01 Octombrie 2024, 04:35:19 *

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Cand o sa ma invat minte????????????????????
în Filme

... , wolverine sau nu stiu cum ii spune, iesit anul asta. O sa vi-l povestesc pe  ...
...  ca sa nu va uitati si sa pierdeti timpul ca mine.

Sunt doi  ...
... , ii ies din pumni niste gheare si cu ocazia asta omoara in stanga si-n  ...
...  inclusiv pe taica-su care-i spune in timp ce-si  ...
...  astia cresc mari, devin nemuritori si alte chestii cu care ne-am obisnuit si  ...
...  mira daca le-am vedea puse in practica si de natiuni mai putin dezvoltate. Sunt  ...
...  care iubeste securitatea nationala si face o gasca de super-eroi. Bla-bla-bla, ...
...  pe eroul principal, se sucareste pe ei si pe fratele lui care devenise prea  ...
...  chiar si pentru o producrie hollywoodiana.

...  ne dorim cu totii. Dar frate-su revine si o omoara de-al dracu'.

Logan se  ...
...  pe lume si pleaca sa se razbune. In calea sa ies  ...
...  mos si o baba, buni la suflet, care-l ajuta cu  ...
...  alta dar sunt si astia ucisi pe la spate cu luneta. In  ...
...  moment ar trebui sa fim extrem de furiosi dar pe mine ma apuca plansul deja de  ...
...  ma uit drept pedeapsa.

Logan e pacalit si i se inlocuiesc oasele cu un material  ...
...  groase de jumatate de metru la fel de simplu cum noi ne taiem firele de par din  ...
... .

Se lasa cu cafteala, bastanu spune clasica fraza ca de fapt el vrea sa asigure  ...
...  trag cu lasere din fund-de-ochi si alte minuni care nu ne mai saturam sa  ...
... . Fratele lui Logan se impaca cu el si-l ajuta sa-i omoare pe aia rai.

Intre  ...
...  murise, Logan face ochii mari, o iarta si... dar pana la urma moare iar saraca!
...  la gloante.

Bastanu face el ce face si-i trage un glont in cap lui Logan dar  ...
...  tot nu moare; in schimb isi pierde memoria.

Filmul se termina in  ...
...  mele ceea ce va doresc si dumneavoastra.

Merge sa-l vedeti doar  ...
...  aveti 12 ani si suferiti de imbecilitate cronica din  ...
45% MareleSef 04 Iunie 2009, 18:26:21
Profetul lui Gibran - o care de exceptie
... ,
Chiar daca drumurile-i sunt grele si prapastioase,
Si cand aripile-i va  ...
...  iubirea va incununa, ea trebuie sa va si crucifice. Precum va face sa cresteti,  ...
...  trebuie sa va si reteze uscaciunile.
Precum ea se ridica  ...
... .
Va framanta pana ajungeti foarte supusi.
Ca apoi sa va harazeasca focului sau,  ...
... , sa va puteti cunoaste tainele inimii, si astfel sa deveniti o parte din inima  ...
...  de teama, veti cauta doar tihna si placerea dragostei,
Atunci e mai bine  ...
...  va acoperiti goliciunea si sa iesiti din treierisul iubirii,
Spre  ...
...  intoarce in lumea fara de anotimpuri, unde veti rade dar nu cu intreaga voastra  ...
...  si unde veti plande dar nu in toate  ...
...  voastre.
Iubirea nu se daruie decat pe sine si nu ia decat de la sine.
Iubirea nu  ...
...  si nu vrea sa fie stapanita;
Fiindca  ...
...  <<eu sunt in inima Creatorului>>.
Si sa nu credeti ca puteti croi singuri  ...
...  meriti, va va arata drumul spre ea insasi.
Iubirea nu are nici o alta dorinta  ...
...  aceea de a se implini.
Dar daca iubesti si trebuie sa ai dorinte, fie ca ele  ...
...  sa fie:
Sa te topesti si sa devii izvor ce susurul in noapte-si  ...
... ;
Sa cunosti durerea prea marii duiosii;
Sa fii ranit de intelegerea iubirii
...  sangerezi de bunavoie si bucurandu-te
Sa te trezesti in zori cu  ...
...  intraripata si sa inalti multumire pentru inca o zi de  ...
... ;
Sa te odihnesti la ceasul amiezii si sa cugeti la extazul iubirii;
Sa te  ...
...  impacat acasa la ora amurgului;
Si, apoi, sa dormi inaltand in inima o  ...
45% S 23 Decembrie 2008, 19:51:18
Cultural Diplomacy in Europe: A Forum for Young Leaders (CDE)
...  based on the recognition that the increasing economic and political integration of  ...
... , and between member-states, remain positive and constructive at the grass roots  ...
...  Leaders (CDE) is open to young professionals and students with an interest in  ...
... #39;s Advisory Board.

