25 Aprilie 2024, 19:28:53 *

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Titlul Relevanţa Creat de Data mesajului
dictionar de rime online
...  dicționar de rimă, ce crezi?
https://www.prime- ...
52.5% rimarima 11 August 2018, 23:32:40
Domnule Lucian Velea
...  Velea
Nu mai funcţionează sistemul acela pe care l-aţi creat?  ...
...  adăugarea textelor acelui individ Ion Dunăreanu, de ce nu-l blocaţi? Nu se  ...
50.1% Vedetot Ion 31 Ianuarie 2022, 14:39:40
Simple ...gînduri
Simple ...gînduri de către acdc
...  este deschisă, dar de data asta acționează invers, "sugînd" pistonul dinspre  ...
... , după care suprafața lucrativă este acționată, și acționează la rîndul ei ca o  ...
...  ar fi interne, precum forța gravitațională, Universul, ascultător, ar fi urmat  ...
...  creșterea progresivă a forței gravitaționale, pe măsura concentrării masei. Dacă  ...
... , sub acțiunea unei forțe gravitaționale a unui corp mai amplu sau sistem  ...
...  faptul că o gaură neagră clasică, acționează asupra înprejurului în sensul  ...
...  masă. În acest caz, dificil, putem raționa în sensul în care, deja fiind vorba de  ...
...  prin care manifestarea expansionistă a Universului să aibă loc pur și  ...
...  "Bulei Universale". Așadar, orice raționament ai ataca, acest comportament de  ...
... , mai în serios, consider totuși că raționamentul expus mai sus, nu suferă de  ...
49.1% acdc 21 Mai 2017, 16:04:48
...  crea din personajele de basm ale lui Ion Creanga tipul taranului roman, desi in  ...
48.7% vanghelis007 24 August 2009, 09:37:02
"Amorul artei..."
"Amorul artei..." de către Roman Sadea
47.2% Roman Sadea 16 Decembrie 2016, 11:14:46
Sacralitatea in impas ?
46.4% acdc 20 Mai 2016, 16:40:29
versuri putin filosofice
46.2% ardeiu nic 16 Noiembrie 2013, 01:09:09
...dintr-o bucată.
...dintr-o bucată. de către acdc
46.2% acdc 22 Aprilie 2016, 17:20:39
Youth Education & Development Advancement
Forthcoming Events & Programs: International Conferences, E-Learning Programs,  ...
...  Leaders´ Forums & Professional Training Programs
(November, 2013 -  ...
... , 2014)

Youth Education & Development Advancement
Young Leaders& ...
... .org/academy/index.php?en_ccds_applications-forms

The Young Leaders' Forums  ...
...  international networks of like-minded young  ...
... , and sustaining intercultural relations. Over the past decade, the ICD Young  ...
...  independent cultural exchange organizations, hosting programs that facilitate  ...
...  of all cultural, academic, and professional backgrounds from across the world.

...  are currently accepting applications for the following conferences:

...  Leaders (AME)
"Engaging Cultural Tradition into Dual Strategies of Progress"
...  Sino-Nigerian Intercultural Relations for better Political, Commercial, &  ...
...  Cooperation"
(Berlin; December 3rd – 7th, 2013)
...  Cultural Engagement between Two Regional Powers”
(Washington D.C.; November  ...
... “Cementing Nigeria-US Intercultural Relations: Economic Stability & Security through  ...
...  Action
(Washington D.C.; November 3rd – 7th,  ...
"Formulating Ethiopian-American Cooperation Strategies for the next Decade"

For further information please contact us at: info@ ...
45.8% Brigitte27 22 Octombrie 2013, 16:48:17
Trans Continental Cooperation in Africa
Forthcoming Events & Programs: International Conferences, E-Learning Programs,  ...
...  Leaders´ Forums & Professional Training Programs
(November, 2013 -  ...
...  ==============================

International Conferences

The following events  ...
...  2014:

Trans Continental Cooperation in Africa
"The Future of the Millennium  ...
...  Goals in the African Union"
(Addis Ababa; January 27th – 31st,  ...
...  – Held Parallel to African Union Summit)
www.culturaldiplomacy.org/ ...
... .org/academy/index.php?en_ccds_applications-forms

Two years away from the  ...
...  set by the United Nations Millennium Declaration, the ICD´s  ...
...  Development Goals in the African Union aims to review the progress already  ...
... .

