozitor, italianul Giuseppe  ...
... , este melodioasă, dramatică, emoţionantă, sublimă. El  ...
...  trăit în secolul al XIX-lea, creaţia lui marcând una din  ...
...  perioade ale operei (Nabucco, Ernani,  ...
... , Trubadurul, Traviata, Bal mascat, Puterea  ...
... , Don Carlos, Aida, Otello, Falstaff). A mai  ...
... , în afara muzicii religioase (Recviemul,  ...
...  Mater, Te Deum) şi muzică de cameră ( ...
...  de coarde) şi muzică vocală.

Giuseppe Verdi  ...
... - Dies Irae from Requiem (Michelangelo's Last  ...
...  in the Sistine Chapel)

http://www.youtube.com/v/ ...
45% S 12 Septembrie 2009, 12:45:12

... .com/journal/item/1/REFERATE
45% Alamais 20 Septembrie 2009, 23:39:53
Faith, Globalisation and Interreligious Dialogue
... - Call for Applications -
The ICD Academy  ...
...  Cultural Diplomacy
(Berlin – September 2011)
** ...
... ****
What impact does religion have on one's  ...
...  and identity?
Can religion be used as a  ...
...  for cultural diplomacy or is it a cultural barrier?
...  is Globalization changing the world of religion?

The ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy – "Faith,  ...
...  and Interreligious Dialogue”
(Weeklong  ...
... , September 19th-23rd, 2011 - Held Parallel to Pope Benedict XVI's visit  ...
...  September 22nd, 2011)
http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/academy/index.php? ...
"Faith, Globalisation and Interreligious  ...
... " is an weeklong seminar taking place in  ...
...  19th - 23rd, 2011 to explore the relationship between religion, international  ...
... , and globalization through a program of  ...
... , lectures &amp; discussions, debates and cultural activities.
To apply  ...
...  visit:
http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/academy/index.php? ...


The ICD Academy was established to allow  ...
...  of all academic and professional backgrounds  ...
...  opportunity to learn more about the subject of cultural  ...
... . Each Academy Session will therefore seek  ...
...  explore the history and development of cultural diplomacy,  ...
...  a particular focus on the state-sponsored  ...
...  diplomacy of the cold war, and then to evaluate  ...
...  development of the concept and its application by different actors  ...
...  the world today.

During their time in Berlin  ...
...  will also have the opportunity to take part in  ...
...  and social activities and to visit  ...
...  such as the German Foreign Office, the German  ...
... , the Berlin City Hall, cultural institutions and Berlin- ...
...  embassies.

The Academy Session timetables  ...
...  designed to allow participants the opportunity to  ...
...  salient issues with experts from the field, ...
...  whilst providing a framework for group discussions amongst  ...
...  other.

Please address any additional queries to  ...
... @culturaldiplomacy.org

We look forward to  ...
45% Brigitte27 09 August 2011, 11:58:19
cursuri de teatru pictura sculptura handmade design pentru copii si adulti
...  D'arte va propune sa participati la o serie  ...
...  cursuri de arte pentru copii si adulti : arta  ...
...  si dictie, pictura, handmade, design vestimentar,  ...
... /modelaj in lut. Cursurile se desfasoara in  ...
... . Termenul de inscriere este nelimitat, fiecare curs va incepe in momentul  ...
...  unei grupe de lucru. Fiecare cursant inscris va avea posibilitatea  ...
...  la un curs initial gratuit inaintea  ...
...  definitive la curs.
Cursurile se adreseaza  ...
...  oamenilor cu varsta cuprinsa intre 7 - 90  ...
... , indiferent de personalitatea fiecaruia, talent, experienta in  ...
...  si scopul participarii la curs. Cursul poate fi  ...
...  atat de catre acei care doresc sa  ...
...  un hobby, sau sa se relaxeze petrecandu-si timpul  ...
... -un mod artistic si creator, cat si de catre cei  ...
...  doresc sa urmeze o cariera profesionala in  ...
... .
Cursurile vor fi sustinute de catre artisti profesionisti, tineri dar  ...
...  experienta pedagogica si profesionala de profil.
...  Obiectele sau lucrarile artistice realizate in  ...
...  cursului apartin fiecarui cursant. Materialele  ...
...  desfasurarii cursurilor de arte plastice vor  ...
...  asigurate de catre organizatori, fiind  ...
...  costurile cursului respectiv.
La finalul cursului se va organiza o  ...
...  cu lucrarile realizate de cursanti in timpul  ...
...  de arta plastica respectiv un spectacol de  ...
...  in cazul atelierului de teatru. De asemenea,  ...
...  vor primi o diploma de participare, un dvd cu poze din  ...
...  cursului, inregistrari video realizate in timpul cursului si  ...
...  prezentarii finale a muncii desfasurate in  ...
...  cursului respectiv.
Pentru cursantii care vor dori sa continue cursurile  ...
... , sa aprofundeze arta respectiva, se vor  ...
...  in continuare cursuri pentru avansati, adaptate  ...
...  de cunostinte asimilate la care se vor afla la  ...
...  modulului initial.
Programul si programa de lucru  ...
...  fiecarui atelier artistic va fi adaptat in  ...
...  de cerintele si preferintele fiecarei grupe de participanti. Programul pe  ...
...  vi-l propunem in prezent este orientativ, cursurile putandu-se desfasura in  ...
...  interval orar:
Marti; miercuri; joi; vineri :  ...
... :00 – 20:00 ; Sambata – 10:00 – 16:00
Pentru  ...
...  suplimentare si inscrieri accesati:
http://www. ...
... .com
sau contactat-ne:
... -mail: companiadarte@gmail.com tel:  ...
...  // 0720762073
companiadarte@yahoo.com 0758346930 / ...
45% compart 29 Octombrie 2009, 20:43:08
The London International Human Rights Congress
...  for Applications

