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Pentru cei cu veleitati artistice
Pentru cei cu veleitati artistice de către Tergiversareatimpului
... .

Am deosebita placere sa va anunt ca avem ceva  ...
...  porniri artistice.

Tergiversarea timpului prezinta tema concursului de creatie  ...
... .ro sau poti folosi formularul de aici : http://citesteasta.ro/concurs

... !

p.s. avem si clip de prezentare

http://www.youtube.com/v/ ...
45% Tergiversareatimpului 05 Martie 2011, 01:26:26
Art as Cultural Diplomacy- A Forum for Young Leaders (ACD)
...  Diplomacy: A Forum for Young Leaders (ACD) is a network of students and  ...
... , introduce them to a network of like-minded individuals, and allow them to explore  ...
... . Speakers during the seminars include individuals from the fields of politics, ...
...  diplomacy, academia, culture & the arts, civil society,  ...
...  during the conference will include leading figures and experts from  ...
...  politics, academia, the diplomatic community, civil  ...
...  the world. These speakers will include a number of individuals from the ICD  ...
...  Diplomacy: A Forum for Young Leaders (ACD) is open to young professionals,  ...
...  and academics, representatives from politics,  ...
...  Media representatives and other stakeholders with an active interest in the  ...
...  attendance
All participants will be awarded an official certificate of attendance  ...
...  of the program, which will provide details of the speakers who took part  ...
...  visit:
http://www.culturaldiplomacy.de/index.php?en_application-form_weeklong- ...
45% Brigitte27 10 Ianuarie 2013, 16:44:28
foarte frumos site !
am gasit faze foarte interesante !!!
45% MariusBaetii 04 Iulie 2011, 18:23:08
cursuri de teatru pictura sculptura handmade design pentru copii si adulti
...  va propune sa participati la o serie de cursuri de arte pentru copii si adulti : ...
...  arta actorului si dictie, pictura, handmade, design  ...
... , sculptura/modelaj in lut. Cursurile se desfasoara in  ...
... . Termenul de inscriere este nelimitat, fiecare curs  ...
...  in momentul constituirii unei grupe de lucru. Fiecare cursant inscris va avea  ...
...  initial gratuit inaintea inscrierii definitive la curs.
Cursurile se  ...
...  cuprinsa intre 7 - 90 ani, indiferent de personalitatea fiecaruia, talent,  ...
...  la curs. Cursul poate fi urmat atat de catre acei care doresc sa practice un  ...
...  intr-un mod artistic si creator, cat si de catre cei care doresc sa urmeze o  ...
... .
Cursurile vor fi sustinute de catre artisti profesionisti, tineri  ...
...  experienta pedagogica si profesionala de profil.
Obiectele sau lucrarile  ...
...  realizate in timpul cursului apartin fiecarui cursant. Materialele  ...
...  desfasurarii cursurilor de arte plastice  ...
...  fi asigurate de catre organizatori, fiind incluse in  ...
...  cursului respectiv.
La finalul cursului  ...
...  o expozitie cu lucrarile realizate de cursanti in timpul atelierelor de arta  ...
...  respectiv un spectacol de teatru in cazul atelierului de teatru.  ...
...  asemenea, cursantii vor primi o diploma de participare, un dvd cu poze din timpul  ...
... , inregistrari video realizate in timpul cursului si al  ...
...  finale a muncii desfasurate in cadrul cursului respectiv.
...  dori sa continue cursurile , sa aprofundeze arta respectiva, se vor organiza in  ...
...  cursuri pentru avansati, adaptate nivelului de cunostinte asimilate la care se vor  ...
...  la finalizarea modulului initial.
Programul si programa de  ...
...  artistic va fi adaptat in functie de cerintele si preferintele fiecarei  ...
...  de participanti. Programul pe care vi-l  ...
...  este orientativ, cursurile putandu-se desfasura in urmatorul interval orar:
...  inscrieri accesati:
http://cursuridearte.wordpress. ...
45% compart 29 Octombrie 2009, 20:43:08
Pride & Prejudice (Mândrie şi prejudecată)
în Filme

...  "Mândrie şi prejudecată" (2005), bazat pe faimosul roman al  ...
...  Jane Austen, este povestea clasică despre valori şi dragoste.
Cele cinci  ...
...  Bennet au fost crescute de mama lor cu un singur ţel în viaţă: să  ...
...  familiei, Elizabeth, poate găsi o sută de motive pentru care să nu se  ...
...  că un burlac înstărit şi cercul său de prieteni sofisticaţi vor închiria peste  ...
...  găsi astfel peţitori din belşug. Într-adevăr, nou-sositul domn Charles Bingley  ...
...  imediat atras de sora cea mai mare, Jane. Însă când a  ...
...  Darcy, ceea ce iniţial părea o pereche de vis, se dovedeşte curând a fi o relaţie  ...
...  de mândrie şi prejudecată. Vor reuşi cei  ...
45% S 22 Octombrie 2009, 18:33:28
Helen Keller si Anne Sullivan
...  explică modul în care Helen Keller "aude" cu mâna şi cum a învăţat să vorbească