Conference Participants
Participation in the conference is open to  ...
... , journalists, civil society practitioners, private sector representatives,  ...
...  professionals and students as well as other  ...
... .

If you would like to reserve a position and participate in the conference,  ...
...  below and submit the online application form:
http://www.culturaldiplomacy.de/ ...
...  figures and experts from international politics, the diplomatic community  ...
...  like to be considered for presentation at the conference as well as being  ...
...  governments and leaders of the international community worldwide.

Certificate of  ...
...  certificate of attendance upon completion of the program, which will provide  ...
... ;s Advisory Board.
For further information please contact us at: info@ ...
45.8% Brigitte27 22 Octombrie 2013, 16:50:43
Geniu de Stiinta Roman - Realizarea Imposibilului
...  de descifrat (unbreakable encryption)
3. am gasit o noua sursa de energie

45.8% OvidiuAnghelidi 22 Octombrie 2013, 20:42:51
The Washington, D.C. Summit on Cross-Continental Cooperation 2013
... .C. Summit on Cross-Continental Cooperation 2013
"Future Prospects in Enhancing  ...
...  Cooperation to Secure Political, Economic, and  ...
... , 2013)

The recent deterioration  ...
...  US-Russian relations was made more evident by President  ...
... 's decision to cancel an official meeting with  ...
...  Putin and by the tense negotiations on the Syrian Crises. These events  ...
...  an urgent need for the International Community to take action to enhance  ...
... -continental cooperation.

This current situation between  ...
...  the significant differences of opinion on policies between the world's  ...
...  that further development of international inter-connectivity remains secured  ...
...  goals, thus devising potential solutions for contemporary and future world  ...
...  intercultural dialogue between nations, consequently bringing the  ...
... .C. Summit on Cross-Continental Cooperation" will therefore explore the ways in  ...
...  a successful cross-continental coalition. The following issues will be examined  ...
...  explored in the Summit:
• The Promotion of Democracy and Human Rights
• The  ...
...  Security Council and International Law
• The Middle East Conflicts
•  ...
...  Prosperity
• Intercultural Relations as a Vehicle to Strengthen  ...
...  Relations

The Summit is operated under the  ...
...  the ICD Advisory Board.

Summit Locations
Based in Washington D.C, the Summit  ...
...  political, historic, and cultural locations across the city. Featured locations  ...
...  The Embassy of Italy to the USA
• National Public Radio (NPR)

Summit  ...
Participation in the conference is open to  ...
... , journalists, civil society practitioners, private sector representatives,  ...
...  professionals and students as well as other  ...
... .

If you would like to reserve a position and participate in the conference,  ...
...  below and submit the online application form:
http://www.culturaldiplomacy.de/ ...
...  governments and leaders of the international community following the summit.

...  Certificate of Attendance upon completion of the program, which will provide  ...
...  ICD Advisory Board.
For further information please contact us info@ ...
45.7% Brigitte27 18 Octombrie 2013, 10:53:56
The ICD Annual Conference on Cultural Diplomacy 2013
...  Diplomacy & Cross Continental Cooperation: Building Bridges between Europe, USA,  ...
... , 2013)

The Annual Conference on  ...
...  fields of cultural diplomacy & international relations, peace building, human  ...
...  series on Cross Continental Co-operation; The Annual conference will be the  ...
... . Ranging from broad topics of discussion to specific areas within the field of  ...
...  goals, thus devising potential solutions for contemporary and future world  ...
...  intercultural dialogue between nations, consequently bringing the  ...
...  prosperous future.