The London International  ...
...  Rights Congress 2011

"Immigration &amp; Integration in an Age of  ...
... : Challenges and Opportunities"

(London,  ...
...  22nd - 25th, 2011)


Dear Professors, Friends and Colleagues,

...  behalf of the Institute for Cultural  ...
... , I am writing to bring to your attention the  ...
...  major program hosted by us in partnership  ...
...  other leading organizations. The program will  ...
...  together governmental and diplomatic officials, civil  ...
...  practitioners, private sector  ...
... , journalists, young professionals, students and  ...
...  and other interested stakeholders from  ...
...  the world for a program of lectures, workshops, group  ...
...  and cultural excursions featuring leading  ...
...  the fields of politics, civil society, academia, and the media.

We are  ...
...  accepting applications for the event and  ...
...  would be grateful if you could share this  ...
...  by forwarding the information below to anyone  ...
...  think may be interested in attending.

Thank  ...
...  for your attention and for your cooperation in  ...
... .

If you do not wish to receive emails from the ICD in future, please send  ...
...  an email to info@culturaldiplomacy.org  ...
...  this.

With warmest regards,

Mark Donfried

...  &amp; Founder

Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD)

Ku´damm Karree (3rd  ...
... /Hochhaus)

Kurfürstendamm 207-8 Berlin,  ...

Phone: 00.49(0)30.2360-7680


info@culturaldiplomacy. ...

------------ Please forward the announcement found below - ...
... -------Thank you --------------

The London  ...
...  Human Rights Congress 2011

"Immigration &amp;  ...
...  in an Age of Austerity: Challenges and  ...
...  - 25th, 2011)


Dear Sir/ Madam,

The Institute for  ...
...  Diplomacy is currently accepting applications  ...
...  the event outlined above, which will take place in London  ...
...  November 2011. The program will bring together governmental and  ...
...  officials, civil society practitioners, private  ...
...  representatives, journalists, young professionals,  ...
...  and scholars and other interested  ...
...  from across the world for a program of  ...
... , workshops, group discussions and cultural excursions featuring leading  ...
...  the fields of politics, civil society, academia, and the media.

The London  ...
...  Human Rights Congress 2011

"Immigration &amp;  ...
...  in an Age of Austerity: Challenges and  ...
... )


The London International Human Rights Congress is an  ...
...  Conference held annually by the ICD and other leading  ...
...  in a different global capital city. The aim  ...
...  the conference this year is to reflect on the operation and  ...
...  of Human Rights with particular focus on  ...
...  and Integration. The program will consist  ...
...  lectures, seminars, debates and panel discussions that  ...
...  feature leading figures from international  ...
...  &amp; diplomacy, academia, civil society, and the  ...
... .

Since the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948,  ...
...  dignity and respect afforded to the protection of  ...
...  Rights across the Globe has faced an  ...
...  amount of challenges. In our Globalised  ...
...  Multicultural world rights relating to Immigration  ...
...  Integration are those which are both most  ...
...  in terms of International Relations, and those most at risk. ...
...  It is during times like these that the International Human Rights  ...
...  is tested in a way like never before. Raising new  ...
...  such as how far should National Financial or  ...
...  failings be allowed to influence the  ...
...  of access to fundamental rights? The London  ...
...  Human Rights Congress will discuss the  ...
...  and opportunities which arise in the  ...
...  to protect Human Rights in the 21st Century.

...  Participants »

The conference is open to  ...
...  from diplomatic and political representatives, civil  ...
...  practitioners, young professionals,  ...
...  and scholars, private sector figures,  ...
... , and other interested stakeholders in  ...
...  relations from across the world.

To apply  ...
...  visit:

http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/gphr/index.php?en_bihrc- ...


The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy



The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy is an international, not-for- ...
... , non-governmental organization with headquarters in  ...
... , Germany. The goal of the ICD is to promote  ...
...  peace and stability by strengthening and  ...
...  intercultural relations at all levels. Over the past  ...
...  the ICD has grown to become one of Europe’s  ...
...  independent cultural exchange organizations, hosting  ...
...  that facilitate interaction among  ...
...  of all cultural, academic, and professional  ...
... , from across the world.