To apply please visit:
http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/cde/ ...
... -form

For more information please visit:
http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/cde/ ...
45% Brigitte27 10 Ianuarie 2013, 16:45:56
Frank Zappa despre declinul industriei muzicale (şi alte lucruri)
... " pot stopa creativitatea care nu corespunde propriei lor viziuni.

http://www. ...
45% Lucian Velea 26 Aprilie 2009, 11:33:28
The London International Human Rights Congress
... , journalists, young professionals, students and scholars and other  ...
...  of lectures, workshops, group discussions and cultural excursions featuring  ...
... ,

Mark Donfried

Director & Founder

Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD) ...
...  - 25th, 2011)


Dear Sir/ Madam,

The Institute for Cultural  ...
... , journalists, young professionals, students and scholars and other  ...
...  of lectures, workshops, group discussions and cultural excursions featuring  ...
...  and Integration. The program will consist of lectures, seminars, debates and  ...
...  discussions that will feature leading figures  ...
...  society, and the private sector.

Since the signing of the Universal  ...
...  tested in a way like never before. Raising new questions such as how far should  ...
...  society practitioners, young professionals, students and scholars, private  ...
...  across the world.

To apply please visit:

http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/ ...
...  of all cultural, academic, and professional backgrounds, from across the world.
...  include the International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy (Berlin, May  ...
... -15th 2011 – www.icd-internationalsymposium.org), which hosted The Hon. Lucinda  ...
... ; The Hon. Rexhep Meidani - Former President of Albania; The Hon. Senator Tim  ...
...  Hon. Judge Theodor Meron - Former President of the International Criminal  ...
...  London.

Mark Donfried

Director & Founder

Institute for Cultural Diplomacy ( ...
...  or the employee or agent responsible &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; & ...
45% ICD Berlin 04 Octombrie 2011, 12:18:57
Uniunea mistica: Iubire, extaz si experiente mistice
...  oameni singuri, care nu au un cerc de prieteni cu  ...
...  sa-si impartaseasca profund trairile si  ...
... , esoterice. Acest fel de oameni, nu-si gasesc locul in societate, ei sunt  ...
45% S 26 Decembrie 2008, 13:51:27
- Call for Applications - The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies (CCDS)
...  the information provided below.


Mark Donfried & the ICD Team
...  Programs, Distance Learning Programs (designed specifically for governmental  ...
... , academics, and professionals who are not able to leave their  ...
...  positions), and Postgraduate Programs (for  ...
...  Academy for Cultural Diplomacy: May Session
(Berlin, May 17th - 22nd, 2013)

45% Brigitte27 14 Mai 2013, 14:12:58
Trenul vietii
Trenul vietii de către S
45% S 28 Decembrie 2008, 01:03:11
The 2013 Cultural Bridges Conference in the UK
... : An Interdisciplinary Analysis of Political, Economic, and, Cultural  ...
... .org

The process of globalization is consistently increasing the speed of the  ...
...  is in fact transforming and increasing following economic, social, and  ...
...  accepting and accommodating for diversity through policies that ensure better  ...
...  sustained cultural cohesion. Considering multiculturalism within  ...
...  are required to fully address the pressing issues of integration and  ...
...  will therefore offer a wide diversity of perspectives on the issue of  ...
...  global culture is changing due to increasing movements of populations over borders, ...
...  a full academic interdisciplinary discussion on multiculturalism and the function  ...
...  multicultural societies. The discussion will include the potential for  ...
...  sector representatives, young professionals, and students, as well as other  ...
...  across the world.