Conference Locations
Based in Berlin, the conference will  ...
...  political, historic, and cultural locations across the city.

Conference  ...
Participation in the conference is open to  ...
... , journalists, civil society practitioners, private sector representatives,  ...
...  professionals and students as well as other  ...
...  figures and experts from international politics, the diplomatic community  ...
...  like to be considered for presentation at the conference as well as being  ...
...  governments and leaders of the international community worldwide.

Certificate of  ...
...  certificate of attendance upon completion of the program, which will provide  ...
... .

If you would like to reserve a position and participate in the conference,  ...
...  below and submit the online application form:
http://www.culturaldiplomacy.de/ ...
...  governments and leaders of the international community following the summit.

...  Certificate of Attendance upon completion of the program, which will provide  ...
...  ICD Advisory Board.
For further information please contact us info@ ...
45.7% Brigitte27 18 Octombrie 2013, 10:58:33
"Sîrmă ghimpată"...sau "Pod de flori"...?
45.4% acdc 19 Noiembrie 2015, 11:51:36
Free Hugs vs Deluxe Hugs 2$
în Umor

45% Lucian Velea 29 Aprilie 2009, 23:25:47
The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in the EU
The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in  ...
...  Economic Growth, Further Integration and Common Identity: Moving towards a  ...
...  July 3rd - 5th, 2013)

Since its foundation the EU has undergone multiple  ...
...  economic spheres. Today, the European Union consists of 27 member states, all of  ...
...  politically and economically- the region still faces challenges in terms of  ...
... , bridging the gap between institutions and citizens, and creating a common  ...
...  and to maintain its leading position in the global arena.

The International  ...
...  and future challenges of the European Union, and will elaborate on the role of  ...
...  Diplomacy in improving European relations, enhancing cross-cultural  ...
...  peace and stability in the region.

Conference Location
Based in Brussels, ...
...  political, historic, and cultural locations across the city, and will consist of  ...
...  to the country's top institutions and landmarks. Featured locations  ...
...  include: European Parliament, in addition to various foreign embassies and  ...
...  institutions.

Conference Speakers
Speakers during  ...
...  figures and experts from international politics, economics, academia,  ...
... .

Conference Participants
Participation in the conference is open to  ...
... , artists, civil society practitioners, private sector representatives,  ...
...  professionals, and students, as well as other  ...
... .php?en_iscd-2013

For more information please visit:
http://www. ...
45% Brigitte27 12 Iunie 2013, 11:29:33
The European African Alliance Conference 2012
... “Call for Applications”
(ICD Conferences, November 2011 –  ...
... , I am writing to bring to your attention the following major program (outlined  ...
...  partnership with other leading organizations. The Program will bring together  ...
...  officials, civil society practitioners, private sector representatives,  ...
... , young professionals, students and scholars, and other  ...
... , workshops, panel and group discussions and social and cultural activities  ...
... .

We are currently accepting applications for this event and I would be grateful  ...
...  announcement by forwarding the information below to anyone you think may be  ...
Development Initiatives, Trade Relations and Interregional Cultural Exchange in  ...
... . This conference will focus on the relationship between Europe and Africa in the  ...
...  of Cultural Diplomacy.