45% Lucian Velea 27 August 2009, 18:39:35
Giuseppe Verdi
Giuseppe Verdi de către S
...  Irae, partea a doua, formată din alte cinci cântări,  ...
...  de un puternic dramatism. Recviemul lui  ...
...  Verdi a fost considerat de unii "un monstru liturgic", mesa  ...
...  fi cântată în biserică. Muzica romanticului compozitor, italianul Giuseppe Verdi,  ...
...  a trăit în secolul al XIX-lea, creaţia lui marcând una din marile perioade ale  ...
... , Traviata, Bal mascat, Puterea destinului, Don Carlos, Aida, Otello,  ...
...  religioase (Recviemul, Stabat Mater, Te Deum) şi muzică de cameră (Cvartet de  ...
45% S 12 Septembrie 2009, 12:45:12
The London International Human Rights Congress
...  22nd - 25th, 2011)


Dear Professors, Friends and Colleagues,

... , journalists, young professionals, students and scholars and other interested  ...
...  fields of politics, civil society, academia, and the media.

We are currently  ...
... ,

Mark Donfried

Director & Founder

Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD) ...
...  22nd - 25th, 2011)


Dear Sir/ Madam,

The Institute for  ...
... , journalists, young professionals, students and scholars and other interested  ...
...  fields of politics, civil society, academia, and the media.

The London  ...
...  will consist of lectures, seminars, debates and panel discussions that will  ...
...  international politics & diplomacy, academia, civil society, and the private  ...
... .

Since the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, the  ...
...  and respect afforded to the protection of Human Rights  ...
...  the Globe has faced an unprecedented amount of challenges. In our  ...
...  practitioners, young professionals, students and scholars, private sector figures, ...
... , and other interested stakeholders in international relations from  ...

...  relations at all levels. Over the past decade the ICD has grown to become one of  ...
... ’s largest independent cultural exchange organizations,  ...
...  among individuals of all cultural, academic, and professional backgrounds, from  ...
...  Institute for Cultural Diplomacy include the International Symposium on Cultural  ...
... ; The Hon. Rexhep Meidani - Former President of Albania; The Hon. Senator Tim  ...
...  Hon. Judge Theodor Meron - Former President of the International Criminal  ...
... , March 9th - 12th 2011 – www.biec.de ), which hosted The Hon. Nahas Angula -  ...
... .

Mark Donfried

Director & Founder

Institute for Cultural Diplomacy ( ...
...  here
Keep up-to-date with the latest developments in the field by following the  ...
...  e-mail contains privileged and confidential information intended only

for the  ...
...  or entity named above. If the reader of this

e-mail is not the intended  ...
... ;  

for routing it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified  ...
... -mail in error, please reply to the

sender of such and delete the e-mail in its  ...
45% ICD Berlin 04 Octombrie 2011, 12:18:57
Atonement (Remuşcare)
în Filme

...  "Remuşcare" (2007), bazat pe romanul lui Ian McEwan şi regizat de Joe Wright,  ...
...  povestea de dragoste dintre Cecilia (Keira  ...
...  Tuner este condamnat, în urma unui lanţ de neînţelegeri, pentru o crimă pe care nu  ...
...  şi cea care îl acuză pe Robbie Tuner de crimă. Acuzaţia distruge dragostea  ...
45% S 11 Decembrie 2009, 21:10:23
Bancuri filozofice
în Umor

45% Lucian Velea 12 Iulie 2009, 20:13:22
...  dar vrei mai mult? Te bantuie ambitii de scena dar habar n-ai de unde sa incepi?
Fie ca citesti Shakespeare sub clar de luna sau in banca in timpul orei de  ...
... , fie ca nu te mai saturi de alaturat emoticoane in ferestrele de  ...

sustinut de Alexandru Mazgareanu
pentru piesa „ ...
... ” de Liudmila Razumovskaia,
care se va juca  ...
...  toamna pe scena Teatrului de Comedie din Bucuresti!

Ti-am  ...
...  un program interactiv de mare clasa cu jocuri, tehnici si  ...
...  de actorie pe care le vei indragi si pe  ...
...  „Santaj”, in care vei juca alaturi de ceilalti candidati alesi in cadrul  ...
45% opera prima 08 Iunie 2010, 15:33:10
Mama lui Emil cel Mic
în Umor

...  în cur.
– Ce spui tu, străine? Emil e departe, cică de Băsescu nu se mai  ...
...  la televizor. Emil e cuminte, nu e derbedeu. De eşti tu acela, nu-ţi sunt  ...
...  Stolojan. Crezi că e pe bune? Te-a luat de fazan. Am vorbit cu tac-tu, ascultă-l  ...
45% S 19 Decembrie 2008, 20:22:39
MA International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy
...  October 2011)


Dear Sir or Madam,

On behalf of the  ...
... , from October 2011)
(www.icd-academy.org) Application Form>

The  ...
...  program will combine the traditional academic components of international  ...
...  in contemporary global affairs. Students will have access to an expert  ...
...  acquire the knowledge and skills needed to work in a complex global order.