Previous Events

...  events held by the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy include the International  ...
...  on Cultural Diplomacy (Berlin, May 11th-15th 2011 – ...
...  www.icd-internationalsymposium.org), which hosted The  ...
... . Lucinda Creighton - Minister of European  ...
...  of Ireland; The Hon. Michael Chertoff - Former  ...
...  States Secretary of Homeland Security; The  ...
... . Rexhep Meidani - Former President of Albania; The  ...
... . Senator Tim Hutchinson - Former United  ...
...  Senator from Arkansas; The Hon. Judge  ...
...  Meron - Former President of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former  ...
... ; The Hon. Yasar Yakis - Former Foreign Minister of  ...

In March 2011 the ICD hosted the Berlin  ...
...  Economics Congress 2011 (Berlin, March 9th - 12th 2011 – www.biec.de ),  ...
...  hosted The Hon. Nahas Angula - Prime minister of Namibia;  ...
...  Hon. Jean-Paul Adam - Foreign Minister of the  ...
...  of Seychelles; The Hon. Alberto Jose Guevara Obregon - Minister  ...
...  Finance of Nicaragua; The Hon. Al Imam Al  ...
...  Al Mahdi - Former Prime minister of Sudan; ...
...  The Hon. Akua Sena Dansua - Minister for Tourism  ...
...  Ghana; and The Hon. Edmund Bartlett -  ...
...  of Tourism of Jamaica.

Please address any additional  ...
...  to info@culturaldiplomacy.org

We look forward to  ...
...  you in London.

Mark Donfried

Director &amp; Founder

...  for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD)

Ku´damm Karree (3rd  ...
... /Hochhaus)

Kurfürstendamm 207-8 Berlin,  ...
... -10719

Phone: 00.49.(0)30.2360-7680

Fax: 00.49.(0)30.2360-76811

www. ...
... .org


Join the ICD’s  ...
...  network on Facebook – click here
Keep up-to-date with  ...
...  latest developments in the field by  ...
...  the ICD on Twitter – click here
Become a member of the ICD and help create a  ...
...  Cultural Diplomacy community – click here  ...
...  ___

This e-mail contains privileged and confidential  ...
...  only

for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader  ...
...  this

e-mail is not the intended recipient or the  ...
...  or agent responsible &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &amp; ...
...  it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any

review,  ...
... , copying or forwarding of this e-mail is strictly

... . If you have received this e-mail in error, please  ...
...  to the

sender of such and delete the e-mail in its entirety.  ...
45% ICD Berlin 04 Octombrie 2011, 12:18:57
The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies (CCDS)
...  Friends and Colleagues,
On behalf of the  ...
...  for Cultural Diplomacy, we are writing to bring to  ...
...  attention a number of new exciting  ...
...  in the field of cultural diplomacy, as well as information  ...
...  our new programs and upcoming international  ...
... , to be hosted by the ICD in partnership with other leading  ...
... .


The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies (CCDS)
Updates about  ...
...  Forthcoming Programs
(Berlin, from September 2012)
www. ...
... -berlin.de

The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies is the world’s  ...
...  center for the study of cultural diplomacy, offering educational  ...
...  in partnership with UNITAR,Babes-Bolyai  ...
... , Kampala University and other leading  ...
...  institutions.

Educational programs range from week-long  ...
...  to Master's and PhD programs for  ...
...  pursuing careers in academia, diplomacy, politics,  ...
...  the private sector, dedicated either wholly or in  ...
...  to the field of cultural diplomacy.

We are currently  ...
...  applications for enrollment to the Fall  ...
...  of 2012, and would be grateful if you could share  ...
...  announcement by forwarding the  ...
...  below to anyone you think may be interested in  ...
... .

CCDS offers the following Post-Graduate Programs:
• Distance-Learning  ...
...  in Cultural Diplomacy
Start: Fall Semester ( ...
...  03rd - 28th, 2012)
• MA Program in International Relations &amp;  ...
...  Diplomacy
Babes-Bolyai University in  ...
...  with the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy
Start: Fall Semester -  ...
...  1st, 2012
• MBA in Cultural Diplomacy &amp; the Global  ...
Babes-Bolyai University in cooperation  ...
...  the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy
Start: Fall Semester -  ...
...  1st, 2012
To apply please click HERE (http://www. ...
... .org/academy/index.php?en_ccds)


ICD  ...
...  Leaders’ Forums
Call for Applications - ICD  ...
...  Leaders Conferences
(Berlin, London,  ...
... : August – October 2012)

...  addition, we are writing to bring to your  ...
...  our upcoming Young Leaders Programs hosted by the Institute  ...
...  Cultural Diplomacy. We would be grateful if you  ...
...  forward the information to anyone you feel  ...
...  be interested in participating.