Africa’s relationship with Europe and European  ...
...  and relevant topic for discussion today. The program will consist of  ...
... , seminars, debates and panel discussions that will feature leading figures from  ...
...  analyze economic issues such as migration and employment, political issues such  ...
...  the use and affect of institutions, democracy and international relations  ...
... /index.php?en_eaac-2012_application-form

ICD Young Leaders Forums:
www.icd- ...
Development Initiatives, Trade Relations and Interregional Cultural Exchange in  ...
...  seminar will take part in the International Conference “The European African  ...
...  - 13th, 2012)

Thank you for your attention and for your cooperation in sharing the  ...
45% Brigitte27 21 Octombrie 2011, 12:43:43
Negru Latent
Negru Latent de către dragosNL
45% dragosNL 20 Octombrie 2010, 10:38:32
Pentru cei cu veleitati artistice
Pentru cei cu veleitati artistice de către Tergiversareatimpului
45% Tergiversareatimpului 05 Martie 2011, 01:26:26
The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in the UK
The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in  ...
...  throughout the Commonwealth on Nations: International Cooperation across Six  ...
...  good economic and human rights situation, there is still some room for  ...
...  colonies within the Commonwealth of Nations. In an attempt to improve the  ...
...  and economic situations in a number of member states and  ...
...  states and establishing an organization-wide responsibility for the  ...
...  beliefs including democracy, international peace, and universal human rights.

...  International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in  ...
...  will focus on effective implementation strategies for the New Charter of the  ...
...  Diplomacy can play among the organization’s members in achieving greater  ...
...  and collaboration, thus promoting prosperity and  ...
...  understanding and collaboration, helping to promote economic prosperity, ...
...  a new stability for the organization as a whole.

Conference Location
Based  ...
...  political, historic, and cultural locations across the city.

Conference Speakers
...  figures and experts from international politics, economics, academia,  ...
... .

Conference Participants
Participation in the conference is open to  ...
... , artists, civil society practitioners, private sector representatives,  ...
...  professionals, and students, as well as other  ...
... .php?en_iscd-2013

For more information please visit:
http://www. ...
45% Brigitte27 12 Iunie 2013, 11:32:01
The September Session of the ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy
...  for Applications

The September Session of the  ...
...  – 12th September 2010)

The Academy Session will explore the history and  ...
...  and will provide a platform for discussions on a diverse range of related issues  ...
...  immigration and integration, language and identity,  ...
...  between cultural communities.
In addition to looking at the history and  ...
...  diplomacy and its contemporary application across the world, the forthcoming  ...
...  Session will focus on the societal, economic,  ...
...  of the forthcoming September Session of the ICD Academy for Cultural  ...
...  take part in the forthcoming international conference: “The Language of Art &  ...
...  Hurricane Katrina in Berlin” an exhibition that highlights the power of art to  ...
...  cultural and national borders (more)

The Program is open  ...
...  applications from academics, diplomatic and  ...
...  representatives, civil society practitioners, journalists, young professionals  ...
...  individuals with an interest in international relations, cultural studies, and  ...
...  figures and experts from international politics, academia, the diplomatic  ...
...  the world.

To get further information on or apply to the program, please  ...
...  on European-Latin American Relations" (Berlin, 12th – 17th September 2010)

...  the nature of contemporary relations between the two regions, and between  ...
...  countries within the regions. Recently, however, scholars and key  ...
...  the importance of treating the two regions as distinct entities, and highlighting  ...
...  approach to foreign policies and regional agreements. In addition to looking at  ...
...  of cultural diplomacy and its application in bi-regional relations, the  ...
...  future of European-Latin American relations.
The seminar is open to applications  ...
...  representatives, civil society practitioners, journalists, young professionals  ...
...  in European Latin American relations, cultural studies, and global politics. ...
...  Forum include:

To get further information on or apply to the program, please  ...

The Berlin International Human Rights Congress (BIHRC): "Human  ...
...  World - Moving Towards an International Consensus" (Berlin, 1st - 4th October  ...
... )

The Berlin International Human Rights Congress (BIHRC) is an  ...
...  20th anniversary of German reunification that will offer an interdisciplinary  ...
...  consider the key issue shaping discussions on the international level today. The  ...
... , seminars, debates and panel discussions that will feature leading figures from  ...
... , academia, civil society, international development, and the private sector.  ...
...  20th anniversary of German reunification on the streets of Berlin.