...  further information about the ICD Academy contact us under academy@ ...
...  relations at all levels. Over the past decade the ICD has grown to become one of  ...
... ’s largest independent cultural exchange organizations,  ...
...  among individuals of all cultural, academic, and professional backgrounds, from  ...
45% Brigitte27 04 August 2011, 14:47:56
The Language of Art & Music , Conference London,August 2011
...  for Applications


Dear Professors, Friends and Colleagues,

...  bring together young professionals, students and scholars, governmental and  ...
... , and other interested stakeholders from across the world for a program  ...
...  the fields of politics, the arts, academia, media, and business.

We are  ...
...  Diplomacy: A Forum for Young Leaders (ACD)

(Weeklong Seminar, London,  ...
... .org

The ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy - July Session
... , July 25th – 31st, 2011)


Thank you for your attention  ...
... ,

Mark Donfried

Director & Founder

Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD) ...
...  Diplomacy: A Forum for Young Leaders (ACD)

(Weeklong Seminar, London,  ...
...  Hill Carnival 2011”)

The ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy - July Session
... , July 25th – 31st, 2011)


-------------- All programs  ...
...  applications ---------------

Dear Sir/ Madam,

The Institute for  ...
...  bring together young professionals, students and scholars, governmental and  ...
... , and other interested stakeholders from across the world for a program  ...
...  the fields of politics, the arts, academia, media, and business.

The  ...
...  of workshops, lectures & discussions, debates, film screenings, art exhibitions,  ...
...  will share their perspectives alongside renowned academics and leading figures  ...
...  public sector. The audience will include scholars and academics, students and  ...
...  society, and other interested stakeholders.

The conference will begin by  ...
...  in greater detail at "culture" and "identity" and how  ...
...  terms are used and understood today. The program will then  ...
...  on these components by considering the role that culture plays in  ...
... , and globalization over the next two decades (during these five days the  ...
... " will also be explored in more detail).

Conference Speakers

The event  ...
...  will share their perspectives alongside renowned academics and leading figures  ...
...  public sector. These speakers will include a number of individuals from the ICD  ...
...  from young professionals, students and scholars, diplomatic and  ...
... , and other interested stakeholders in international relations from  ...
... :

http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/academy/index.php? ...
...  Diplomacy: A Forum for Young Leaders (ACD)

(Weeklong Seminar, London,  ...
...  Diplomacy: A Forum for Young Leaders (ACD) is a network of young,  ...
...  and interdisciplinary gathering of students, young professionals, and cultural  ...
...  from across the world. The seminar provides an excellent opportunity for young  ...
...  their knowledge of current and future developments in these fields, meet with  ...
... , film, literature, architecture, academia, diplomacy and politics. Speakers  ...
...  on current and conceptual issues in the development of cultural policy and arts  ...
...  diplomatic tool.

In addition to the academic components, participants will take  ...
...  landscape. These activities will include group dinners and drinks, trips to  ...



The ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy - July Session
... , July 25th – 31st, 2011)


ICD Academy Sessions are  ...
...  international politics, diplomacy, academia, civil society, and the private  ...
...  Speakers

Speakers during the Academy Sessions include experts from the  ...
...  politics, diplomacy, civil society, academia, and the private sector.

...  Participants >

Each Academy Session will bring together an  ...
...  the world. Typical participants include young professionals, students, civil  ...
...  practitioners, scholars and academics, journalists, and private sector  ...


...  relations at all levels. Over the past decade the ICD has grown to become one of  ...
... ’s largest independent cultural exchange organizations,  ...
...  among individuals of all cultural, academic, and professional backgrounds, from  ...
...  Institute for Cultural Diplomacy include the Berlin International Economics  ...
... , March 9th - 12th 2011 – www.biec.de ), which hosted The Hon. Nahas Angula -  ...
... ; Vivian Schiller – Former CEO and President of NPR; Governor William Weld -  ...
...  information on speakers who have attended previous ICD events, please click here. ...
... .