The ICD Young Leaders  ...
...  are international networks of like-minded  ...
...  individuals with an interest in developing,  ...
...  and sustaining intercultural relations.  ...
...  first Young Leaders Forum was developed in 2003 and we  ...
...  since developed and launched a variety of different  ...
...  and multilateral forums that focus on a  ...
...  range of relationships across the world.  ...
...  the past decade the ICD Young Leaders Forum  ...
...  grown to become one of Europe’s largest independent cultural exchange  ...
... , hosting programs that facilitate interaction among  ...
...  individuals of all cultural, academic, and  ...
...  backgrounds, from across the world.

...  Participants >
The forums are open to  ...
...  young professionals and students as well as other  ...
...  stakeholders from across the world.

To  ...
...  please click HERE (http://www. ...
... .de/index.php?en_application-form_weeklong-seminars)

...  Speakers >
The speakers during the  ...
...  will include leading figures and experts from  ...
...  politics (including head of states and ministers), academia,  ...
...  diplomatic community, civil society and the  ...
...  sector, from across the world. These speakers will  ...
...  a number of individuals from the ICD  ...
...  Board.
To learn more about the ICD  ...
...  Board please click here (http://www. ...
... .org/index.php?en_advisoryboard).

We are currently  ...
...  applications for the following events:

• ...
...  The Arts as Cultural Diplomacy Conference – ( ...
... , August 23rd – 27th, 2012)
• The Europe  ...
...  China Conference – (Berlin, September 4th –  ...
... , 2012)
• Cultural Diplomacy in Europe Conference – ( ...
... , September 11th – 14th, 2012)
• The Italy Meets Germany Conference – ( Berlin,  ...
...  18th – 21st, 2012)
• The Ireland Meets Israel &amp; Palestine Conference:  ...
...  Forum for Young Leaders (Dublin, September 24th - 27th,  ...
... )
• The Cultural Bridges in Germany Conference – ( ...
...  2nd – 5th, 2012)
• The UK Meets Germany Conference – (Berlin, October 2nd –  ...
... , 2012)
• The Germany Meets Turkey Conference – (Berlin,  ...
...  2nd – 5th, 2012)
• The Germany Meets Morocco Conference – (Berlin,  ...
...  2nd – 5th, 2012)
• The Germany meets Slovenia Conference – (Berlin,  ...
...  2nd – 5th, 2012)
• The Germany Meets Greece Conference - (Berlin,  ...
...  2012)


The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy

...  Institute for Cultural Diplomacy is an international, not-for- ...
... , non-governmental organization with headquarters in  ...
... , Germany. Over the past decade, the ICD has  ...
...  to become one of Europe’s largest independent cultural exchange  ...
... , whose programs facilitate interaction between  ...
...  of all backgrounds from across the world.

...  you for your attention and for your cooperation in  ...
...  the news of our upcoming programs. If you no longer wish to receive  ...
...  from the ICD, please send us an email at info@ ...
... .org indicating this.

With warmest regards,

Director &amp; Founder
Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD)
Ku´damm Karree (3rd  ...
... /Hochhaus)
Kurfürstendamm 207-8 Berlin, Germany- ...
Phone: 00.49(0)30.2360-7680
info@culturaldiplomacy. ...
45% Brigitte27 06 August 2012, 12:21:20
"ce mult te-am iubit..."(Z. Stancu)
"ce mult te-am iubit..."(Z. Stancu) de către bianca_felicita
...  E o lectura fascinanta...iar modul in care  ...
...  autorul in anumite situatii, care e si  ...
...  si personaj in acelasi timp, este nemaipomenit..." ...
...  mult te-am iubit, ,Mario!", desi o fraza simpla,  ...
...  atatea si atatea sentimente si emotii de  ...
...  tragism profund.... ...
45% bianca_felicita 11 August 2009, 19:34:50
Carte nouă la “Curtea Veche”
Carte nouă la “Curtea Veche” de către danielatontsch