Confirmed  ...
...  participants will include young professionals, students and scholars, civil  ...
...  practitioners, private sector representatives,  ...
...  the world.

To get further information on or apply to the program, please  ...
...  Cultural Diplomacy (ICD) is an international, not-for-profit, non-governmental  ...
...  and supporting intercultural relations at all levels. Over the past decade  ...
...  independent cultural exchange organizations, whose programs facilitate interaction  ...
...  of all cultural, academic, and professional backgrounds, from across the world.

...  “A World without Walls: An International Congress on “Soft Power”, Cultural  ...
...  2010, the ICD hosted the Berlin International Economics Congress: An  ...
...  Politics & Civil Society in International Economics (www.biec.de). In May 2010  ...
...  ICD hosted The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy 2010 ( ...
... .icd-interantionalsymposium.org ). Speakers in this  ...
45% Brigitte27 19 August 2010, 15:39:03
"Zece pentru România" - sau care ne sunt valorile
45% Lucian Velea 14 Septembrie 2008, 16:49:13
Frank Zappa despre declinul industriei muzicale (şi alte lucruri)
45% Lucian Velea 26 Aprilie 2009, 11:33:28
The ICD Annual Academic Conference on Cultural Diplomacy 2011
... “Call for Applications”
(ICD Conferences, November 2011 –  ...
... , I am writing to bring to your attention the following major program (outlined  ...
...  partnership with other leading organizations. The Program will bring together  ...
...  officials, civil society practitioners, private sector representatives,  ...
... , young professionals, students and scholars, and other  ...
... , workshops, panel and group discussions and social and cultural activities  ...
We are currently accepting applications for this event and I would be grateful  ...
...  announcement by forwarding the information below to anyone you think may be  ...
...  2011
“Cultural Diplomacy and International Relations: New Actors, New  ...
...  Cultural Diplomacy within International Relations. Ranging from broad topics  ...
...  discussion to specific areas of Cultural Diplomacy, ...
... /academy/index.php?en_aaccd-2011_application-form

Thank you for your attention  ...
...  for your cooperation in sharing the news of our upcoming  ...
45% Brigitte27 21 Octombrie 2011, 12:42:30
Italo Calvino - Daca intr-o noapte de iarna un calator...
45% maria_dobos 06 Martie 2009, 21:22:30
John Grisham - Testamentul
John Grisham - Testamentul de către maria_dobos
...  inteligenta este masurata direct proportional cu inselaciunile reusite de unul sau  ...
45% maria_dobos 26 Februarie 2009, 23:03:45
The 2012 Cultural Bridges in Germany Conference
... : Strengthening Intercultural Relations through the Arts, Sports, Politics and  ...
...  and work together, and as such the question of defining the German identity becomes  ...
...  major question for the German public at large. In  ...
...  in developing and maintaining international and intercultural relations both  ...
...  the framework of the EU and internationally. On a global level, the question of  ...
...  a main world focus for the next generations. Western countries are engaging with  ...
...  and strengthen multicultural relations both in Germany and worldwide. The  ...
...  cultural bridges in Germany and internationally. The Conference will consist of a  ...
...  of simultaneous sessions of lectures, panel discussions,  ...
...  roundtable discussions, seminars, group visits, excursion and  ...
...  unity.

Forum Participants >
Participation in the conference is open to  ...
... , artists, civil society practitioners, private sector representatives,  ...
...  professionals and students as well as other  ...
... .

If you would like to reserve a position and participate in the conference,  ...
...  figures and experts from international politics (including head of states  ...
...  strengthening German intercultural relations in addition to exploring the  ...
...  Germany, both domestically and internationally. The forums provide a platform for  ...
...  discussion and exchange on salient issues  ...
...  and economic subjects. At the international level, the program seeks to analyze  ...
...  new world order. Through these discussions and exchanges, the forums play a  ...
...  role in strengthening relations between Germany's cultural  ...
...  and between its international partners.