To apply please visit: http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/ ...
... -2013

For more information please visit: http://www.culturaldiplomacy.de/index. ...
45% Brigitte27 13 Februarie 2013, 11:46:35
The Europe Meets China Conference: A Forum for Young Leaders (EMC)
... “Encouraging a Sino-European Culture Economy-Based  ...
...  a network of students and young professionals who have an interest in exploring  ...
...  targeted at students and young professionals with an interest in the European- ...
... . This in turn will develop a wider understanding of intercultural issues,  ...
...  sector representatives, young professionals and students as well as other  ...
...  across the world.

To apply please visit:
http://www.culturaldiplomacy.de/index. ...
... -seminars

For more information please visit:
http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/ ...
45% Brigitte27 05 Iulie 2013, 10:49:56
The Cultural Diplomacy in Europe Conference: A Forum for Young Leaders (CDE)
... "“Analysing Youth Unemployment within the EU:  ...
...  based on the recognition that the increasing political and economic integration of  ...
...  individual member states, remain positive and constructive at the grass roots  ...
... . This in turn will develop a wider understanding of intercultural issues,  ...
...  sector representatives, young professionals and students as well as other  ...
...  across the world.

To apply please visit:
http://www.culturaldiplomacy.de/index. ...
... -seminars

For more information please visit:
http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/ ...
45% Brigitte27 05 Iulie 2013, 10:51:50
"ce mult te-am iubit..."(Z. Stancu)
"ce mult te-am iubit..."(Z. Stancu) de către bianca_felicita
...  in care reactioneaza autorul in anumite situatii, care e si narator si personaj in  ...
... ..."ce mult te-am iubit, ,Mario!", desi o fraza simpla, reflecta atatea si  ...
...  sentimente si emotii de un tragism profund.... ...
45% bianca_felicita 11 August 2009, 19:34:50
The European African Alliance: Enhancing the Inter-cultural Dialogue
...  social activities. In addition to raising awareness amongst the participants of  ...
...  Leaders (CDE) is open to young professionals and students with an interest in  ...
... #39;s Advisory Board.

To apply please visit:
http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/ ...
... -form

For more information please visit:
http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/ ...
45% Brigitte27 14 Martie 2013, 17:26:21
Atonement (Remuşcare)
în Filme

45% S 11 Decembrie 2009, 21:10:23
The International Conference on Cultural Diplomacy in the EU
...  on Cultural Diplomacy in the EU
"Crisis, Conflict, and Culture: The Role of  ...
... , journalists, young professionals, students and scholars and other  ...
...  of lectures, workshops, group discussions and cultural excursions featuring  ...
...  regards,

Mark Donfried
Director & Founder
Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD)
...  on Cultural Diplomacy in the EU
"Crisis, Conflict, and Culture: The Role of  ...
... -culturaldiplomacy-conference.org

Dear Sir/ Madam,

The Institute for Cultural  ...
... , journalists, young professionals, students and scholars and other  ...
...  of lectures, workshops, group discussions and cultural excursions featuring  ...
...  on Cultural Diplomacy in the EU
"Crisis, Conflict, and Culture: The Role of  ...
...  dedicated to enhancing awareness and understanding of international governing  ...
...  facing Europe from the debt crisis, to crippling military engagements to  ...
...  union—funneled through a thorough understanding of the historical and  ...
...  society practitioners, young professionals, students and scholars, private  ...
...  across the world.

To apply please visit:
http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/cde/ ...
...  of all cultural, academic, and professional backgrounds, from across the world.
...  include the International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy (Berlin, May  ...
... -15th 2011 – www.icd-internationalsymposium.org), which hosted The Hon. Lucinda  ...
... ; The Hon. Rexhep Meidani - Former President of Albania; The Hon. Senator Tim  ...
...  Hon. Judge Theodor Meron - Former President of the International Criminal  ...
...  Brussels.

Mark Donfried
Director & Founder

Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD) ...
...  or the employee or agent responsible
for  ...
45% Brigitte27 06 Octombrie 2011, 12:40:32
The Arts Diplomacy Festival 2012
The Arts Diplomacy Festival 2012 de către Mark Donfried


...  and culture can be expressed: music, art, literature and sports, to name  ...
...  movement, thought and active expression.