Mark Donfried

Director & Founder

Institute for Cultural Diplomacy ( ...
...  here
Keep up-to-date with the latest developments in the field by following the  ...
...  e-mail contains privileged and confidential information intended only

for the  ...
...  or entity named above. If the reader of this

e-mail is not the intended  ...

for routing it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified  ...
... -mail in error, please reply to the

sender of such and delete the e-mail in its  ...
45% Brigitte27 12 Iulie 2011, 18:46:45
Nuestra America
...  in Latin America - A Forum for Young Leaders (CDLA)
"Latin America and the Global  ...
... , from 09th - 16th March 2011)

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

On behalf  ...
...  in attending. The programs are under the patronage of the Honorable Dr.  ...
...  Palacio (Former President of Ecuador and member of the ICD  ...
...  in Latin America- A Forum for Young Leaders (CDLA)
"Latin America and the Global  ...
...  to the ITB Berlin)

We would also be delighted to have you involved and to  ...
... .

Mark Donfried
General Director & Founder

Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD) ...
...  the beginning of many Latin American Independence movements. It was two centuries  ...
... , Ecuador, Paraguay and Venezuela declared their independence. The years  ...
...  challenges in the areas of poverty, development, security, public health, and  ...
...  other regions and international stakeholders can play in supporting Latin America,  ...
...  ensuring stable economic and societal development, Latin American countries will  ...
...  role in regional and global politics. Understanding and strengthening how their  ...
... ’s brand is understand, and can be shaped, is therefore  ...
...  the region and abroad.

To enable academic analysis of the subject, and provide  ...
... , companies, and other stakeholders can engage with it.

Certificate of  ...
All conference participants will be awarded an official certificate of attendance  ...
...  of the program, which will provide details of the speakers who took part  ...
...  will consist of experts and stakeholders in the Latin American Region from the  ...
...  international politics, diplomacy, academia, the private sector, and civil  ...
...  is open to young professionals, students and scholars, diplomatic and  ...
...  http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/cdla/index.php?en_nuestra-america-application- ...
...  for the conference. Groups of students are also allowed to submit  ...
...  in Latin America- A Forum for Young Leaders (CDLA)
"Latin America and the Global  ...
...  in Latin America: A Forum for Young Leaders (CDLA) is a network of young,  ...
...  and responsibilities in the new world order. By promoting interdisciplinary  ...
...  work to improve dialogue and understanding within Latin America, and  ...
... , and are focused on a specific academic or political theme. These Weeklong  ...
...  include panel discussions, lectures, seminars,  ...
...  experts from the fields of politics, academia, and civil society, as well as  ...
...  Latin America, the week also provides an opportunity to network and  ...
...  supported by the ICD in organizing leadership initiatives, conducting academic  ...
...  information and communicate with likeminded individuals across the world.

The  ...
...  from young professionals, students and scholars, civil society  ...
... , and other interested stakeholders from across the world.

To Apply  ...
...  http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/cdla/index.php?en_cdla_application-form


...  relations at all levels. Over the past decade the ICD has grown to become one of  ...
... ’s largest independent cultural exchange organizations,  ...
...  between individuals of all cultural, academic, and professional backgrounds, from  ...
...  Institute for Cultural Diplomacy include "The Future of US Foreign Policy" ( ...
... .org ). Speakers in this event included the Honorable Michael Chertoff -  ...
...  James Milton Loy - Former United States Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security;  ...
...  Guard; Vivian Schiller - CEO and President of NPR; Governor William Weld -  ...
...  and Globalization in an Interdependent World”, which marked the  ...
... -walls.org). Speakers in this event included Lord Anthony Giddens (Baron Giddens,  ...
... ; Joaquim Chissano - Former President of Mozambique; Former Chairperson of  ...
... .org ). Speakers in this event included Bertie Ahern - Former Prime minister  ...
...  ICD Advisory Board Member - Former President of Romania; Sir Malcolm Rifkind -  ...
...  of the United Kingdom; Kjell Magne Bondevik - Former Prime Minister of Norway;  ...
...  ICD Advisory Board Member - Former President of Latvia.

In February, 2010, the  ...
...  in International Economics (www.biec.de).

For more information on speakers  ...
...  have attended previous ICD events, please click here. ...
... .org

With warm regards and gratitude,

Mark Donfried
Director & Founder

45% Brigitte27 21 Februarie 2011, 10:23:53
Weeklong Seminar on Cultural Diplomacy – February Session
... -17th, 2013)

Seminar Agenda
ICD Academy Sessions are weeklong programs that  ...
...  international politics, diplomacy, academia, civil society, and the private  ...
...  and Berlin-based embassies.

The ICD Academy was established to allow individuals  ...
...  all academic and professional backgrounds the  ...
... . In recognition of the growing interdependence of individual nation states,  ...
... -cultural exchange based on dialogue, understanding, and trust is under ever more  ...
... . Each Academy Session will therefore seek to  ...
...  the history and development of cultural diplomacy, with a  ...
...  diplomacy, and then to evaluate the development of the concept and its  ...
...  actors across the world today.

The Academy Session timetables are designed to  ...
...  other. Further information about the academy methodology, speakers and locations  ...
...  using the links on the left hand side.