Am fost la începutul lui septembrie acasă  ...
...  (prea) puţine zile şi am avut marea plăcere  ...
...  a fi parte a unui eveniment editorial  ...
...  găzduit de Ministerul Afacerilor Externe: lansarea Colecţiei de  ...
...  Publice Internaţionale a Editurii “Curtea veche”.  ...
...  colecţie – prima pe piaţa românească de carte – constă ( ...
...  moment) în traduceri ale unor cărţi fundamentale  ...
...  cei care sunt interesaţi de acest segment  ...
...  al relaţiilor publice, cărţi excelent  ...
...  de somităţi americane în domeniu, cărţi care nu se  ...
...  doar ghiduri de comunicare, ci reale  ...
...  pentru comunicarea construită şi performaa la un  ...
...  nivel profesional.
Felicit şi pe această cale echipa  ...
...  “Curtea veche” pentru această curajoasă  ...
...  şi îi mulţumesc din mai multe posturi: în primul rând din  ...
...  dascălului ce a predat comunicare  ...
...  la două universităţi, care, în contextul  ...
...  bibliografii internaţionale destul de greu  ...
... , e fericit să pună la îndemâna studenţilor, de acum încolo,  ...
...  de specialitate unanim recunoscute ca fiind de  ...
...  în domeniu. Mă uit cu bucurie la această colecţie de volume şi din  ...
...  de membru al Asociaţiei Române de Relaţii Publice,  ...
...  sunt convinsă că le va folosi ca un eficient instrument în  ...
...  comunicării de calitate, ale cărei strategii, tactici,  ...
... , concepte, exemple şi studii de caz se regăsesc din plin în cărţile pe  ...
...  vom oferi pe viitor. Mă uit cu bucurie la această colecţie şi din postura  ...
...  care şi-a dedicat peste 15 ani din carieră  ...
... , încercând să pledeze pentru importaa acesteia, pentru că trebuie să  ...
...  o dată pentru totdeauna cu orice urmă de  ...
...  în comunicarea noastră instituţională şi pentru că  ...
...  să valorificăm această dimensiune a  ...
...  care este creativă, sofisticată şi  ...
... .
Colecţia de Relaţii Publice Internaţionale de la  ...
... “Curtea Veche” este una aplicată, practică,  ...
...  să fie un real instrument de lucru. Dar ce e mai  ...
...  este că e şi primul demers editorial de acest gen de pe piaţa de carte din  ...
... .
Colecţia cuprinde numeroase studii de caz şi  ...
...  de comunicare implementate cu succes sau nu în  ...
...  internaţional şi se adresează studenţilor şi  ...
...  din comunicare, jurnalism, ştiinţe politice, relaţii  ...
... , sau relaţii economice internaţionale. În  ...
...  timp, de cât mai multe exemple de bune practici au tot  ...
...  nevoie şi cei care activează într-o instituţie publică,  ...
... -o companie multinaţională, în presă sau în  ...
...  şi interacţionează zi de zi cu mediul extern.
...  volumele din colecţie pun un accent deosebit pe specificul cultural,  ...
...  conform căreia analiza, planificarea, implementarea şi  ...
...  activităţilor de relaţii publice trebuie  ...
...  ţină cont de toate aspectele sociale şi culturale locale, ...
...  ca şi de limba şi istoria naţională.
Aşa  ...
...  am spus-o şi în alte ocazii, inclusiv la  ...
...  colecţiei de RPI, cred profund în faptul că, într-o lume a globalizării cum  ...
...  cea în care trăim, nu doar practicienii de  ...
... , ci şi specialiştii în relaţii internaţionale sau  ...
...  economice internaţionale trebuie să fie comunicatori  ...
...  şi informaţi nu doar, eventual, talentaţi.
Prima  ...
...  din colecţie, care se află deja pe rafturi în librării,  ...
...  Public Relations: Negotiating Culture, Identity and  ...
... , oferă prima abordare critic-culturaa relaţiilor  ...
...  internaţionale în teorie şi în practică.  ...
...  Patricia A. Curtin şi T. Kenn Gaither  ...
...  modelul cultural-economic şi matricea de lucru asociată  ...
... , pentru a explica tehnicile şi practicile de  ...
...  publice în diferite medii de reglementare, politice şi culturale. Mergând  ...
...  de perspectiva occidentală, democratică şi  ...
... , ei analizează critic diversitatea globaa  ...
...  de relaţii publice, oferindu-ne exemple din  ...
...  din întreaga lume. Aşadar se poate citi despre  ...
...  campanii Coca-Cola în lume şi în special  ...
...  India şi Turcia, despre lansarea New Coke,  ...
...  KFC, sau despre campaniile de cultivare a  ...
...  ale unor ţări precum Coreea de Sud şi  ...
... , urmate de exemple din Rusia, Asia şi  ...
...  Galápagos. De asemenea este expusă, pe  ...
... , campania de eradicare a variolei  ...
...  de Organizaţia Mondiaa Sănătăţii.
Imaginea  ...
...  brandul de ţară sunt concepte din ce în ce  ...
...  prezente în dezbaterea publică din România. Images of  ...
...  and International Public Relations, cea  ...
...  a doua carte ce va fi tradusă în cadrul  ...
... , subliniază tocmai importaa imaginii de ţară în  ...
...  internaţionale, prezentând numeroase studii de  ...
...  despre încercări de a schimba această imagine. Relaţiile  ...
...  desfăşurate de diverse naţiuni pot ajuta la  ...
...  unor prejudecăţi internaţionale, dar sunt, totodată, şi cel mai  ...
...  tip de activitate de PR.
Michael Kunczik –  ...
...  acestei cărţi de referinţă – enumeră  ...
...  de imagine ale unor ţări precum Germania, SUA,  ...
...  Britanie, Rusia, Africa de Sud, India, etc.  ...
...  revelează soluţiile pe care acestea le-au găsit  ...
...  a-şi promova o imagine pozitivă după cel  ...
... -al Doilea Război Mondial sau după  ...
...  Rece. Printre multe alte lucruri interesante, el enunţă şi un  ...
...  adevăr: “De multe ori este imposibil să  ...
...  diferenţa între imaginea unui stat-naţiune şi  ...
...  unei mari companii multinaţionale precum Krupp,  ...
...  sau Coca-Cola”.
Într-o a treia carte care  ...
...  în lucru – International and Intercultural Public  ...
... . A campaign case approach – autorii  ...
...  G. Parkinson si Daradirek Ekachai includ 19  ...
...  de caz din care spicuim: campania Avon  ...
...  cancerului la sân în Filipine, programul  ...
...  finlandez pentru îmbunătăţirea relaţiilor  ...
...  cu Rusia, campania Nike după acuzaţiile de  ...
...  a forţei de muncă în ţări din Lumea a  ...
... , preluarea Daewoo de către General Motors,  ...
...  Aljazeera în încercarea de a depăşi  ...
...  de post naţionalist şi apropiat teroriştilor, ca  ...
...  campania Burson–Marsteller de  ...
...  a depresiei în Thailanda. Autorii şi-au  ...
...  să prezinte atât programe care au avut succes, cât şi  ...
...  care au eşuat în ţări din diverse colţuri  ...
...  lumii, explicând şi care au fost factorii care au determinat  ...
...  rezultat. Lucrarea descrie pe de o parte  ...
...  derulate de mari corporaţii şi pe de alta  ...
...  sociale desfăşurate de instituţii publice,  ...
...  totodată capitole consistente şi campaniilor  ...
...  multor guverne în vederea îmbunătăţirii imaginii de ţară.
, pe  ...
...  am plăcerea să îl coordonez împreună cu  ...
...  Dolea şi care se adresează în egală măsură  ...
...  academic, celui instituţional, celui  ...
... , dar şi celui de afaceri. Savuraţi aceste  ...
...  lor! Lectură plăcută! Nu uitaţi: Comunicăm, deci existăm!