The Arts Diplomacy Festival 2012 is  ...
...  diplomacy must transcend mere discussion and include practical implementation  ...
...  from disparate backgrounds together by underscoring shared values. The Arts  ...
...  Festival intends to demonstrate the underutilized power of art and physical  ...
...  diplomacy.

The program will consist of lectures, seminars, debates and  ...
...  discussions featuring leading figures from  ...
...  showcase the performances of artists, musicians and performers from all over the  ...
...  to explore how the arts; particularly music, fine arts and literature, sports,  ...
...  by and delivered to governments, businesses and universities in an active  ...
...  way of communication and expression.

Please address any additional  ...
...  you soon.

Mark Donfried
Director & Founder

Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD) ...
45% Mark Donfried 15 Februarie 2012, 16:12:45
Unica - Muzica
45% s_kurt_u 20 Februarie 2012, 02:12:35
Hans Baldung
Hans Baldung de către S
...  Fribourg-en-Brisgau şi la Strasbourg, unde a murit în anul 1540. A fost cel mai  ...
45% S 21 Noiembrie 2009, 23:48:51
Memoriu de noblete
...  dandu-mi seama ca dincolo va fii lumina si ca nu e totul sfarsit. Oare ce inseamna  ...
...  ma va judeca altcineva?
Daca mi-as raspunde singura intrebarilor, as spune un  ...
...  , nu stiu ce vreau, nu ma regasesc niciunde si simt ca nimic nu ma ajuta sa trec  ...
...  fricii de adevar.
Cad minciuni arse si ele de neintelegeri, de patrunse  ...
...  si uitare, impletinduse-n jurul sufletului  ...
...  ar fii sa regasesc in fiecare zi aceeasi savoare de multumire, viata s-ar rotii  ...
...  acelasi sens strain si inapt propriei finite.  ...
...  fiecre tulpina , in fiecare colt aspru si gol de nepasare. Daca moartea ar fii  ...
... . Daca si cum era?
De fapt nu e atat de  ...
... , de fapt totul curge intr-un sens lipsit de cantitatea de siguranta posibila si  ...
...  individuale. Concret nu reprezint nimic si eu cred asta si vad asta in fiece zi  ...
...  dorintei nascocite din intuneric si umbre, pot sa cred, sa am, sa vad, sa  ...
... , fara scapari, fara nostalgice amiezi si ganduri putrezite in sertare. Ar trebui  ...
...  mor inainte sa ma sfarsesc si dincolo de toate, dramul de impas ma va  ...
...  si nu ma cruta, zbuciumul interior va  ...
...  fiecaruia ce incearca sa se cunoasca si care crede ca se cunoaste. Fiecare  ...
...  noi suntem mai mult decat reprezentam sin nu ne dam seama din cauza nazuintelor  ...
...  de oamenii obisnuiti cu valori aferente si atat. Mama spunea “nu esti mare pana nu  ...
45% bettyanna 12 Noiembrie 2009, 00:08:54
The Art as Cultural Diplomacy Conference: A Forum for Young Leaders (ACD)
...  a network of students and young professionals who have an interest in exploring  ...
...  the role of artistic and cultural expression in providing a platform for  ...
... . This in turn will develop a wider understanding of intercultural issues,  ...
...  locations across London, and will consist of excursions to the country's  ...
... , in addition to various foreign embassies and governmental institutions.

...  the Conference will include artists, musicians, academics, authors, museum  ...
...  sector representatives, young professionals, and students, as well as other  ...
...  across the world.

To apply please visit:
http://www.culturaldiplomacy.de/index. ...
... -seminars

For more information please visit:
http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/ ...
45% Brigitte27 05 Iulie 2013, 10:47:50
Master of Arts Program in International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy
...  Sir/Madam,

On behalf of the Institute  ...
...  with Dubrovnik International University
Berlin, from October 17th, 2011
www. ...
...  or our institution, please do not hesitate to contact us at: academy@ ...
...  yours,

Mark Donfried
Director & Founder
Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD)
...  with Dubrovnik International University
Berlin, from October 17th, 2011
www. ...
... .org; Application Form>

Dear Sir/Madam,

The Institute for Cultural  ...
...  and Dubrovnik International University (DIU) are pleased to announce the  ...
...  of entirely new theories and models. An understanding of the challenges faced by the  ...
...  Relations and Diplomacy should not be understood only as disciplines of Political  ...
...  about the program curriculum is found under:
http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/ ...
... .pdf

DIU and the ICD do not consider any  ...
...  element of an application exclusively. Rather, our admissions panel  ...
...  are also a vital part of the admissions process. Our aim is to attract  ...
... .