Weeklong Seminars Participants »
Each  ...
...  practitioners, young professionals, students and scholars, private sector  ...
... , and other interested stakeholders from across the world.

Sustainable  ...
...  Advisory Board Members and partners. Academy Session participants become part of a  ...
... .

Certificate of Attendance
All academy participants will be awarded an  ...
...  of the program, which will provide details of the speakers who took part  ...
...  Speakers »
Speakers during the Academy Sessions include experts from the  ...
...  politics, diplomacy, civil society, academia, and the private sector

To apply  ...
...  visit: http://www.culturaldiplomacy.de/index.php?en_application-form_academy- ...
... : http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/academy/index.php?en_academy
45% Brigitte27 10 Ianuarie 2013, 16:45:12
Unica - Muzica
45% s_kurt_u 20 Februarie 2012, 02:12:35
Profetul lui Gibran - o care de exceptie
... -ne despre iubire:

"Cand iubirea va face semn, ...
...  urmati-i indemnul,
Chiar daca drumurile-i sunt grele  ...
...  sa va sfarme visurile, asemenea vantului din miazanoapte care va pustieste  ...
...  fragile care freamata in lumina soarelui,
Tot la fel va razbate pana in adancul  ...
...  lor cu pamantul.
Asemeni snopilor de grau, ea va secera.
Va treiera pentru a  ...
...  descoji.
Va vantura spre a va curata de  ...
...  supusi.
Ca apoi sa va harazeasca focului sau, si sa puteti deveni painea sfanta  ...
...  cunoaste tainele inimii, si astfel sa deveniti o parte din inima Vietii.
Dar  ...
... , stapaniti de teama, veti cauta doar tihna si  ...
... ,
Spre a va intoarce in lumea fara de anotimpuri, unde veti rade dar nu cu  ...
...  voastra bucurie si unde veti plande dar nu in toate lacrimile  ...
... .
Iubirea nu se daruie decat pe sine si nu ia decat de la sine.
...  sa fie stapanita;
Fiindca iubirii ii e de-ajuns iubirea.
Cand iubiti, nu trebuie  ...
...  <<Creatorul este in inima mea>>, ci mai degraba <<eu sunt in inima Creatorului>>.
...  sa nu credeti ca puteti croi singuri drumul iubirii, ...
... .
Iubirea nu are nici o alta dorinta decat aceea de a se implini.
Dar daca  ...
...  ele acestea sa fie:
Sa te topesti si sa devii izvor ce susurul in noapte-si canta;
...  prea marii duiosii;
Sa fii ranit de intelegerea iubirii
Sa sangerezi de  ...
...  si sa inalti multumire pentru inca o zi de iubire;
Sa te odihnesti la ceasul  ...
...  te intorci impacat acasa la ora amurgului;
Si, apoi, sa dormi inaltand in inima o  ...
...  pentru cel iubit, iar pe buze un cantec de lauda." ...
45% S 23 Decembrie 2008, 19:51:18
Uniunea mistica: Iubire, extaz si experiente mistice
...  oameni singuri, care nu au un cerc de prieteni cu care sa-si impartaseasca  ...
... , metafizce, esoterice. Acest fel de oameni, nu-si gasesc locul in societate, ...
...  ei sunt diferiti de oamenii normali; ei abordeaza actul  ...
...  senzatie sublima, care conduce la stari de constiinta modificata, adica la " ...
...  muzica este cea care ne leaga pentru ca deschide de multe ori canalele de  ...
45% S 26 Decembrie 2008, 13:51:27
The International Conference on Cultural Diplomacy in the EU
...  in the European Project"
(Brussels, December 6th - 9th, 2011)


Dear  ...
... , journalists, young professionals, students and scholars and other interested  ...
...  fields of politics, civil society, academia, and the media.

We are currently  ...
...  regards,

Mark Donfried
Director & Founder
Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD)
...  in the European Project"
(Brussels, December 6th - 9th, 2011)
www.eu- ...
... -conference.org

Dear Sir/ Madam,

The Institute for  ...
...  will take place in Brussels during December 2011. The program will bring  ...
... , journalists, young professionals, students and scholars and other interested  ...
...  fields of politics, civil society, academia, and the media.

The International  ...
...  in the European Project"
(Brussels, December 6th - 9th, 2011)
www.eu- ...
...  first of a series of three conferences dedicated to enhancing awareness and  ...
...  currently facing Europe from the debt crisis, to crippling military  ...
...  to the debate over increased political and  ...
...  union—funneled through a thorough understanding of the historical and  ...
...  practitioners, young professionals, students and scholars, private sector figures, ...
... , and other interested stakeholders in international relations from  ...
... :
http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/cde/index.php?en_ecdc-2011-application-form  ...
...  relations at all levels. Over the past decade the ICD has grown to become one of  ...
... ’s largest independent cultural exchange organizations,  ...
...  among individuals of all cultural, academic, and professional backgrounds, from  ...
...  Institute for Cultural Diplomacy include the International Symposium on Cultural  ...
... ; The Hon. Rexhep Meidani - Former President of Albania; The Hon. Senator Tim  ...
...  Hon. Judge Theodor Meron - Former President of the International Criminal  ...
... , March 9th - 12th 2011 – www.biec.de ), which hosted The Hon. Nahas Angula -  ...
... .