...  autor: Simona MICULESCU
45% danielatontsch 09 Octombrie 2008, 12:42:02
...  sociale şi economice ale unei ţări, privesc  ...
... , indiferent de vârstă, profesiune, statut public, domeniu de activitate,  ...
...  geografică, orientare politică şi religioasă,  ...
... . Pentru veridigitatea postărilor, postaţi cu un nume real  ...
... -o indentitate reală.

Prezumţia de licit nu  ...
...  "prezumţia" de ilicit, ori, - prezumţia de licit  ...
...  legitimează posesia sub toate formele ei ilicite.  ...
...  de-a deţine sub forma posesiilor, a ceva,  ...
...  legal până la proba contrară, dar acest  ...
...  nu legitimează sau transformă în legal ceea ce s-a  ...
...  ilegal

Dreptul de a nu fi pedepsit acela  ...
...  nu este dovedit că a săvârşit o infracţiune, nu îl absolvă  ...
...  viitor că nu ar fi săvârşit-o!

Viorel Muha

45% Viorel Muha 10 Iulie 2011, 10:54:34
Frank Zappa despre declinul industriei muzicale (şi alte lucruri)
...  muzician făcea o pledoarie pentru ca fiecare să  ...
...  lăsat să se exprime, explicând cum cei care " ...
...  pricep" pot stopa creativitatea care nu corespunde  ...
...  viziuni.

http://www.youtube.com/v/KZazEM8cgt0&amp;rel= ...
45% Lucian Velea 26 Aprilie 2009, 11:33:28
The 2012 Cultural Bridges in Germany Conference
...  2012 Cultural Bridges in Germany Conference
“ ...
... , the 2012 Global Debate: Strengthening Intercultural  ...
...  through the Arts, Sports, Politics and the Economy”
... , November 7th - 9th, 2012 - Held parallel to “23rd Anniversary to the fall  ...
...  the Berlin Wall”)
www.cultural-bridges-in-germany.org  ...

Contemporary Germany consists of a diverse  ...
...  landscape of individuals whose origins  ...
...  of the world. These multicultural individuals/communities both live and  ...
...  together, and as such the question of defining the  ...
...  identity becomes a major question for the German public at  ...
... . In addition, new opportunities and  ...
...  are faced in developing and maintaining  ...
...  and intercultural relations both within  ...
...  framework of the EU and internationally. On  ...
...  global level, the question of  ...
...  is a growing issue and will be a main world  ...
...  for the next generations. Western countries are engaging  ...
...  Multiculturalism policies on a significant basis and  ...
...  continually amending and reinventing to fit the  ...
...  to an ever changing world.

The ICD  ...
...  the opportunity for Cultural Diplomacy to serve as a bridge between  ...
...  of different cultures. The 2012 Cultural Bridges in Germany Conference will  ...
...  focus on the potential for Cultural Diplomacy to further  ...
...  and strengthen multicultural relations  ...
...  in Germany and worldwide. The application of  ...
...  new practices of multicultural dialogue and  ...
...  will be analyzed during the Conference and will  ...
...  a wide diversity of perspectives on the  ...
...  of cultural bridges in Germany and internationally. ...
...  The Conference will consist of a series of simultaneous sessions of  ...
... , panel discussions, interactive roundtable  ...
... , seminars, group visits, excursion and cultural  ...
... .

The Conference will be held parallel to the “23rd Anniversary to the  ...
...  of the Berlin Wall” and the participants will be able to  ...
...  in the official ceremony and events which will be a  ...
...  opportunity to learn more about the history and  ...
...  context of German unity.