Further information is found under: &nbsp;

http://www.culturaldiplomacy. ...
... /academy/index.php?en_ma_admissions

Online Degree
In order to provide  ...
...  for the MA degree (such as professionals or diplomats with full time jobs)  ...
...  have developed &nbsp;an online version of the MA in International Relations  ...
...  same structure and curriculum of the on-site Masters Degree offered through the  ...
...  and offered to those who could not physically come to Berlin or Dubrovnik. This  ...
... , like the on-site program, will be facilitated in  ...
...  of all cultural, academic, and professional backgrounds, from across the world.
...  yours,

Mark Donfried
Director & Founder

Institute for Cultural Diplomacy ( ...
...  or the employee or agent responsible &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; & ...
45% ICD Berlin 04 Octombrie 2011, 12:20:25
Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in Latin America
...  Latin America, there has been increasing concern about the preservation of  ...
...  of Aztec and Mayan cultural heritage sights in the region. Furthermore, as the  ...
...  and Latin American becomes an increasingly prosperous economic power on the  ...
...  developed the International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in Latin  ...
...  sector representatives, young professionals and students as well as other  ...
...  across the world.

To apply please visit:
http://www.culturaldiplomacy.de/index. ...
... -2013

For more information please visit:
http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/ ...
45% Brigitte27 05 Iulie 2013, 10:43:15
cursuri de teatru pictura sculptura handmade design pentru copii si adulti
...  o serie de cursuri de arte pentru copii si adulti : arta actorului si dictie,  ...
... , handmade, design vestimentar, sculptura/modelaj in lut. ...
... . Fiecare cursant inscris va avea posibilitatea participarii la un curs  ...
... , talent, experienta in domeniu si scopul participarii la curs. Cursul  ...
...  un hobby, sau sa se relaxeze petrecandu-si timpul intr-un mod artistic si creator,  ...
...  si de catre cei care doresc sa urmeze o  ...
...  profesionala in domeniu.
Cursurile vor  ...
...  sustinute de catre artisti profesionisti, tineri dar cu experienta  ...
...  si profesionala de profil.
...  cursurilor de arte plastice vor fi asigurate de catre organizatori, fiind  ...
...  video realizate in timpul cursului si al prezentarii finale a muncii  ...
...  dori sa continue cursurile , sa aprofundeze arta respectiva, se vor organiza in  ...
... , adaptate nivelului de cunostinte asimilate la care se vor afla la  ...
...  modulului initial.
Programul si programa de lucru a fiecarui atelier  ...
...  va fi adaptat in functie de cerintele si preferintele fiecarei grupe de  ...
Pentru informatii suplimentare si inscrieri accesati:
http://www. ...
45% compart 29 Octombrie 2009, 20:43:08
Faith, Globalisation and Interreligious Dialogue
...  Parallel to Pope Benedict XVI's visit to Berlin scheduled for September 22nd, ...
...  program of workshops, lectures & discussions, debates and cultural activities.
...  apply please visit:
http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/ ...
...  individuals of all academic and professional backgrounds the opportunity to  ...
...  of cultural diplomacy. Each Academy Session will therefore seek to explore the  ...
...  cultural and social activities and to visit institutions such as the German  ...
...  institutions and Berlin-based embassies.

The Academy Session timetables are  ...
...  providing a framework for group discussions amongst each other.

Please  ...
45% Brigitte27 09 August 2011, 11:58:19

http://iaila.multiply.com/journal/ ...
45% Alamais 20 Septembrie 2009, 23:39:53
Giuseppe Verdi
Giuseppe Verdi de către S
... . Recviemul lui Giuseppe Verdi a fost considerat de unii "un monstru liturgic",  ...
... (Michelangelo's Last Judgment in the Sistine Chapel)

http://www.youtube.com/v/ ...
45% S 12 Septembrie 2009, 12:45:12
The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in the UK
The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in the UK
“ ...
... : International Cooperation across Six Continents”
(London; July 10th - 12th, ...
...  good economic and human rights situation, there is still some room for  ...
...  improve the sociopolitical and economic situations in a number of member states  ...
...  the head of the intergovernmental body, signed into effect the Charter of the  ...
...  establishing an organization-wide responsibility for the implementation of sixteen  ...
...  human rights.