Mark Donfried
Director & Founder

Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD) ...
...  here
Keep up-to-date with the latest developments in the field by following the  ...
...  e-mail contains privileged and confidential information intended only
for the  ...
...  or entity named above. If the reader of this
e-mail is not the intended  ...
for routing it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified  ...
... -mail in error, please reply to the
sender of such and delete the e-mail in its  ...
45% Brigitte27 06 Octombrie 2011, 12:40:32
Master of Arts Program in International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy
... Dear Sir/Madam,

On behalf of the  ...
...  do not hesitate to contact us at: academy@culturaldiplomacy.org

With warm  ...
...  and gratitude.

Respectfully yours,

Mark Donfried
...  & Founder
Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD)
... -masterprogram.org; Application Form>

Dear Sir/Madam,

The Institute for  ...
...  program will combine the traditional academic components of international  ...
...  in contemporary global affairs.

The Degree
While the study of political  ...
...  has been a cherished tradition of academia, the developments outlined above  ...
...  the identification of entirely new theories and  ...
... . An understanding of the challenges faced by the  ...
...  Relations and Diplomacy should not be understood only as disciplines of Political  ...
...  about the program curriculum is found under:
http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/ ...
DIU and the ICD do not consider any one element of an application  ...
... . Rather, our admissions panel considers academic achievement as well as  ...
...  and willingness to take on new academic challenges. Additional factors, such  ...
...  process. Our aim is to attract students from a variety of backgrounds and  ...
... .

Further information is found under: &nbsp;

http://www.culturaldiplomacy. ...
... /academy/index.php?en_ma_admissions

Online  ...
In order to provide access to this MA degree to  ...
...  to Berlin and Dubrovnik for the MA degree (such as professionals or diplomats  ...
...  full time jobs) we have developed &nbsp;an online version of the  ...
...  Relations and Cultural Diplomacy. This degree would follow the same structure and  ...
...  of the on-site Masters Degree offered through the two  ...
... . For more information about this online degree, please contact us at: academy@ ...
...  relations at all levels. Over the past decade the ICD has grown to become one of  ...
... ’s largest independent cultural exchange organizations,  ...
...  among individuals of all cultural, academic, and professional backgrounds, from  ...
...  address any additional queries to academy@culturaldiplomacy.org

With warm  ...
...  and gratitude.

Respectfully yours,

Mark Donfried
...  & Founder

Institute for Cultural Diplomacy ( ...
...  here
Keep up-to-date with the latest developments in the field by following the  ...
...  e-mail contains privileged and confidential information intended only
for the  ...
...  or entity named above. If the reader of this
e-mail is not the intended  ...
... &nbsp; &nbsp;
for routing it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified  ...
...  e-mail in error, please reply to the
sender of such and delete the e-mail in its  ...
45% ICD Berlin 04 Octombrie 2011, 12:20:25
Materialele viitorului
45% Lucian Velea 08 Noiembrie 2008, 19:39:35
Eckhart Tolle la Findhorn
... Partea întăi

http://video.google.co.uk/ ...
... .swf?docId=5857536286040180959&fs=true

Partea a doua

http://video.google.co.uk/ ...
45% Lucian Velea 22 Iunie 2009, 17:34:44
Cursuri de teatru pentru copii
...  Fără Frontiere pregăteşte în vacanţa de vară o serie de ateliere destinate  ...
...  structură se bazează pe o varietate de metode teatrale, în special pe  ...
...  şi joc. Acesta îşi propune să dezvolte capacitatea de colaborare a  ...
...  şi să ajute la menţinerea potenţialului lor creativ.

Arta improvizaţiei îi  ...
...  pe copii cu diferite forme de artă teatrală într-un cadru lipsit de  ...
...  competiţie, ajutându-i să comunice, să devină mai încrezători, să-şi dezvolte  ...
...  corporală şi intuiţia.

Atelierele de vară sunt o alternativă ce îmbină  ...
...  cu distracţia, ajutând copiii să se dezvolte armonios şi să-şi petreacă timpul  ...
...  într-un mod plăcut, interactiv.