The following Weeklong  ...
...  Seminars will participate in international conference: The 2012 Cultural Bridges  ...
...  for Cultural Diplomacy is an international, not-for-profit, non-governmental  ...
...  independent cultural exchange organizations, whose programs facilitate interaction  ...
...  the world.

Thank you for your attention and for your cooperation in sharing the  ...
45% Brigitte27 25 Septembrie 2012, 12:26:57
The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy 2011
...  International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy 2011
“ ...
...  Age of Interdependence, Digital Revolution, and Social Media”
(Berlin, 11th-15th  ...
... /index.php?en_conferences_the-international-symposium-on-cultural-diplomacy-2011

...  the past two decades from an international system based on independent nation  ...
...  and analyzed. At the level of international relations the change is accompanied  ...
... . Similarly, issues that have traditionally been considered of domestic concern  ...
...  been given an international dimension: national policies on  ...
... , healthcare, education, and economics must increasingly be  ...
...  with international partners.

In addition to the changes  ...
...  development can be identified in national and international politics: Digital  ...
...  and social media are revolutionizing the interaction between  ...
...  range of people about new policies, opinions, and initiatives. For citizens, the  ...
... , these developments mean that interaction between politicians and citizens is  ...
... . Moreover, the information is flowing in two directions: Campaigns  ...
...  can be seen to influence the presentation of policy decisions, but also the  ...
...  themselves. In countries where traditional media are state controlled, social  ...
... , and express the “mood of the nation”.

The International Symposium on  ...
...  responsibility horizontally, across national barriers, and vertically, between  ...
The Symposium is open to applications from diplomatic and political  ...
... , civil society practitioners, private sector figures, journalists, ...
...  young professionals, students and scholars, and other  ...
...  stakeholders in international relations from across the world.

The  ...
...  application form can be found under:
http://www. ...
... /index.php?en_symposium2011_application-form

Symposium Speakers
Speakers  ...
...  figures and experts from international politics, academia, the diplomatic  ...
...  ICD Advisory Board (for further information about the Advisory Board please click  ...
...  certificate of attendance upon completion of the program, which will provide  ...
...  into the fields of culture, globalization, and international relations. In this  ...
...  your own particular interests and passions. Participants can submit work that  ...
...  will become part of a growing international network of people from across the  ...
...  the ICD Online Network.

For any additional information please address any  ...
45% Brigitte27 14 Martie 2011, 17:10:25
The Art as Cultural Diplomacy Conference: A Forum for Young Leaders (ACD)
...  Leaders (ACD)
“Contemporary International Dialogue: Art-based Developments and  ...
...  Shared between Nations”
London; August 21st - 26th, 2013

...  a network of students and young professionals who have an interest in exploring  ...
...  role of artistic and cultural expression in providing a platform for  ...
...  intercultural relations at regional, national, and local  ...
...  together and foster wider, deeper relations on an academic, cultural and political  ...
...  growth, and contribute to the creation of innovative policy-oriented solutions  ...
...  and cultures.

Conference Location
Art as Cultural Diplomacy: A Forum for  ...
...  political, historic, and cultural locations across London, and will consist of  ...
...  the country's top artistic institutions. Featured locations during the  ...
...  Park and The British Museum, in addition to various foreign embassies and  ...
...  institutions.

Conference Speakers
Speakers during  ...
...  and experts in the arts, international affairs, the diplomatic community,  ...
... .

Conference Participants
Participation in the conference is open to  ...
... , artists, civil society practitioners, private sector representatives,  ...
...  professionals, and students, as well as other  ...
... .de/index.php?en_application-form_weeklong-seminars

For more  ...
45% Brigitte27 12 Iunie 2013, 11:31:22
Mama lui Emil cel Mic
în Umor

45% S 19 Decembrie 2008, 20:22:39
Pagini: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 9