Forum Participants >
...  in the conference is open to governmental &amp; diplomatic officials, academics &amp;  ...
... , economists, journalists, artists, civil society  ...
... , private sector representatives, young  ...
...  and students as well as other interested  ...
...  from across the world.

If you would like to  ...
...  a position and participate in the  ...
... , please click HERE

Forum Speakers >
The  ...
...  during the conference will include leading figures and experts from  ...
...  politics (including head of states and ministers), academia,  ...
...  diplomatic community, civil society, and the  ...
...  sector. These speakers will include a number of  ...
...  from the ICD Advisory Board. To learn more about the  ...
...  Advisory Board please click HERE.



The Cultural Bridges in Germany Young Leaders  ...
Forthcoming Weeklong Seminars 2012
(Weeklong Seminars, Berlin,  ...
...  - November, 2012)

The Cultural  ...
...  in Germany Young Leaders Forums are networks of  ...
...  individuals, who share an interest in  ...
...  German intercultural relations in addition to  ...
...  the challenges and opportunities facing Germany, ...
...  both domestically and internationally. The forums  ...
...  a platform for interdisciplinary  ...
...  and exchange on salient issues concerning  ...
...  culture, society and related political and economic  ...
... . At the international level, the program  ...
...  to analyze the roles and responsibilities of  ...
...  world order. Through these discussions and exchanges, the forums play a valuable  ...
...  in strengthening relations between Germany's cultural  ...
...  and between its international partners.

...  following Weeklong Seminars will take place during September -  ...
... , 2012:

• The Germany meets Slovenia Conference – ( ...
...  30th – November 3rd, 2012)
• The Germany Meets Turkey Conference – (Berlin,  ...
...  5th – 9th, 2012)
• The Cultural Bridges in Germany Conference – ( ...
... , November 6th – 11th, 2012)

*Participants of the November 2012 weeklong  ...
...  will participate in international conference:  ...
...  2012 Cultural Bridges in Germany Conference.

**To  ...
... , please click HERE


The Institute for  ...
...  Diplomacy

The  ...
...  for Cultural Diplomacy is an international, not-for- ...
... , non-governmental organization with headquarters in  ...
... , Germany. Over the past decade, the ICD has  ...
...  to become one of Europe’s largest independent cultural exchange  ...
... , whose programs facilitate interaction between  ...
...  of all backgrounds from across the world.

...  you for your attention and for your cooperation in  ...
...  the news of our upcoming programs. If you no longer wish to receive  ...
...  from the ICD, please send us an email at info@ ...
... .org indicating this.

With warmest regards,

Mark  ...
Director &amp; Founder
Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD)

45% Brigitte27 25 Septembrie 2012, 12:26:57
- Call for Applications - The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies (CCDS)
... Academic Programs &amp; International  ...
(May– October 2013)

Dear Friends and  ...
... ,

We are pleased to announce a number of new  ...
...  exciting opportunities available in the field of Cultural  ...
...  and also wish to bring to your attention  ...
...  forthcoming Academic Programs, International  ...
... , and Young Leaders’ Weeklong Seminars, to  ...
...  hosted by the ICD in partnership with other prestigious  ...
... .

The information below provides further details on  ...
...  opportunities and programs provided at these events. We  ...
...  also be extremely grateful if this  ...
...  could be shared with other interested parties by  ...
...  the information provided below.


...  Donfried &amp; the ICD Team
Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD)
...  207-8 Berlin,Germany-10719
Phone: 00.49(0)30.2360-7680
www. ...
... .org

What is Cultural  ...
... =================

The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies
Forthcoming Academic  ...
... .ccds-berlin.de

The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies (of the ICD Academy  ...
...  Cultural Diplomacy) offers educational programs  ...
...  partnership with other leading  ...
... . Educational programs include Certificate  ...
... , Study Abroad Programs, Distance Learning  ...
...  (designed specifically for governmental officials,  ...
... , and professionals who are not able to  ...
...  their current positions), and Postgraduate Programs (for  ...
...  pursuing careers in academia, diplomacy, government, ...
...  and/or the private sector, related either  ...
...  or in part to the field of Cultural Diplomacy).
The CCDS is currently accepting applications for the following  ...
... :

ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy: May  ...
(Berlin, May 17th - 22nd, 2013)

Distance Learning  ...
...  in Cultural Diplomacy
(Start: June 3rd - 28th,  ...
... )

MA Program in International Relations &amp;  ...
...  Diplomacy
(Start: Fall Semester - Berlin,  ...
...  2nd, 2013)

MA Program in International Economics &amp;  ...
...  Diplomacy
(Start: Fall Semester - Berlin,  ...
...  2nd, 2013)

Study Abroad Programs in International  ...
...  &amp; Cultural Diplomacy
(Start: Summer Semester -  ...
... , June 17th - August 16th, 2013)

Certificate Programs  ...
...  International Relations &amp; Cultural Diplomacy
... : Summer Program - Berlin, July 1st - 31st, 2013)
... : Summer Program - Berlin, August 1st - 30th, 2013)