· Vârstă participanţi: 7 –  ...
· Locaţie: str. Jean Louis Calderon 33

Contact & înscrieri: tff@ ...
45% Lucian Velea 21 Iunie 2009, 12:27:22
Pe mine mă cheamă Ion
în Umor

Pe mine mă cheamă Ion de către tunaru
...  călător pătrunde într-un compartiment de tren în care un  ...
...  o masă copioasă şi se pregătea "de atac". Noul venit vrea să se lipească  ...
...  el aşa că deschide discuţia:
- Pe mine mă cheamă Ion. ...
La care al doilea răspunde mucalit:
- Dacă te cheamă, eu zic să te  ...
45% tunaru 20 Iunie 2009, 10:49:45
Marlene Dietrich - Îngerul albastru
în Filme

45% Lucian Velea 02 Septembrie 2008, 21:25:52
The Berlin International Economics Congress 2013
...  Intercultural Relations, Sustainable Development, Ecological Tourism, &  ...
... , March 6th – 10th, 2013)

The Berlin International Economics  ...
...  is the world's largest tourism trade fair.

The 2013 Congress will focus on  ...
...  the uses of socially sustainable development, ecological tourism, and  ...
...  of lectures, seminars, workshops, debates, and panel discussions that will  ...
...  International Economics & Politics, Academia, Investment, Development, Tourism,  ...
• The Importance of Free and Fair Trade in Global Development
• The Use of  ...
...  governmental & diplomatic officials, academics, artists, journalists, civil  ...
... , young professionals and students as well as other interested  ...
...  during the Conference will include dignitaries and current and former  ...
...  economics & politics and law, academy, the private sector, the diplomatic  ...
... .

Speaker for the Conference include:

The Hon. Dr. Vasile Puşcaş, Jean  ...
... ; Former Director of UNDP’s Office of Development Studies
Dr. Gerhard Prätorius,  ...
... ; Former Greek Minister for Development
Jan Philipp Goertz, Director,  ...
...  attendance
All participants will be awarded an official certificate of attendance  ...
...  of the program, which will provide details of the speakers who took part  ...
... : http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/academy/index.php?en_biec2013_application- ...
...  more information please visit: www.biec.de
45% Brigitte27 10 Ianuarie 2013, 16:43:41
Programul de vara Young Leaders Forum
...  Berlin va organiza programul „Young Leaders Forum” destinat studentilor din toate  ...
...  lumii. De-a lungul verii vor avea loc mai multe  ...
... . Durata fiecarei conferinte va fi de 6-7 zile, unde un grup de aproximativ  ...
... -40 de studenti vor dezbate asupra evolutiilor  ...
...  in lumea culturala, precum si impactul deciziilor economice si politice la nivel  ...
... , participantii vor avea posibilitatea de a participa intr-un program interactiv  ...
...  conferinte, ceea ce va oferii sansa studentilor si tinerilor profesionali de a  ...
...  legaturi directe si de a extinde retelele profesionale. De  ...
...  carora participantii vor avea sansa de a se bucura de o sedere cat mai placuta. ...
... .icd-ylf.org (Application form). Taxa de participare este de 195 euro, si nu  ...
... , masa si transportul. Pentru mai multe detalii, vizitati site-ul ICD, sau  ...
...  cu sediul in Berlin. Fondata in 1999 de catre Mark Donfried, activitatile sale  ...
...  concentreaza pe promovarea si dezvoltarea in domeniul diplomatiei  ...
...  ?i programe, precum si prin organizarea de conferinte internationale si diferite  ...
...  de evenimente.
Persoana de contact:
...  Kononiuk – Director de proiect
Telefon: 00.49.(0)30.2360-7680
45% Brigitte27 07 Iunie 2012, 16:17:02
Fragmente din Sentinta, roman in curs de aparitie

O arsură ca-n urma bisturiului în gingii şi gura i se potopi cu sânge.  ...
... -am făcut! Şi arăta mulţimii lama cuţitului cu care-l făcuse. Şi mulţimea striga:  ...
... -l să-l vedem! Şi voia li se împlini. Şi-un val de  ...
...  voastre.

Şi poporul înfierbântat râdea. Şi-l încuraja: să vină televiziunea!  ...
... , nu fi neam de traistă, cheamă televiziunea! Nu-i  ...
...  coborau uliţa spre biserică; prin uşile deschise, pe deasupra forfotei, interiorul  ...
...  lumânărilor care nu se ofereau ochiului.

Anticristu’! Şi când au început să  ...
...  ar fi vrut să spună ceva, încercarea lui era întâmpinată cu huiduieli şi  ...
...  după Ignat, sau măcar să-i spună parola de la telefon c-a uitat-o. Şi sta poporul  ...
...  ce se va mai întâmpla şi îşi bătea joc de poliţist zicând, n-ai parulă, n-ai  ...
... , n-ai sulă! Şi deasupra lui flutura scris cu litere de-o  ...
... . Iar Simonsen striga din spate, varsă adevărul Sven, e Istorie! Istorie, Sven!