The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in the UK will  ...
...  Britain and the Commonwealth. The Symposium will focus on effective  ...
...  Commonwealth, placing particular emphasis on the role that Cultural Diplomacy  ...
...  and establish greater multilateral understanding and collaboration, helping to  ...
...  sector representatives, young professionals, and students, as well as other  ...
...  across the world.

To apply please visit:
http://www.culturaldiplomacy.de/index. ...
... -2013

For more information please visit:
http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/ ...
45% Brigitte27 12 Iunie 2013, 11:32:01
The Berlin International Economics Congress 2012 (BIEC)
... “Call for Applications”

Dear Sir/ Madam,

The Institute for Cultural  ...
... , journalists, young professionals, students, scholars and other  ...
... , workshops, panel and group discussions and social and cultural activities.

...  Nation Branding, Corporate Social Responsibility and Global Governance”
(Berlin,  ...
...  in the fields of Corporate Social Responsibility, Economic Bridges, Global  ...
In today’s world, with the financial crisis ravaging national economies, the  ...
...  among countries is becoming increasingly relevant. Indeed, countries  ...
...  concentrate on current and emerging business opportunities in the market,  ...
...  four-day international congress will consist of lectures and seminars held by  ...
...  marketing fields as well as panel discussions, workshops, interactive sessions and  ...
...  activities.

To Apply please visit:
http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/ ...
...  of all cultural, academic, and professional backgrounds, from across the world.
...  include the International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy (Berlin, May  ...
... -15th 2011 – www.icd-internationalsymposium.org), which hosted The Hon. Lucinda  ...
... ; The Hon. Rexhep Meidani - Former President of Albania; The Hon. Senator Tim  ...
...  Hon. Judge Theodor Meron - Former President of the International Criminal  ...
...  you soon.

Mark Donfried
Director & Founder

Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD) ...
45% Brigitte27 17 Ianuarie 2012, 12:06:46
Visez la un minut...
Visez la un minut... de către Musat Cristina Carmen
...  ca m-i se pare un termen dur... nu am gasit altul) si vrem ceva doar pentru noi!  ...
...  de faptul ca o sa fim catalogati drept sinucigasi, lasi, sau chiar nebuni! Dar  ...
...  momentul tau!
Unele vise pot fi extreme si starea persoanei, care are acel vis, nu  ...
... ! Dar e tot ce mai vrea de la viata si isi asuma orice risc! E constient de  ...
...  bine! Dar o data in viata e egoist si merge pana la capat!
Acea persoana nu  ...
...  judecata si nici catalogata drept "las, sinucigas  ...
...  admirata pentru vointa pe care o are si pentru faptul ca nu sta sa isi planga  ...
...  la definitia cuvantului "libertate" si poate ai sa intelegi ce se intampla in  ...
...  unei persoane care isi va duce visul la capat cu orice pret si  ...
...  risc... Iar daca acea persoana va sfarsi tragic e bine sa va amintiti de ea cu  ...
... , si respect pentru puterea si vointa lui.  ...
45% Musat Cristina Carmen 25 August 2009, 17:57:38
The ICD Annual Conference on Cultural Diplomacy 2012
...  Emotion: the Magnetic Power of Arts & Music to Promote Democracy & Global Peace"
...  in detail, debate and evaluate the most significant developments in 2012 in the  ...
...  Relations is vital. With the transition from the traditional bi-polar  ...
...  towards a more multi-polar world understanding state perspectives, different  ...
... , senior experts and young professionals to discuss Cultural Diplomacy in  ...
... . Ranging from broad topics of discussion to specific areas within the field of  ...
...  will provide a wide and detailed analysis of Cultural Diplomacy for 2012, during  ...
...  sector representatives, young professionals and students as well as other  ...
...  participation cost to reserve their position.

To apply please visit:
http:// ...
... -form

For more information please visit:
http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/ ...
45% Brigitte27 04 Octombrie 2012, 12:35:00
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