...  apply, please click HERE


To  ...
...  the full ICD Events Calendar, please click HERE


What  ...
...  Cultural Diplomacy? Click Here
45% Brigitte27 14 Mai 2013, 14:12:58
Pe mine mă cheamă Ion
în Umor

Pe mine mă cheamă Ion de către tunaru
...  călător pătrunde într-un compartiment de tren în care un alt călător  ...
...  îşi întinsese o masă copioasă şi se pregătea "de atac".  ...
...  venit vrea să se lipească şi el aşa că deschide  ...
... :
- Pe mine mă cheamă Ion.
La care al doilea răspunde  ...
... :
- Dacă te cheamă, eu zic să te duci.

45% tunaru 20 Iunie 2009, 10:49:45
Cursuri de teatru pentru copii
...  Fără Frontiere pregăteşte în vacaa de vară o serie de ateliere  ...
...  copiilor. În perioada 29 iunie – 3 iulie va avea loc primul  ...
... , a cărui structură se bazează pe o  ...
...  de metode teatrale, în special pe improvizaţie şi joc. ...
...  Acesta îşi propune să dezvolte  ...
...  de colaborare a copiilor şi să ajute la  ...
...  potenţialului lor creativ.

Arta improvizaţiei  ...
...  familiarizează pe copii cu diferite forme  ...
...  artă teatrală într-un cadru lipsit de  ...
...  stricte, ce pune accentul pe colaborare şi nu pe  ...
... , ajutându-i să comunice, să devină mai  ...
... , să-şi dezvolte limbajul, mişcarea corporală şi intuiţia.

...  de vară sunt o alternativă ce îmbină utilul  ...
...  distracţia, ajutând copiii să se dezvolte  ...
...  şi să-şi petreacă timpul liber într-un mod plăcut,  ...
... .

· Vârstă participanţi: 7 –  ...
...  ani
· Program: zilnic 10:00 – 14: ...
· Instructor: Arabela Neazi
· Taxă curs: 220  ...
· Locaţie: str. Jean Louis Calderon 33

...  &amp; înscrieri: tff@teatrulfarafrontiere.ro, telefon 0723.529. ...
45% Lucian Velea 21 Iunie 2009, 12:27:22
The ICD Annual Conference on Cultural Diplomacy 2012
...  ICD Annual Conference on Cultural Diplomacy  ...
"Culture as an Emotion: the Magnetic Power of Arts  ...
... &amp; Music to Promote Democracy &amp; Global Peace"
(Berlin, December  ...
... -16th, 2012)

The ICD Annual Conference on Cultural Diplomacy  ...
...  is the final concluding event of the Institutes  ...
...  Diplomacy year. Taking place in Berlin, the aim  ...
...  the conference is to review in detail, debate and evaluate the most  ...
...  in 2012 in the field of Cultural Diplomacy.

In today’s rapidly  ...
...  world, the exploration of cultural diplomacy initiatives  ...
...  the sphere of International Relations is vital. With the  ...
...  from the traditional bi-polar international  ...
...  towards a more multi-polar world  ...
...  state perspectives, different cultures and  ...
...  traditions is important if the  ...
...  system is to remain stable. The Institute for Cultural  ...
...  recognizes that all areas of the international system  ...
...  be addressed and the Annual Academic  ...
...  provide the opportunity to discuss the past year, present initiatives and the  ...
...  of Cultural Diplomacy and International Relations.
This end of the year conference will bring together artists, ...
...  scholars, politicians, diplomats, activists,  ...
...  experts and young professionals to discuss  ...
...  Diplomacy in our interdependent world. Ranging  ...
...  broad topics of discussion to specific areas  ...
...  the field of Cultural Diplomacy, the annual conference will  ...
...  a wide and detailed analysis of Cultural  ...
...  for 2012, during which Cultural Diplomacy initiatives; key political,  ...
...  and social shifts and the changes in the  ...
...  System are discussed. The aim of the conference  ...
...  year is to reflect on the role of new  ...
... , new initiatives and new targets in terms of key  ...
...  issues and on how Cultural Diplomacy takes place. ...

Seminar Speakers
The speakers during the  ...
...  will include celebrated artists and leading figures and  ...
...  from international politics, the diplomatic  ...
...  and civil society from across the world.
Participation in the  ...
...  is open to governmental &amp; diplomatic officials, academics,  ...
... , journalists, civil society practitioners,  ...
...  sector representatives, young professionals and students  ...
...  well as other interested individuals from  ...
...  the world.

Participation Cost
The participation cost  ...
...  the program is 195 Euros. If offered a place in  ...
...  program, applicants are then required to  ...
...  the participation cost to reserve their  ...
... .

To apply please visit:
http://www. ...
... .org/academy/index.php?en_accd- ...
... -form

For more information please visit:
http://www. ...
... .org/academy/index.php?en_accd-2012

45% Brigitte27 04 Octombrie 2012, 12:35:00
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