... , un anonim în marş învârtit, vorba lui Jiri, fără sfârşit, fără început...  ...
...  cu primul tren în mijlocul unei armate de fotoreporteri, pliurile bluzei albe de  ...
...  de o parte şi alta a sânilor şi curentul  ...
...  urechi şi liniştea şi pacea şi huruitul de circuite intercalate... Ventriculele şi  ...
... , ele trebuie să fi fost...

Şi-un demonstrant citea de pe hârtia pe care Tan, ...
...  înainte de a muri, încercase s-o-nghită:

„Când  ...
...  în mine, e ca şi când, partea aceea din mine - miezul meu-, care e  ...
... -mă simt cum miezul ăsta se învăluie treptat în al tău şi eu intru înăutrul  ...
... ... Apoi, cu fiecare pătrundere, tot mai adânc, suprafeţele lor de  ...
...  care se topesc unu-n-tra-ltul până devin un singur aliaj. Şi nu mai sunt eu.  ...
...  să strige: „Iată dovada!” Şi să-i ceară lui Hannibal care citea să afle cine este  ...
...  face. Şi-a pornit în fruntea unei cete de vreo cinşpe inşi înspre Jiri. Fiindcă  ...
...  „Voiţi să-l aflaţi pe ucigaş sau să-l pedepsim pe mincinos?” Dar mulţimea nu mai  ...
...  răbdare să asculte, se îmboldeau unul pe altul să sfârşească ce  ...
...  înţelegea ce voiau cu el, s-a alăturat lui Hannibal şi a zis, este o poveste de  ...
...  se spune şi să răspundă la întrebarea lui, voiesc să afle ucigaşul sau să-l  ...
...  învârtită.

„Sentinţa” - un roman de Necredinciosu
45% Talida 11 Mai 2010, 05:32:10
The September Session of the ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy

The September Session of the ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy: “Assessing  ...
... , 7th – 12th September 2010)

The Academy Session will explore the history and  ...
...  of cultural diplomacy and will provide a platform for discussions on a diverse  ...
...  and integration, language and identity, citizenship, and the role of  ...
...  addition to looking at the history and development of the field of cultural  ...
...  across the world, the forthcoming Academy Session will focus on the societal,  ...
...  culture. In particular, it will consider how artistic and other cultural  ...
...  objectives, strengthen cross-cultural understanding, and improve tourism and  ...
...  September Session of the ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy will take part  ...
...  art to cross cultural and national borders (more)

The Program is open to  ...
...  from academics, diplomatic and political  ...
...  journalists, young professionals and students, stakeholders from the private  ...
...  speakers during the Seminar will include leading figures and experts from  ...
...  politics, academia, the diplomatic community, civil  ...
... :

Europe Meets Latin America: A  ...
...  for Young Leaders:"Emphasizing Commonalities or  ...
...  Latin America play an important role in determining the nature of contemporary  ...
... , however, scholars and key stakeholders have emphasised the importance of  ...
...  addition to looking at this history and development of cultural diplomacy and its  ...
...  EMLA Weeklong Seminar will consider these two approaches and the extent to  ...
...  seminar is open to applications from academics, diplomatic and political  ...
...  journalists, young professionals and students and other individuals with an  ...
... .

Confirmed speakers for the Forum include:

To get further information on or  ...
... ://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/youngleadersforums/index.php?en_forums_emla_about

...  Congress (BIHRC): "Human Rights and Democracy in a Globalized World - Moving  ...
...  of the fields of human rights and democracy. The event will explore  ...
...  in these areas over the past two decades and will then consider the key  ...
...  will consist of lectures, seminars, debates and panel discussions that will  ...
...  international politics & diplomacy, academia, civil society, international  ...
...  Speakers for the Congress include:

• Dr. Emil Constantinescu; ICD  ...
...  Member - Former President of Romania
• HE Lt. Jerry John  ...
... ; Former President of Ghana
• Mark C. Donfried;  ...

The conference participants will include young professionals, students and  ...
... , and other interested stakeholders from across the world.

To get  ...
... :


**** ...
...  relations at all levels. Over the past decade the ICD has grown to become one of  ...
... ’s largest independent cultural exchange organizations,  ...
...  between individuals of all cultural, academic, and professional backgrounds, from  ...
...  Institute for Cultural Diplomacy include “A World without Walls: An  ...
...  Power”, Cultural Diplomacy and Interdependence”, which marked the twentieth  ...
...  in International Economics (www.biec.de). In May 2010 the ICD hosted The  ...
... .org ). Speakers in this event included Bertie Ahern - Former Prime minister  ...
...  ICD Advisory Board Member - Former President of Romania; Sir Malcolm Rifkind -  ...
...  of the United Kingdom; Kjell Magne Bondevik - Former Prime Minister of Norway;  ...
...  ICD Advisory Board Member - Former President of Latvia.
45% Brigitte27 19 August 2010, 15:39:03
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